English Test Advanced English Vocabulary

Hi, I’m Vanessa from SpeakEnglishWithVanessa.com.  

Hmm, do you know these tricky words? Can you use 
them correctly in English? Let’s talk about it. 

Have you ever experienced this before? 
You’re having an English conversation  

and then all of a sudden bleh, bleh, bleh, you 
don’t have the word that you’re searching for.  

It’s somewhere in there, but it’s covered with 
dust and you just can’t search for it and reach  

for it at the right time. Well, never fear, 
today, in this lesson, I’m going to help you  

master some tricky words in English and 
hopefully make them easier for you to understand. 

To help you with this process, I have created a 
free PDF worksheet that you can download with the  

link in the description. In this PDF worksheet, 
you can find all of the sample sentences, all  

of the meanings, some little tips and tricks for 
how to use these words, and at the end of the PDF,  

you can answer Vanessa’s Challenge Question so 
that you can use and remember what you’ve learned.  

For all of these tricky words, I’m going to be 
quizzing you. I’ll give you a sentence and you  

need to choose which of the two words fits best 
in that sentence and, of course, as your teacher,  

I will be giving you some explanations to help 
you so that you can feel empowered to use them  

yourself. But be careful, one of these questions 
is a trick question. Are you ready? Let’s start. 

I can’t believe how … your son is now. Last 
time I saw him, he was only four years old.  

I can’t believe how high your son is. 
I can’t believe how tall your son is.  

Which one of these simple words, but it’s 
a little bit tricky which one is correct,  

which one of these words is right? And only one 
of them is correct. I’ll give you three seconds to  

think. 3, 2, 1. I can’t believe how tall your son 
is now. Hmm, if we said, “I can’t believe how high  

your son is now,” do you know what that means? It 
means that he is taking drugs. If someone is high,  

that means they’re taking drugs. But if 
someone is tall, that means that they are,  

well, tall. Taller than someone who is short.
So here’s a little tip and trick for how to  

use high versus tall. Usually we use high for 
something that’s not touching the ground. So  

you could say the airplane is high. Or, sometimes 
we say the airplane is high up. It’s not touching  

the ground. But you can say the building is tall 
because the building is touching the ground.  

Your son is tall because his feet are touching 
the ground. So we have this difference between  

high and tall, two seemingly simple words that 
can be tricky if you use them in the wrong way. 

All right, are you ready for the second 
one? Let’s do it. Boy, have I had a … day!  

Boy, have I had a mad day! Boy, have I had a crazy 
day! Hmm, which one of these words is best to use?  

2, 1. Boy, have I had a crazy day! Oh, when 
something is crazy, it feels out of control,  

so many things are happening. When something 
is mad, well, we usually use this for people.  

I’m mad. I’m angry. But the thing that’s 
tricky here, and a little tip for you,  

is that in Old English, the word mad was often 
substituted for the word crazy. So take a look  

at this movie poster. This is a famous movie 
and it’s called It’s A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.  

They’re not talking about being angry; they’re 
talking about being crazy. This world is crazy.  

But nowadays we never use the word mad in this 
type of situation. We only use the word crazy.  

So if you’re talking about something that’s hectic 
and chaotic and it’s out of control, it is crazy.  

It’s not mad. You are mad, you’re angry. But 
when something is out of control, it’s crazy. 

Tricky word pair number three: His essay 
about courage was only one sentence,  

“This is courage,” and the 
rest of the paper was …  

Hmm, the rest of the paper was blank. 
The rest of the paper was empty. Hmm,  

which one of these two words is best to use. I’ll 
give you three seconds to think about it. Hmm,  

the rest of the paper was blank. Usually, 
something that’s flat is blank, so a piece  

of paper with nothing on it is blank. What 
about empty? Well, you can’t really pour water  

into a piece of paper, we need a container. 
Well, if there is nothing in a container,  

it’s empty. This is the idea here: something 
that’s flat is blank and something that can be …  

have something go inside of it, can be filled 
with something else, a container, is empty. 

