Weekly English Words with Alisha German Words in English

Hello, and welcome back to Weekly Words. My
name is Alisha, and this week we are

going to talk about German words in English. I’m gonna try so hard not to do an accent

when I read these.

“Lager.” “Lager” is a word that I
know very well. “Lager” refers to a kind

of beer, um, so when you go to a beer festival like Oktoberfest,

for example, you might say, “This year I’m
planning to drink a lot of lager!” Or a

lot of “lager” beer. It’s a type of beer.

The next word is “wanderlust.” This is
a nice word. “Wanderlust” just means that

you have “a desire to travel somewhere.” You wanna

go somewhere. You might say, “I’ve been
seeing all the photos that my friends have

been posting on the internet lately. It’s
giving me wanderlust,” meaning I really

wanna go travel. I really want to be out there doing those


The next word is “zeppelin.” This is on
a big airship. Oh, isn’t there like an Indiana

Jones thing? Toss this guy out of a “zeppelin?” It’s just… It’s, oh, what do we call it

now? A blimp… right? A blimp. We say “blimp” a lot now, but “zeppelin” I think was

the first word that was used to describe these things because I think they, they were made

out of metal, so for example, you might know the band Led Zeppelin. That can be related

to the first “zeppelin.” I don’t actually
know. Is it? Um, so in a sentence, you might

use this and to say something like, “Oh,
someday I’d really like to take a ride in

a zeppelin. That sounds like fun.”

Next word is “dachshund.” “Dachshund.”
You probably know what a “dachshund” is.

We commonly call them “wiener dogs” in
America because they’re long. Sometimes they

have long hair too, but they look like, you know,

a hotdog. So “dachshunds,” I think, are
popular breeds all around the world. You might

say, “My friend got a new dachshund. I can’t wait to play with it.”

Ah, “gesundheit” is the next word. “Gesundheit is used often when people sneeze, so, uh,

Americans like to say, “Bless you,” after
somebody sneezes, but you might also hear

“gesundheit” after someone sneezes. It’s
usually just used as one word. We don’t really

say it in a sentence very much, but when your friend sneezes or somebody you know sneezes,

you can say “gesundheit.”

That’s the end of German words that we use in English. I hope that you learned something.

I did, as I always do when I film these, interestingly enough. Thanks very much again for watching,

and we’ll see you again next week for a new Weekly Words. Bye-bye!

您好,欢迎回到每周词汇。 我的
名字是 Alisha,这周我们



“啤酒。” “Lager”是
我非常熟悉的一个词。 “Lager”是指


打算喝很多啤酒!” 或者

很多“啤酒”。 这是一种啤酒。

下一个词是“流浪癖”。 这是
一个很好的词。 “流浪癖”只是意味着

你有“想去某个地方旅行的愿望”。 你

想去某个地方。 你可能会说,“我一直在

最近在互联网上发布的所有照片。 它

很想去旅行。 我真的很想出去做那些


下一个词是“齐柏林飞艇”。 这是在
一艘大飞艇上。 哦,有没有像印第安纳琼斯一样的

东西? 把这家伙从“齐柏林飞艇”里扔出去? 它只是……它是,哦,我们现在叫它什么

? 飞艇……对吧? 一个飞艇。 我们现在经常说“blimp”,但我认为“zeppelin”


由金属制成的,例如,你可能知道 Led Zeppelin 乐队。 这可能

与第一个“齐柏林飞艇”有关。 我其实不
知道。 是吗? 嗯,所以在一个句子中,你可以


乘坐齐柏林飞艇。 这听起来很有趣。”

下一个词是“腊肠”。 “腊肠犬。”

因为它们很长。 有时他们


,热狗。 因此,我认为“腊肠犬”是
世界各地的流行品种。 你可能会

说,“我的朋友养了一只新腊肠。 我迫不及待地想玩它。”

啊,“gesundheit”是下一个词。 “人们打喷嚏时经常使用Gesundheit,所以,呃,

美国人喜欢在有人打喷嚏后说“Bless you”

“gesundheit”。 它
通常只用作一个词。 我们并没有真正



这就是我们在英语中使用的德语单词的结尾。 我希望你学到了一些东西。

我做了,就像我在拍摄这些时总是做的那样,很有趣。 再次感谢您的收看

,我们下周再见,新的每周词汇。 再见!