Weekly English Words with Alisha Palindromes

Okay, welcome back to Weekly Words. My name
is Alisha, and this week we’re gonna

look at palindromes. “Palindromes” means “a word or phrase that is spelled the same

way forwards as it is backwards.” These are

very, very fun. Have you heard the Weird Al song that is all in palindrome.? It is impressive.

“Level.” “Level” means “a surface
that is flat,” just just correctly flat,

so it’s not tilted in one way or another way. It’s exactly flat. “Level” is spelled

the same way forwards as it is backwards. L-E-V-E-L. “Level.” I do it in a few places

so that we can find… “Can you come over
here and look at this picture? I want to make

sure that I’ve hung it level.”

Next is “kayak.” “Kayak” is “a type
of canoe.” It’s, um, big. Usually a one-person

kind of canoe that you paddle in a river or
lake. A canoe is open, but a “kayak” is

usually closed, so there’s one spot where
you can

sit. “I’m taking my kayak to the river this
weekend. Do you wanna come?”

Next is “rotator” “Rotator.” A “rotator”
is just “something that makes something

else rotate,” so make something else turn.
There’s all kinds of things in cars. One of

‘em’s bound to be a “rotator,” right?
Oh… mechanics. In a sentence… “I took

my car to the mechanic, and he said that I
needed to get my

rotator fixed.” Nice job, stomach. So disappointed with that sample sentence. It was like, “Rrrrr.”

I ate pancakes.

Next is “tenet.” Oh, this came up earlier.
“Tenet.” A “tenet” is just “a principal

or it’s a belief in something.” In a sentence… “One of the principal tenents of Confucianism

is that you should respect your elders.”

“Race Car.” I like this one. A “race car,” as you might be able to guess, is

just “a fast car,” something that is used
to race. “I had a race car bed when I was

a little kid. I loved it.” That’s a lie.

End! Those were some palindromes. Palindromes, where they’re spelled the same way forwards

as they are backwards. So try a few of them out, and

if you’re feeling really, really up to the
challenge, you can try and make sentences

that are palindromes as well too. Thanks for joining us this week on Weekly Words. We will

see you again next time. Bye-bye!

好的,欢迎回到每周词汇。 我的名字
是 Alisha,这周我们要

看看回文。 “回文”的意思是“一个单词或短语,向前拼写和向后拼写

相同。” 这些

非常非常有趣。 你听过回文中的奇怪的阿尔歌吗? 令人印象深刻。

“等级。” “水平”的意思是“一个平坦的表面

所以它不会以某种方式或另一种方式倾斜。 它是完全平坦的。 “水平”的

拼写方式与向后拼写相同。 等级。 “等级。” 我在几个地方

过来看看这张照片吗? 我想


接下来是“皮划艇”。 “皮划艇”是“
一种独木舟”。 它,嗯,很大。 通常是一种单

湖泊中划桨。 独木舟是开放的,但“皮划艇”


坐的地方。 “这个周末我要划独木舟去河边
。 你想来吗?”

接下来是“旋转器”“旋转器”。 “旋转器”

汽车里有各种各样的东西。 其中一个

哦……机械师。 用一句话… “我把


旋转器。” 干得好,胃。 对那个例句很失望。 就像,“Rrrrr”。


接下来是“信条”。 哦,这个早就出现了。
“信条。” “信条”只是“一个原则

或对某事的信念”。 一句话……“儒家的主要原则之一


“赛车。” 我喜欢这个。 正如您可能猜到的那样

用于比赛。 “我小时候有一张赛车床

。 我爱它。” 这是一个谎言。

结尾! 那是一些回文。 回文,它们向前拼写的方式

与向后拼写相同。 所以尝试其中的一些,


文句。 感谢您在本周加入我们的每周词汇。 我们

下次再见。 再见!