There is one phrase that I’d like to share with 
you that kind of breaks this rule or we should say  

bends this rule a little bit, and that 
is when we say my mind is blank. Well,  

your brain is not really flat, but it’s 
not really a typical container that can  

just have something poured into it, but 
we use this phrase, “My mind is blank,”  

to mean I can’t think of the answer. I don’t 
know what you’re talking about. I have nothing  

going on here. My mind is blank. Sorry, I 
can’t remember what to say. My mind is blank. 

Wonderful. All right, let’s go to the next 
pair. I’m so excited about my … car.  

I’m so excited about my young car. I’m so excited 
about my new car. Which one of these is best?  

I’m so excited about my new car. Well, usually we 
use new for things and young for people. The child  

is young. The car is new. But a little 
tip, there is an exception to this,  

something that can use both new and young, 
and that is a country. So we might say,  

“Well, relative to other countries, the United 
States is a young country,” or “The United  

States is a new country. It wasn’t United under 
one leader until the last couple hundred years,  

but a lot of countries have been around for a 
long time.” So we might say the United States  

is a new country or the United States is 
a relatively young country. For a country,  

we can use either of these words.
My cat learned a new trick. He’s so … Hmm,  

he’s so smart; he’s so wise. Which 
one of these is the best for my cat?  

3, 2, 1. My cat learned a new trick. He’s 
so smart. The cat is smart, but the old man  

is wise. Usually, we use smart for some kind of 
innate knowledge, something that’s inside of you,  

but it can also be learned knowledge. So what’s 
the difference between smart and wise? Well, wise  

usually has to do with making good decisions. It’s 
not about knowing the correct answer. It’s about a  

deeper type of knowledge about the world 
and that comes from a lot of experience.  

You’re not born being wise. Only people who have 
a lot of life experience can be wise. So in this  

situation, my cat learned a new trick. He’s pretty 
smart, but he doesn’t have life experience that he  

can share with other cats. He’s not very wise, but 
you know what, sometimes he can be pretty smart. 

The movie star drove a … car. 
The movie star drove a rich car  

or the movie star drove an expensive car. Which 
one of these two words about money is correct?  

I’ll give you three seconds. 3, 2, 1. 
The movie star drove an expensive car.  

Rich is for people. The movie star is rich, 
but expensive is for things. The car is  

expensive. This is an excellent distinction. 
People are rich; things are expensive. 

The thief broke into the safe and stole 
something … And stole something valuable?  

And stole something invaluable? Which one of these 
is correct? 3, 2, 1. The thief broke into the safe  

and stole something valuable. Or, the thief broke 
into the safe and stole something invaluable.  

Sorry, this was the trick question. Both 
of these words, valuable and invaluable,  

have a similar meaning. Now, the thing that’s 
weird about this is that usually in-, the prefix  

in-, makes it a negative word. But what about 
this valuable, invaluable? They have very  

similar meanings and let me tell you about it.
The Royal jewels are valuable. This means that  

they’re expensive. They have a big cost. They have 
a lot of value. The Royal jewels are valuable. But  

if we said the Royal jewels are invaluable, 
this implies that, yes, they’re expensive,  

but they also have another layer of value. Maybe 
it’s some kind of personal value. It’s some kind  

of value that we can’t even imagine. It’s so 
important that we can’t even put a number on it.  

We can’t say that is $1,000 because there’s a kind 
of deeper value. So if there is something that is  

passed down in your family, maybe it’s something 
that’s invaluable. Your great grandmother made  

a quilt and it’s been passed down in your 
family. Well, that quilt is invaluable. No  

amount of money can put a price on how 
important that is to you. It’s invaluable. 

So some things are both valuable and 
invaluable, like the Royal jewels,  

but maybe your great-grandmother’s quilt 
isn’t worth a lot of money, maybe it’s not  

valuable, but it is invaluable to you. It 
is more than important to you. What about  

learning English? Learning English is a valuable 
skill. Great, it’s something that’s important.  

But you can also say learning English is an 
invaluable skill. You cannot place a dollar  

value on learning English because the ways that 
English can change your life is without a price.  

There’s so many wonderful things that can happen 
when you can speak confidently, understand other  

people, travel easily, have great work relations. 
This is invaluable. It’s not just a dollar number,  

it’s something in your heart as well. Great.
Do you … the teacher’s name? Do you remind  

the teacher’s name? Do you remember the 
teacher’s name? Hmm, remind, remember,  

I’ll give you three seconds. 3, 2, 1. 
Do you remember the teacher’s name?  

