Business English Giving Commands Advanced Professional English

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm

I’d appreciate it if you’d watch this

video let’s talk about it today we’re

gonna be talking about how to politely

professionally and accurately give a

command or a polite request in English

if you’re in a job situation where you

have to speak English or maybe you’re

talking to your professor at school and

you want to tell them to do something

how can you politely do this without

being too direct without being too

demanding even if you are the boss you

still want to be polite so today I want

to talk about four expressions that you

can use to give a command politely and

professionally the first expression is

great to use when you’re talking with

someone who is your boss or who is your

superior of some sort it’s hard to

figure out how to ask them to do

something politely without being rude in

your native language

so in English it’s a little bit even a

little bit more tricky so I recommend

using this expression when you have the

chance can you send me that report when

you have the chance can you sign this

paper when you have the chance it shows

you know they’re busy you know they have

a lot to do they don’t even have to do

it if they don’t want but when you ask

them this question when you have the

chance you’re not demanding now do it

now it just shows when you have the

chance when you can can you do this for

me the second question that you can use

to give a command politely is let’s

imagine the situation where you need to

give a presentation but you’ve never

given a presentation in this room before

so you’re not sure how the projector

works you could simply say could you

help me turn on the projector because I

have to give a presentation when you say

because you’re giving a reason why they

need to help you and I think this makes

it more polite because you’re not just

saying could you help me with the

projector you’re giving a concrete clear

reason why that it’s actually gonna be

beneficial could you help me turn on the

projector because I have to give a

presentation soon we can combine this

with our previous statement to make it

even more polite when you have a chance

can you help me turn on the projector

because I have to give a presentation in

a couple minutes

because I have to give a presentation

soon beautiful we can combine these to

make them more and more polite the next

two expressions are really similar so

I’m gonna combine them together the

first way that we can use them is by

themselves this is a little more direct

and it’s better if you are talking to

someone who is under you you could say

I’d appreciate it if I’d like it if you

would send me the report as soon as

possible I’d appreciate it if you would

send me the report the full expression

is I would appreciate it if you would

help me with this report I would

appreciate it if you would send me the

report as soon as possible when you use

wood in this way it’s extra polite but

what if you want to say this to someone

who is not working under you we can use

our first expression when you have a

moment I’d appreciate it if you’d send

me the report when you have a chance I’d

appreciate it if you’d send me the

report Wow we can really combine all of

these to level up your politeness now

it’s your turn

in the comments below this video when

you have a chance I’d appreciate it if

you’d make a sentence using today’s


today’s polite commands I hope that you

can use them in the comments but also in

your professional life as you’re

speaking English

as you hear other people speak English

try to remember them and use them

yourself have confidence that you’re

speaking politely and understandably

thanks so much for learning with me and

I’ll see you the next time bye the next

step is to download my free ebook 5

steps to becoming a confident English

speaker I want to help you master

English and speak fluently feel free to

subscribe so that you don’t miss new

English lessons thanks so much for

learning with me bye

嗨,我是 vanessa,来自和 vanessa quiet 说英语 如果你能观看这个视频,我将不胜感激让我们今天谈谈它,我们将讨论如何礼貌专业和准确地用英语发出命令或礼貌请求 如果您处于必须说英语的工作环境中,或者您正在与学校的教授交谈,并且您想告诉他们做某事,那么您怎么能礼貌地做到这一点而不会太直接又不会太苛刻,即使 你是老板你还是要礼貌所以今天我想谈谈你可以用来礼貌和专业地发出命令的四种表达方式当你和老板或谁说话时第一种表达方式很好用 是你的某种上司吗?很难弄清楚如何让他们礼貌地做某事而不用你的母语粗鲁,所以在英语中它有点甚至有点棘手所以我建议使用这个表达 当你有机会的时候 你能把报告发给我吗 当你有机会的时候 你能不能在这份文件上签名 当你有机会的时候 它表明你知道他们很忙 你知道他们有很多事情要做 他们甚至不必做 如果他们不想要,但是当你问他们这个问题时,当你有机会时你不要求现在就这样做它只是表明你什么时候有机会,你可以为我做这个你的第二个问题 可以用来礼貌地发出命令 让我们想象一下你需要做一个演示但你以前从未在这个房间里做过演示的情况,所以你不确定投影仪是如何工作的 你可以简单地说你能帮我转一下吗 在投影仪上,因为当你说因为你给出了他们需要帮助你的理由时,我必须做一个演示,我认为这更礼貌,因为你不只是说你能帮我用投影仪吗' 重新给出一个具体的明确原因,为什么它是实际的 你能帮我打开投影仪吗,因为我很快就要做一个演示,我们可以把它和我们之前的陈述结合起来,以便在你有机会的时候更礼貌,你能帮我打开投影仪吗,因为我有 在几分钟内做一个演示,因为我必须尽快做一个演示,我们可以将它们结合起来,让它们越来越有礼貌接下来的两个表达方式非常相似,所以我将它们组合在一起,我们可以使用的第一种方式 他们是一个人,这更直接一点,如果你和你手下的人交谈会更好,你可以说如果我愿意的话,我会很感激的,如果你能尽快把报告发给我我' 如果您能将完整的报告发给我,将不胜感激 如果您能帮助我完成这份报告,我将不胜感激 如果您在以这种方式使用木材时尽快将报告发送给我,我将不胜感激 非常有礼貌,但是如果您想对不在您手下工作的人说这话,我们可以在您有时间时使用我们的第一句话。如果您有机会将报告发送给我,我将不胜感激 如果您将报告发送给我,将不胜感激哇,我们真的可以将所有这些结合起来以提高您的礼貌现在轮到您在此视频下方的评论中,如果您有机会我将不胜感激 使用今天的表达方式 今天的礼貌命令 我希望您可以在评论中使用它们,也可以在您的职业生涯中使用它们 当您说英语时 当您听到其他人说英语时 尝试记住它们并自己使用它们 确信您在说 礼貌且可以理解地感谢您与我一起学习,下次再见 下一步是下载我的免费电子书 成为自信的英语演讲者的 5 个步骤 我想帮助您掌握英语并流利地说 订阅这样你就不会错过新的

