Why not you Why not now A youth story to inspire


isabelle and malazzi

are two sisters and friends from the

green school in bali and indonesia

when the girls were 10 and 12 years old

they decided that they wanted to take on

plastic pollution

the very pollution that was choking our

island so they started a campaign called

bye bye plastic bags

and they declared that they were going

to get a million signatures to ban

plastic bags

on bali they went on a hunger strike to

catch the attention of the governor of


taking example from gandhi they

went to the airport every single day

badgering each tourist who arrived on

the island

they organized weekly beach cleanups

with all of their friends

and they went on to give a global ted


they worked with the un and because of

their efforts because of their


they went on to start a global movement

in countries and cities around the world

from guadalajara in mexico to sydney


now the girls never did get to a million


but because of their campaigning because

of their tenacity

and their belief that anything was

possible regardless of

age or experience these girls are the

reason why bali is the first

island in indonesia to bend all