This is a common mistake I often hear English 
learners make. They say, “Can you remember me  

about the test tomorrow?” The biggest difference 
between remind and remember is who is doing it.  

Who is the subject? So let’s take a look 
at these two sentences. You will remember  

the teacher’s name. Who is remembering? It’s 
you. You will remember the teacher’s name. 

But take a look at this one: “I will 
remind you of the teacher’s name.”  

I’m the one who’s speaking. I will remind you of 
the teacher’s name. So it depends on who is the  

subject. Usually, students need to remember about 
a test, but if a student forgets about a test,  

the teacher will remind the students about a test. 
So make sure as an English learner that you do  

not say, “Can you remember me about the event?” 
No. If someone else is helping you, you can say,  

“Can you remind me about the event?” “Hey, would 
you mind sending me a text? Can you remind me  

about the event? That would be really helpful 
because I often forget about these types of  

things. It’s difficult for me to remember, so can 
you remind me about the event, please? Excellent.” 

My … sister loves to ride horses. My little 
sister loves to ride horses or my small sister  

loves to ride horses. Which one of these is best? 
And there’s only one answer here. 3, 2, 1. My  

little sister loves to ride horses. Maybe you 
learned a long time ago in elementary school,  

I have a younger sister. I have an older 
sister and, yes, in daily conversation  

we use young and old, but we also use little and 
big as well. So you might say I have a big sister.  

I have a little sister. I have a big brother. I 
have a little brother. We also use little and big  

for people when they’re related to us, especially 
for a sibling, a brother or a sister. For small,  

usually this is for an item. My sister’s clothes 
are small. The shoes are too small. For the word  

small, when we’re talking about an item, well, we 
often use both of these words. If I said that the  

butterfly is very small. The butterfly is very 
little. Look at the little butterfly. Look at this  

small butterfly. Both of these are fine. They’re 
for non-human things. The shirt is too small. The  

shirt is too little. I can’t wear it anymore. 
It’s too little. It’s too small for items,  

but for people, when we’re talking about your 
relations, your brother or sister, we can use  

my little sister or my big sister. Excellent.
My computer is from 2005. It’s so …  

It’s so antique or it’s so old, which one of 
these words is the best in this sentence? Three,  

two, what? My computer is from 2005. It’s so old. 
For an electronic, this is pretty old. Usually,  

we don’t have electronics for 16 years. It’s a 
little bit unusual so we could say it’s so old.  

Now, technically, I think the real definition of 
the word antique is something that’s 100 years old  

or older. But in colloquial daily conversation, 
sometimes we use this in a more flexible way. So  

you might say, “The record player is an antique” 
or “It’s antique,” and maybe it’s from the 1940s.  

That’s not technically 100 years, but it’s 
something that’s old. It’s really old. At least,  

it seems really old and that’s what we’re talking 
about here is relatively, does it seem old?  

It doesn’t have to be exactly 100 years old, 
but we could say that record player is an  

antique. It’s been passed down from my 
grandparents and it’s really cool. It still works.  

That is an antique, using it as a noun, 
or it’s antique, using it as an adjective. 

I do want to let you know, as a little bonus 
tip, that sometimes we use the word antique as  

an exaggeration. So back to the original example 
of my computer from 2005, this is really old  

for a computer, right? I imagine most of you 
don’t still have the same computer from 2005.  

So you could say, “Yeah, I still have my computer 
from 2005. It’s practically an antique.” So we  

can add that word practically, “It’s pretty 
much an antique. I can’t believe I still have  

it.” So we’re kind of softening the language a 
little bit because antique is really something  

pretty old, but for an electronic, 2005 is 
relatively old so we could say, “My computer is  

practically an antique. I can’t believe it’s 
still working. It’s practically an antique.” 

You’re already finished eating? Did you even … 
the salmon? What can we say here? Did you even  

taste the salmon? Did you even eat the salmon? 
Which one of these words is the best here?  

3, 2, 1. You’re already finished 
eating? Did you even taste the salmon?  

Now, both of these words have to do with your 
tongue and food, but the difference here is that  

taste is for a small bite. “Did you even taste 
the salmon?” compared to “I ate the salmon.”  

