Rhythm in Life

Transcriber: Bruno Victor Louseiro Romão
Reviewer: Carol Wang

Music has been a part of my life
for as long as I can remember.

I’ve played many instruments, but none
quite as fascinating as the drums.

I think they have the power
to move a group of people.

Native Americans would use huge drums

sending signals and making announcements
to neighboring villages miles away.

Drummers in the army
would create strong driving beads

to send soldiers into battle
risking their lives.

Over the past months, I have explored
what makes this instrument different.

On the most basic level,

the difference between drums
and other instruments

is that their pitch
doesn’t contribute to the melody,

rather they play a rhythm
behind it giving it strength.

When you play the drums,
it’s common to give a little tap or riff

to indicate when you’re
moving into a new section.

This gives players
who are lost the opportunity

to get back into the piece
and stay with it.

In further exploration,

I found that a similar concept
applies to having a productive life.

I found I compared my day to day
to music and where drums fit into it.

I found that we, like music,
work best in rhythms.

I rely on concrete patterns

to separate a normal day
from free-form jazz.

Thank you.




(Drum ends)