Youth and Scouting


okay namaste

is if you go forward you’ll die

if you go backward you’ll die better go

forward and die

it’s the saying of lord burden power

it is to be the passion

of mine in my childhood

my father was a civil servant and he

used to get transferred from one place

to one district to another district i

like that

and whenever my father got transferred i

used to go together with him

and i used to change the school

and in the due course of my childhood

i studied in many schools and i used to


same like me wearing different dress

with different badges and all those


i should say unfortunately i didn’t got

that opportunity to wear that dress

in my childhood and it became my passion

i was always dreaming of wearing that


how would i look in that dress with all

those badges and everything

i used to dream always i used to dream

and i kept it in my mind that one day

i’ll wear this dress i kept in my mind

and when i completed my certificate


i got an opportunity to join this

movement it’s called a scouting movement

i was speechless at the time when i was


i i couldn’t experience my childhood as

a scout

but i got an opportunity to be a leader

and i was speechless at that time

because my dream was going to come true

so i had a training i don’t know why i

was so effect

i mean attracted by that movement or by

that uniform

i don’t know i didn’t got the answer at

that time but the thing was that i need

to wear that uniform

so i was given that uniform but without

the badges

i need to complete the due course of

trainings and all those things

and luckily after seven days six nights

seven days training

i was handed over with all the scars and


and i was really very happy i as a

citizen of the country

i need to think of the young people

because scouting is a movement is an

educational movement

where you will be transforming yourself

at first until and unless you transform


you will not be able to transform the

other people and until then unless you

transform the other people do not be

able to transform the society

and until and unless you will not be

able to transform your society you’ll

not be able to transform the country

and the whole world so the scouting

is everything for me i’m addicted to

that scouting

and i was a guy who used to fear

to speak in front of the people

whenever you when i was called to speak

something i used to tremble my legs used

to tremble

but the scouting it helped me to build

up my confidence

to transform me malalaxa

said scout

and as the mc told that

yes i was inspired by the court of gita

karma god of allah so i was so much

i mean dragged in this scouting movement

at the dragon drive i used to forget


but i sang something scarce training

as a trainer as of course of course did

i used to

do my job alright to do my business the

whole day and training

it it used to be a 24 hours

i mean camp campus i got in training

when i used to be there

the office deposited training

i achieved this and i i achieved the

position of the chief commissioner

at the youngest chief commissioner of

nepal scouts and all was my dedication

after transforming my heavenly transfer

across the people i said i can change

the people

i can chase the young people as scouting

is from my buddhist vessel i knew that

it it is a non-formal educational


chanting school college universities

literary education and the education

that you get from your parents

from the society to the bike when we

need the education we need to

know something that and physically the


that is to be provided by the scouts


gaps capture education go but a complete

human being but not likely

because you may be successful in earning

money or you may be successful

in earning your degrees

but you may not be successful on being a

complete human being

so scouting it helped me

from the affiliate i’m not 100 a

competitive human being but i am trying

to be a complete human being

and i’m trying to change the youth i’m

trying to transform the youth

you thought a transformer because these


the people the young people they are

attracted to different

different things because this global

world is very small now


those who have the capacity that

capacity may not be

enhanced and around explore now in the


so for that reason i choose this


what this is cartman lagging so i urge

all the young people

to join this movement because this

movement is such a place where you


a leadership we have studied in

different theories that

leaders are born no leaders are not only


of course leaders are born but that

leadership has to be practiced

until and unless you practice your

leadership skills you’ll not be able

to be a good leader you’ll not be able

to be a successful leader

so i encourage all the young people of

the world

to come and join this movement so that

you’ll be able to transform yourself

and transform the society because we are


we are born to do something to do

something good

to do better than yesterday and better

than today

so this is only the this is only the way

this is only the platform where you can


or where you can act in such a way that

you can create a better world and this

scouting was founded by lord beran paul

in 1907 and these days we talk about

team we talk about group but this was


with the young people with the kids

100 thirteen thirteen years ago

by lord vader and powell and that has

become more practical these days

you work in a pr petrol it means

you’ll be sharing your ideas you’ll be

sharing your views and all those views

come together and i’ll do something

something new or all the efforts of the

people in a group comes together then it

turns into the sea energy

so this is the real philosophy of


these days the people have become very


because they think only of themselves

they don’t think of the other

socialization it has been decreasing

people doesn’t want to compromise so

people they don’t want to

i mean lose themselves everywhere

wherever they go they want to

be the winner they want to be the leader

so sometimes

what we should know or what we should

learn is that always winning is not a


sometimes if you get back and again move

forward that will be

that will be the real meaning of your


so this thoughts and this lesson

you’ll be i mean you’ll be experiencing

this in scouting

and it’s a coincidence

i had a lot of marriage

and my wife was pregnant and i was in a

training my first

boy i was there in the training in india

and it was the same day february 6th

so this day

has a real a very it’s very meaningful

in my life

so in 2003 february 6

my boy was born in this world and today

is february 6th on the same day i’m here

to share what is scouting and that was

the day

i achieved the highest training of


first there are certain levels of

trainings and

i achieved the highest training of

scouting and today i’m sharing you on

the same topic


i welcome you all and i encourage you


to be the part of the scouting so that

we can create a better

world and so that we can move with the

thought we

our country and the world thank you