That means you pretty much finished the salmon. 
We often use this for children and say, “Just  

taste the food and give it a try.” This means 
just a small bite and you can judge if it’s  

something that you would like more of or you 
don’t want any more of it. Just give it a taste.  

Just have a little taste and 
see what you think about it. 

Your new haircut … like it’s 
comfortable for the hot summer weather.  

Your new haircut looks like it’s comfortable. 
Your new haircut appears like it’s comfortable.  

Which one of these is the best here. As you 
can tell, a lot of these words seem to have  

a similar meaning, but their nuances are important 
to know so that you use them correctly. I’ll give  

you three seconds. 3, 2, 1. Your new haircut looks 
like it’s comfortable for the hot summer weather.  

If you have a short haircut especially, 
this can be very comfortable for hot  

summer weather. Unlike my hair, my hair is always 
very hot so I almost always wear it up because  

it’s not comfortable in the hot summer weather.
So what’s the difference between look and appear?  

Let me take a look at these sentences with 
you. Your haircut looks like it’s comfortable.  

Your haircut appears to be comfortable. When I 
say your haircut looks like it’s comfortable,  

okay, that’s just a statement. When I see your 
haircut, it looks comfortable. But when I say  

your haircut appears to be comfortable, 
we have an underlying nuance here.  

That means it appears, on the surface, it 
appears to be comfortable, but really it’s not. 

Let me give you a common situation where we 
use a appear. Everyone on Instagram appears  

to be having a great life. If you’ve ever 
looked at Instagram, you know that that’s  

the way it seems. People choose the best pictures, 
happiest family, wonderful vacations, great food,  

but life isn’t always like that. Life 
is real and not always perfect. That’s  

not possible. So we can use this word, appear, 
to show the difference between the appearance  

and reality. Everyone on Instagram appears to be 
having a nice life. But I know that in reality,  

that’s not the case. So if you ever follow a 
certain people on social media and it seems  

like their life is great and then all of a sudden, 
they say, “Actually we’re getting a divorce,” oh,  

it might be really shocking to you because they 
seem to be having a great life, they’re appearing  

to have a great life, and then in reality, that’s 
not the case. So we often use the word appear to  

show this difference between what something 
seems like or looks like and the reality. 

Great, all right, let’s go to our next pair of 
tricky words. I try to … my house at the end  

of the day. I try to clean my house or I try to 
wash my house. 3, 2, 1. I try to clean my house  

at the end of the day. The biggest difference 
between these two words is that clean is general  

and wash always involves water. So we could 
use both of these words to talk about a carpet.  

I tried to clean the carpet. Okay, maybe there’s 
a spot and you’re trying to get the spot out.  

Or, maybe you’re taking some toys off of the 
carpet or you’re trying to get a couple things  

off of the carpet. But if we say I’m trying to 
wash the carpet, that means you are soaking it  

in water. Maybe you’re using a washing machine. 
Maybe you’re using some kind of a carpet  

cleaner device, but it always includes water.
I have a weird … about this. I have a weird  

emotion about this or I have a weird feeling about 
this. Which one of these two words is best? 3, 2,  

  1. I have a weird feeling about this. Do you ever 
    say anything in your native language and you don’t  

know exactly why you say that, but you know it’s 
right? This is how I feel about these two words,  

emotion and feeling. Now, psychologists generally 
break these two words into saying that emotions  

are physical and feelings are mental, but it was a 
little bit confusing to me to try to read articles  

and break it down and explain it to you. So, 
instead, we’re going to take a look at some fixed  

phrases that use emotion or feel and feeling 
so that you can use them correctly yourself. 

I felt a lack of emotion when I was fired from my 
job. I just didn’t care. I felt a lack of emotion.  

So here, emotion might be sadness, anger. 
These are emotions. I felt a lack of emotion  

when I was fired from my job, I just didn’t 
care. Why did he feel a lack of emotion?  

