What kind of world will we be living in the future

what kind of world are we living in

an uncertain and complex world

just take a look at this generation it’s


different and incomparable to any other

previous generations

take a look at this year in particular

your 2020. i remember

how a new year’s eve last year we had

these amazing plans for the new decade

who knew kowitt would take our world

this pandemic has completely

revolutionized the way we look at our


which is obviously not surprising right

as change has always been permanent and


it’s always been happening with us

evolving with us evolving

for us evolving due to us

covet has truly shaken our world economy

our education systems are pressurized

health care systems have stretched

their max unemployment levels have risen

and the list goes on

this has been going on for too long and

i think it is important to adapt to this

level of uncertainty

so what would we call this world

more precisely the vuca world

how many of you have heard about revuka

vuga stands for volatile

uncertain complex and ambiguous

mooca has gained a lot of popularity in

the recent years

it was first used in the us army


now used to describe a rapidly changing


volatile where changes are vigorous and


as we all have seen from the current

pandemic which has been unfolding

uncertain why changes make the future


due to the advancing technology and

what kind of careers would thrive in the

coming years with the emergence of

artificial intelligence and other


complex where there’s chaos and conflict

due to rising unknowns

we’ve all experienced the extent of

drastic changes

this year particularly these 10 months

be it in

employment government policies

education systems and general lifestyle


ambiguous where there’s lack of clarity

due to rising unknowns

and there is always a need to take risk

so it is fair to say that vuca has

become a way of life for us

right do you all agree

and will always be

don’t it so what do we do

simply accept it and deal with it

or learn how to solve it

but can we really solve it

let’s take a look eric mcnuttly

has said that vuca isn’t something to be


it’s simply it’s attempts to simplify


break down volatility uncertainty down

into smaller and smaller parts

in hopes that each one can be decoded


will not make them go away this means

it’s definitely not something we can


because not everything is in our control

if we take a look at the covert 19


it truly disrupted our world

and surely it wouldn’t have been avoided

or mastered would it

we don’t really have the survival

instincts to thrive

because not everything is in our control

so who is going to survive and thrive

those who are open to new changes

and thrive on new experiences

let’s take a look at the kobe 19


we’ve all been adjusting to it and

surely we will have to adjust

in the future talking about change

as youth we have really changed

we are very different from the


there’s a common stereotype followed

whenever we are about generation zed

that they learnt how to swipe

even before learning how to talk

well that’s funny but not much linked to

the youth of my age

so now the question arises

are we able to truly survive amidst

these uncertainties

are we adapting well because the future

is going to be

all about getting ahead of the curve

with the right mindset

and capabilities the ability

to think differently learn differently

act differently and feel differently is

going to make us stand out

to manage our futures

but however these days most youth face a

common issue

which is very important for the build-up

of self-esteem

to trigger uniqueness and innovation

it’s the lack of self-belief and

self-confidence which acts as a major


in maximizing potential with this in


i started an initiative called globe


globe uplift aims to bring youth

together from different parts of life

in hopes of creating a better future for

all of us

we are a team of over 65 individuals

from different parts of the world

passionate and willing to contribute to

today’s societal issues

by bringing economic social

political and environmental issues to


to foster youth involvement in today’s


we conduct live virtual talks and


we truly hope to create a world where we

as youth

feel empowered and we understand

our abilities understand our


and sense the power we have

in our voice i feel

together as a stronger force we can

drive change

or at least reinforce action

or individual reflection

to turn a rapidly changing world in our


it will require each of us to reform our


what do i mean by reforming our mindset

in order to grow get stronger and get


each one of us here needs to move from a


anxious mindset to a disruption

embracing mindset radical acceptance of

our reality

is necessary change

is not always good but it’s never

always a threat either although

we’re vulnerable we are equally


than we imagine ourselves to be

charles darwin has said it is not the

strongest of the species that survive

nor the most intelligent that survive

is the one most adaptable to change

soon this world is only going to stuff

with those

who are open to new changes and thrive

on new experiences old ways

are not going to open new doors for us

in the presence of luca we need to start


change as part of our culture as

that’s how real magic would be created

thank you
