Xiye Bastida If you adults wont save the world we will TED

Dear Abuelita,

I know I haven’t been home for a while.

You are in our lovely home in Mexico,

and I’m here in the US,

fighting for our future.

You’re probably watering the roses,

taking care of the peaches

and making sure your turtles are well-fed.

That’s one of the things
I miss the most about home –

spending time with the flowers

while you tell me stories
about your childhood.

As you know, we have been living
in New York City since 2015.

But life has completely changed
over the past year.

At first, New York City was about museums

and parks

and school and friends.

Now it serves as a web

that connects me with all the other people

who are organizing to save the planet.

You know how it started for me?

It was Dad and his wisdom.

Everything you taught him,
he went and taught the world.

All of his words about
the responsibility that we have as humans

to live in balance with nature

were passed down to me.

I noticed the universal
disconnect to our planet

and remembered what you once told me:

“Leave everything better
than you found it.”

I know you were talking about the dishes,

but of course, that applies
to the planet as well.

I didn’t know what to do at first.

The world is so big,

and it has so many bad habits.

I didn’t know how a 15-year-old
was supposed to change anything,

but I had to try.

To put this philosophy into practice,

I joined the environmental club
at my high school.

However, I noticed that my classmates
were talking about recycling

and watching movies about the ocean.

It was a view of environmentalism

that was so catered towards
an ineffective way of climate activism,

one that blames the consumer
for the climate crisis

and preaches that
temperatures are going up

because we forgot to bring
a reusable bag to the store.

You taught me that taking care
of Mother Earth

is about every decision
that we make as a collective.

I am happy to tell you, Abuelita,

that I changed everybody’s
mind in that club.

Instead of talking about recycling,

we started to write letters
to our politicians

to ban soft plastic altogether.

And then, the unexpected happened:

we started striking from school.

I know you’ve probably
seen it on the news,

and maybe it’s not that special anymore.

But at the time,
it was a huge deal, Abuelita.

Imagine kids not going to school,
because we want people to save the world.

(Video) Crowd: Another world
is possible! We are unstoppable!

Xiye Bastida: For the first
global climate strike,

which was called on by Greta Thunberg,

I got 600 of my classmates
to walk out with me.

Greta Thunberg is a teenager
who first started striking for climate.

Her boldness inspired me,

and I was shocked by the realization

that youth could turn
public opinion on social issues.

The movement exploded.

(Video) Crowd: Shut it down!

XB: And I became
one of the main organizers

for New York, the US and the world.

(Video) XB: What do we want?
Crowd: Climate justice!

XB: When do we want it?
Crowd: Now!

XB: I started speaking up about
climate justice and Indigenous rights

and intergenerational cooperation.

That was only the beginning, though.

The busiest week of my life

will forever be the week
of September 20, 2019.

Me and my friends got 300,000 people
to strike for climate in New York.

I wish you could have been there.

We walked through Wall Street,
demanding climate justice.

(Video) Crowd: No more coal, no more oil,
keep the carbon in the soil!

XB: That same month, I went
to the United Nations Climate Summit.

I spoke on a panel with Al Gore.

I met Jay Inslee and Naomi Klein
and Bill McKibben

and the president of the United Nations.

It was the most amazing week of my life,

because everyone I knew came together –

all my teachers, all my classmates …

And even some of my favorite stores
closed down to strike for climate.

If you had asked me why I did all of that,

my only answer would be,

“How could I not?”

It’s been one year
since it all started for me,

and it gets a little tiring at times.

But if there is one thing
that you taught me, it’s resilience.

I remember that you went to Mexico City
every day for 30 years

to get money for the family.

And I know that Abuelito
has been going out for 20 years

to protect sacred land from big companies
that want to take it.

A year is nothing

compared to the struggles
that our family has been through.

And if our struggles
make the world a better place,

they will make us better people.

There have been some hardships, Abuelita.

Out there in the world,

people expect us kids to know everything,

or at least they want us to.

They ask questions and I give answers,

as if I really knew how the world works.

They want hope, and we give it.

I have organized, written, spoken
and read about climate and policy

almost every day for the past year.

And I’m just a little worried

that I won’t be able
to do enough, Abuelita.

For me, being 18 years old
and trying to save the world

means being a climate activist.

Before, maybe it meant
studying to be a doctor

or a politician or a researcher.

But I can’t wait to grow up
and become one of those things.

The planet is suffering,

and we don’t have the luxury
of time anymore.

Saving the world as a teenager
means being good with words,

understanding the science
behind the climate crisis,

bringing a unique perspective
into the issue to stand out

and forgetting about
almost everything else.

But sometimes, I want to care
about other things again.

I want to be able to sing
and dance and do gymnastics.

I truly feel that if all of us
took care of the Earth

as a practice,

as a culture,

none of us would have to be
full-time climate activists.

When businesses turn sustainable,

when the power grid
runs on renewable energy,

when the school curriculum teaches us

that taking care of the Earth
is part of our humanity,

maybe I can do gymnastics once again.

Don’t you think so, Abuelita?

We can do this.

All I’m trying to do with my work

is give that optimistic mindset
to other people.

But it’s been a little hard.

There is greed,

there’s pride,

there’s money,

and there’s materialism.

People make it so easy
for me to talk to them,

but they make it so hard
for me to teach them.

I want them to have the confidence
to always do their best.

I want them to have
the heart and the courage

to love the world,

just like you taught me.

I wrote this letter to thank you.

Thank you for inviting me
to love the world

since the moment I was born.

Thank you for laughing at everything.

Thank you for teaching me

that hope and optimism
are the most powerful tools we have

to tackle any problem.

I do this work because you showed me

that resilience, love and knowledge

are enough to make a difference.

I want to go back to Mexico and visit you.

I want to show you the pictures
of the things that I have done.

I want to show you the climate legislation

that we’ve been able to pass.

I want to smell the flowers

and fight for climate justice
alongside you.

Te quiero mucho.

I love you.


[Te quiero mucho. Xiye.]