It seems like something you should feel emotional 
about. Take a look at this sentence: But later I  

had some strong feelings about being fired. So 
maybe in the moment you had a lack of emotion,  

but later you had some strong feelings 
about it. It’s something that you can’t  

really stop. It just comes from inside of 
you. So at our original sentence when I said  

I have a weird feeling about this, there’s 
something inside of me. It wasn’t conscious;  

it’s just a weird feeling. As I walked down that 
dark street, I had a weird feeling about this,  

kind of my intuition. Or, in our second example, 
we’d say, I had some strong feelings about being  

fired later on. So something that came 
from within me, some strong feelings. 

I’d like to give you a phrase that you can use 
either emotions or feelings with. You could say,  

“I have mixed emotions about moving to a new 
city” or “I have mixed feelings about moving  

to a new city.” In this phrase, to have 
mixed feelings or to have mixed emotions,  

you can use either of these words. This means 
sometimes I feel really excited about it, but  

I’m going to miss my family and, oh, I can’t wait 
for new adventures, but, oh, I’m not sure if I’ll  

succeed. You have mixed emotions or mixed feelings 
about moving to a new city. So as you can see,  

there are some exceptions to this as well.
So how did you do? Some of these words appear  

to be easy, but, remember, the more you practice, 
the better it will be. So don’t forget to download  

the free PDF worksheet for all of these tricky 
pairs of words that appear to be simple, but are  

actually a little bit tricky. When you download 
the PDF worksheet, you can review everything  

that you learned in this lesson and you can also 
answer Vanessa’s Challenge Question at the end of  

the worksheet so that you’ll never forget what 
you’ve learned. And now, I have a question for  

you. Let me know, do you have a little sister or 
a little brother? Let me know in the comments.  

I can’t wait to learn more about you and about 
your family, and I’ll see you again next Friday  

for a new lesson here on my YouTube channel. Bye.
The next step is to download the free PDF  

worksheet for this lesson. With this 
free PDF, you will master today’s lesson  

and never forget what you have learned. You 
can be a confident English speaker. Don’t  

forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel 
for a free English lesson every Friday. Bye.

嗨,我是来自 SpeakEnglishWithVanessa.com 的 Vanessa。

嗯,你知道这些棘手的词吗? 你能
在英语中正确使用它们吗? 让我们来谈谈它。


,然后突然 bleh,bleh,bleh


在正确的时间搜索并找到它。 好吧,不要害怕,


免费的 PDF 工作表,您可以使用说明中的链接下载该工作表

。 在此 PDF 工作表中,

如何使用这些单词的小提示和技巧,在 PDF 的末尾,

您可以回答 Vanessa 的挑战问题,
以便您可以使用 并记住你学到的东西。

将向你提问。 我会给你一个句子,你



你自己。 但要小心,其中一个问题
是一个技巧问题。 你准备好了吗? 开始吧。




这些词中的哪一个是正确的? 其中只有
一个是正确的。 我会给你三秒钟的时间

思考。 3, 2, 1. 我不敢相信你儿子现在有多高
。 嗯,如果我们说,“我不敢相信

你儿子现在有多高”,你知道那是什么意思吗? 这
意味着他正在吸毒。 如果某人情绪高涨,

这意味着他们正在吸毒。 但是,如果

他们很高。 比矮的人高。

。 通常我们用 high
表示不接触地面的东西。 所以

你可以说飞机很高。 或者,有时
我们会说飞机在高处。 它没有

接触地面。 但是您可以说建筑物很高,

着地。 所以我们有

high 和 tall 之间的区别,这两个看似简单的词

次了吗? 我们开始做吧。 男孩,我有没有……一天!

男孩,我有一个疯狂的一天! 男孩,我度过了疯狂的
一天! 嗯,这些词中哪个最好用?

2, 1. 男孩,我有没有疯狂的一天! 哦,当

,发生了很多事情。 当某事

我生气了。 我生气。 但

被crazy这个词取代。 所以

看看这张电影海报吧。 这是一部著名的电影

他们不是在谈论生气。 他们
说的是疯了。 这个世界很疯狂。

。 我们只使用疯狂这个词。


它不生气。 你生气了,你生气了。 但是,



剩下的纸是空的。 嗯,

这两个词中哪个词最好用。 我
会给你三秒钟的时间考虑一下。 嗯,

纸的其余部分是空白的。 通常,

空的呢? 好吧,你不能把水


那就是空的。 这就是这里的想法:



就是当我们说我的大脑一片空白时。 好吧,



来表示我想不出答案。 我不
知道你在说什么。 我这里什么都没有

。 我的脑子一片空白。 抱歉,我
不记得该说什么了。 我的脑子一片空白。

精彩的。 好吧,让我们去下一
对。 我对我的……汽车感到非常兴奋。

我对我的年轻车感到非常兴奋。 我
对我的新车感到非常兴奋。 其中哪一个是最好的?

