1000 Days of Writing Every Idea I got


unwritten idea is a universal loss one

bold statement and i fully believe in it

by the end of this talk you will too

over a thousand days i recorded

every thought i got how is that possible

first let me tell you how this started

my 1000 age journey began when i took

part in a 3d printing olympiad in 2017.

i had a great idea for a wheelchair that

would help amputees and quadriplegic


something if materialized would have

been a huge success

having imagined a wondrous invention on

my own i was quite excited about my

future endeavors

but to live without stress is to be dead

human beings get around 70

000 ideas a day and out of the many

unapparent ones

some ideas might just be life changing

my brain came up with this thought

and it’s true what if i miss out on

those amazing ideas

this is a loss that the universe would

face all

because i forgot my idea fearful of the

grave consequences

i began writing them down i wrote all my


this troubled my mom i often got up from

the bed and started writing on bits of


to the point where i would even scribble

on my walls i mean

no one said scribbling was bad was it

but all those sleepless nights have paid

off i have perfected the system

a system that allows you to record all

your thoughts and

solve all world crises i now present to

you my three step ritual to note taking

seventy thousand thoughts per day too

much to handle right

so i converted all possible tools into a

note taking system

memos diaries voice recorders sticky

notes whatsapp messenger chats

walls tissue paper you name it now the

next time you get an idea

you know where to store it ignore the

clutter focus on recording the ideas

just be sure to date and title the notes

correctly thoughts that seem irrelevant

to you

may be the big ticket for somebody so

remember to note down

everything note taking shouldn’t just be

a means of storing ideas

we want no taking to be a means to free

our heads and spark our minds to invent

more ideas

therefore the next step is revisiting

existing ideas by reviewing the notes

so the ideas are constantly worked upon

in an amazing engine

writing is thinking as your collection


you invent more ideas good times to

review would be

when you need to prepare a direct talk

or when you lack inspiration

or when you feel ready to conclude a

series of ideas

finally take actions on the things that

need your attention

remember ideation is a long process it

requires nudges from every possible


that wheelchair idea from before an idea

that i planted into my voice recorder in


was only realized last month in an

exhibition but

that journey is easier when you have

your idea notebook in hand

be it a journey of a thousand days

the world has seen pioneers and

visionaries like marco polo

winston churchill beethoven who owe

their success to their diaries

mary curie albert einstein thomas edison

benjamin franklin

they recorded their observations of

their experiments but also their why


leodano davinci’s legacy has been

preserved with over 7000 pages

of notes and illustrations charles

darwin kept numerous diaries to record


from his first sketch of an evolutionary

tree to the list of books to read

george rr martin’s song of ice and fire

the book series that inspired the game

of thrones

began as an entry in his notebook c.s

lewis once had a vivid dream when he was

16 and wrote down in his dream journal

that dream inspired the world of narnia

noting our everyday ideas seems like a

necessity only when there is a dedicated

brainstorming session

we think it’s too much work to note down

everyday ideas we must learn to unlearn


notion with this new note-taking tool

all your thoughts have found a home

because you can take it anywhere it’s

virtually everything

and hey you never know which one of your

napkins has got your billion dollar


speaking of which writing anything at

the back of a napkin

is so impractical they’re tricky to

write on without tearing

and which side is the back but say that

of the physicist who drew up the mri

scanner at a sandwich joint

to the architects of the seattle space

needle to the animators of pixar

to jk rowling who created the magical

world of hogwarts

while waiting for the train just imagine

what a world would be like if it wasn’t

for the little urge

to record those ideas during my 1000


i blindly recorded everything including

what may be some passing irrelevant


i made a collection of my daily

reflections mistakes

choices funny sketches and even


this is when i realized that hidden in

my notes are solutions to my everyday


and small lessons that i wouldn’t have

learned otherwise simple lessons like

science fair projects they need to be

more than just a mere display of charts

or how i can be a better team player or

finding out that the reason i


is due to my fear of failure you know

the best thing about writing

you decide and solve matters on your own

hence accepting changes in life is a

piece of cake

remember that enormous collection of

journals that you never completed well

you don’t need to worry now because now

the diary just comes with you

anywhere you go these notes reflect your


they show how powerful your thoughts can

be they are your best teachers

and a collection of billion dollar ideas

man i feel like golem the hobbit with my


ideas writing is the conversion of

energy into mass

it cements the words born from your mind

into tangible particles of ink on paper

noting down your thoughts and ideas

forces you to analyze

everything making new neural connections

and new creative interpretations

so what has 1 000 days of writing show

to me

it has given me solutions to my everyday

problems and

possibly a billion dollars so are you

sitting on an idea

no matter how small or outlandish it may

be write it down

and turn it into reality you never know

your idea could change the world for the


don’t stop until you find your idea

worth spreading because

there is only one mantra to save the

universe from loss

note it down thank you