我对我的新车感到非常兴奋。 嗯,通常我们
用 new 表示事物,用 young 表示人。 孩子

还小。 车是新的。 但是一点小

,那就是一个国家。 所以我们可能会说,



而是很多 的国家已经存在了
很长时间。” 所以我们可以说美国

一个相对年轻的国家。 对于一个国家/地区,

我的猫学会了一个新把戏。 他太……嗯,

他太聪明了; 他太聪明了。 其中哪

3, 2, 1. 我的猫学会了一个新把戏。 他
太聪明了。 猫很聪明,但老人

很聪明。 通常,我们将 smart 用于某种

但它也可以是后天习得的知识。 那么
聪明和聪明有什么区别呢? 好吧,明智

通常与做出正确的决定有关。 这
与知道正确答案无关。 它是关于世界的


你不是生来就有智慧的。 只有
拥有丰富生活经验的人才是明智的。 所以在这种

情况下,我的猫学会了一个新把戏。 他很

可以与其他猫分享的生活经验。 他不是很聪明,但




富贵为人。 电影明星有钱,
但物贵。 这辆车

很贵。 这是一个很好的区别。
人家有钱; 东西很贵。


并偷了一些无价之宝? 其中哪一项
是正确的? 3, 2, 1. 小偷闯入

保险柜偷了一些贵重物品。 或者,小偷


具有相似的含义。 现在,
奇怪的是,通常 in- 前缀

in- 使它成为否定词。 但是,
这个宝贵的、无价的呢? 它们的含义非常

皇家珠宝很有价值。 这意味着

它们很昂贵。 他们有很大的代价。 它们
具有很大的价值。 皇家珠宝很有价值。 但是,


但它们也有另一层价值。 也许
这是某种个人价值。 这

是我们无法想象的某种价值。 它非常

我们不能说那是 1,000 美元,因为有
一种更深层次的价值。 所以,如果有什么东西

就是无价之宝。 你的曾祖母做

。 嗯,那条被子是无价的。

您的重要性。 这是无价的。



值钱,但对你来说是无价之宝。 这

学习英语怎么样? 学习英语是一项宝贵的
技能。 太好了,这很重要。

非常宝贵的技能。 你不能把一美元的



这是无价的。 这不仅仅是一个美元数字,

它也是你心中的东西。 伟大的。
你……老师的名字? 你

记得老师的名字吗? 你记得
老师的名字吗? 嗯,提醒,记住,

我给你三秒钟。 3, 2, 1.

。 他们说,“你能记得我


题主是谁? 那么让我们来
看看这两个句子。 你会

记住老师的名字。 谁在回忆?
是你。 你会记住老师的名字。


我是说话的人。 我会提醒
你老师的名字。 所以这取决于谁是

主题。 通常,学生需要



“您能提醒我有关活动的信息吗?” “嘿,


你能提醒我这个事件吗? 好吗?太好了。”

我的……姐姐喜欢骑马。 我的

喜欢骑马。 其中哪一个是最好的?
这里只有一个答案。 3、2、1。我的

小妹妹喜欢骑马。 也许你

我有一个妹妹。 我有一个

大。 所以你可能会说我有一个姐姐。

我有一个小妹妹。 我有一个大哥。 我

当人们与我们有关系时,我们也会用 little 和 big 来称呼他们,尤其是
对于兄弟姐妹、兄弟或姐妹。 对于小型,

通常这是针对一个项目。 我姐姐的
衣服很小。 鞋子太小了。 对于小这个词

经常使用这两个词。 如果我说

蝴蝶很小。 蝴蝶
很小。 看小蝴蝶。 看看这只

小蝴蝶。 这两个都很好。 它们
适用于非人类的事物。 衬衫太小了。

衬衫太少了。 我不能再穿了。
它太少了。 它对物品来说太小了,


我的小妹妹或我的大姐姐。 优秀的。
我的电脑是 2005 年的。太……

这句话中哪个词最好? 三,

二,什么? 我的电脑是 2005 年的。太旧了。
对于电子产品来说,这已经很老了。 通常,

我们已经有 16 年没有电子产品了。 这

古董这个词的真正定义是 100 年

或更早的东西。 但在日常口语对话中,
有时我们会以更灵活的方式使用它。 因此,

或“它是古董”,也许是 1940 年代的。

从技术上讲,这不是 100 年,但它
已经过时了。 它真的很旧。 至少,


它不一定有 100 年的历史,

古董。 它是我
祖父母传下来的,真的很酷。 它仍然有效。



。 回到
2005 年我的计算机的原始示例,这对于计算机来说真的很老

了,对吧? 我想你们中的大多数人
都没有 2005 年的那台电脑。

2005 年的电脑。它实际上是一个古董。” 所以我们


它。” 所以我们稍微软化了语言,

很古老,但对于电子产品来说,2005 年

工作 . 它实际上是一个古董。

你已经吃完了? 你甚至
……鲑鱼吗? 我们能在这里说什么? 你有没有

尝过鲑鱼? 你连鲑鱼都吃了吗?

3, 2, 1. 你已经
吃完了? 你尝过鲑鱼吗?


味道是为了一小口。 “你
尝过鲑鱼吗?” 与“我吃了鲑鱼”相比。


尝尝食物并试一试。” 这意味着

您不再想要的东西。 尝尝吧。




其中哪一个是最好的。 如

,这样您才能正确使用它们。 我给

你三秒钟。 3, 2, 1. 你的新发型


夏季天气来说会非常舒适。 与我的头发不同,我的头发总是


句子。 你的发型看起来很舒服。

你的发型看起来很舒服。 当我

好吧,这只是一个声明。 当我看到你的
发型时,它看起来很舒服。 但是当我说



。 Instagram 上的每个人

似乎都过着美好的生活。 如果您曾经
看过 Instagram,就会知道

它看起来就是这样。 人们选择最好的照片、

但生活并不总是这样。 生活
是真实的,并不总是完美的。 这是

不可能的。 所以我们可以用“出现”这个词

。 Instagram 上的每个人似乎
都过着美好的生活。 但我知道,在现实中,

情况并非如此。 因此,如果您



并非如此。 因此,我们经常使用“出现”这个词来


棘手的词。 我试着在一天结束时……我的房子

。 我试着打扫我的房子,或者我试着
洗我的房子。 3, 2, 1. 我试着在一天结束时打扫我的房子


而洗涤总是涉及水。 所以我们可以

我试着清洁地毯。 好的,也许有


从地毯上取下一些东西。 但是,如果我们说我正在尝试

在水中。 也许你正在使用洗衣机。

我有一个奇怪的……关于这个。 我对此有一种奇怪的

。 这两个词哪个最好? 3, 2,

  1. 我对此有一种奇怪的感觉。 你有没有

对的? 这就是我对情感和感觉这两个词的

感受。 现在,心理学家通常


并将其分解并向您解释,这让我有点困惑。 因此,


低落。 我只是不在乎。 我感到缺乏情感。


不在乎。 为什么他会觉得没有感情?

事情。 看看这句话:但后来我

对被解雇有一些强烈的感觉。 因此,

感觉。 这是你无法

真正停止的事情。 它只是来自
你的内心。 所以在我们最初的句子中,当我说

感觉时,我内心有一些东西。 它没有意识;

这只是一种奇怪的感觉。 当我走在那条

是我的直觉。 或者,在我们的第二个例子中,

。 所以一些

使用情绪或感觉。 你可以说,


”。 在这句话中,有

你可以使用这两个词中的任何一个。 这意味着


成功。 您对搬到一个新城市有着复杂的情绪或复杂的感受
。 如您所见,

那你是怎么做的? 其中一些词

它就会越好。 因此,不要忘记

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末尾回答 Vanessa 的挑战问题,

忘记所学的内容。 现在,我有一个问题要问

你。 告诉我,你有妹妹还是
弟弟? 在评论中告诉我。


在我的 YouTube 频道上再次见到你,上一堂新课。 再见。
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