American Culture You NEED To Know

Hi. I’m Vanessa  

from Do you know 
these very American things? Let’s talk about it. 

Do you know this song? Most Americans 
immediately recognize this tune, even though  

my poor singing. You’re immediately able 
to recognize this song because it is a  

common feature of American culture. So today I 
would like to help you learn 10 common things.  

Some of them are expressions. Some of them are 
activities. Some of them are cultural elements  

that all Americans know and you should too.
Now of course, the US is an incredibly diverse  

place with a lot of people who have various 
backgrounds. So this might not apply to everyone.  

I can’t speak for all people living in the United 
States. But these are generally known things in  

the US that it’s kind of fun to be able to know 
as well. So let’s get started with the first one. 

And to help you remember everything that 
you learned in this very American lesson,  

you can download the free PDF worksheet that 
I’ve made for today’s lesson. It includes all  

of these expressions, cultural elements, and 
ideas that I’ve talked about in this lesson.  

Plus, you’ll see Vanessa’s Challenge 
Question so that you can answer it and  

use what you’ve learned. You can download 
that PDF with the link in the description. 

All right. Let’s get started with our first very 
American thing that almost all Americans know what  

it is. If I asked you, “What are you doing 
for the fourth,” would you know what I mean?  

You might look at your calendar and say, “November 
4th? December 4th?” No. When someone asks you,  

“What are you doing for the fourth,” they 
always mean July 4th. And that’s because  

July 4th is the American Independence Day. And 
we usually just shorten this to the fourth.  

“What are you doing for the fourth? 
I’m going to the lake for the fourth.  

I’m not really doing anything for the fourth, 
but maybe I’ll try to find some fireworks.”  

We often shorten Independence Day or July 4th 
to just the fourth. And now you know that too. 

If I said to you, “Whoa, I just found a 
Benjamin on the street. I can’t believe it.”  

Huh? Would you think that I found a guy named 
Benjamin on the street and I just feel so excited?  

Maybe he’s my long lost friend. Nope. If I said I 
found a Benjamin on the street, that means a $100  

bill. And that’s because Benjamin Franklin is 
the guy who’s on the $100 bill. So if you say,  

“Oh man, I really just need to earn some Benjamins 
this weekend. I need to pay my rent. I’m falling  

behind.” That means you need to make several 
hundred dollars. It’s just slang for a hundred  

dollars. So I hope for you, you find a Benjamin 
on the street someday. That would be amazing. 

If my husband Dan said, “Did you eat 
the last piece of cake?” I might say,  

“I plead the fifth.” What is happening here? Am 
I telling him that I’m guilty? Or am I telling  

him I’m not guilty? I didn’t do it. Well, 
this expression I plead the fifth has to do  

with the fifth amendment to the constitution. 
And that means that I don’t need to tell you  

because maybe it will hurt me in a court of law 
later. This is a very legal type of statement.  

But we often use this in daily conversation 
to say yes, but I don’t want to tell you. 

So when my husband asks me, “Did you eat the last 
piece of cake,” and I say, “I plead the fifth,”  

he knows, yes, Vanessa ate it, 
but she doesn’t want to tell me.  

So you can use this very American 
expression when you want to tell someone  

yes, but maybe you feel embarrassed to tell 
them yes directly. You can just say, “Ah,  

I plead the fifth.” Great expression.
In 2004, I was a senior. Does this mean I was old  

in 2004? What if I told you also that in 2008, 
I was also a senior. Huh? If you’re in America,  

you can probably guess that this means I was in 
high school in 2004 and I was in college in 2008.  

A senior means you are in your last year of high 
school or your last year of college. So in the US,  

we often have terms for first, second, third, and 
fourth year in high school and in college. So if  

you are in ninth grade, you are a freshman. If you 
are in 10th grade, you’re a sophomore. Notice that  

the O in the middle of this word is silent, 
sophomore. If you’re in 11th grade, you are  

a junior. We could say, “I’m in my junior year. 
I’m a junior.” And if you’re in two 12th grade, so  

the final grade of high school, you are a senior.
And this type of system also applies to college.  

You are a freshman, sophomore, junior, and 
senior in college, especially when you go to  

a four year college, these type of terms apply. 
So it’s quite common that when you are a senior,  

you think you are much better than freshman. “Oh, 
I was never so small. They’re so much like just  

little children, those freshmen. We are seniors.” 
I think this is pretty common in high school  

that you see the people who are younger than 
you as so much younger. “I wasn’t like that  

when I was a freshman.” But really, you 
were. So this type of system is quite  

common in the US. And now you know about it too.
When you arrive in the US, you will probably need  

to fill out a visa form. And at the bottom of 
the visa, you need to sign your John Hancock.  

Is your name John Hancock? Well, if 
it is, you definitely need to do that.  

But this term, sign your John Hancock just means 
your signature. There’s a little bit of American  

history behind this because John Hancock 
was a guy who signed his name big and large  

on the Declaration of Independence. So it was 
kind of a bold statement where these colonists  

in the United States or in the Americas told 
England, “We want to have independence.” And  

it’s a pretty big statement. Maybe there’s some 
treason involved. So it’s kind of scary to say,  

“I’m someone who supports this.”
But John Hancock signed his name  

really large on that document. So it was bold and 
courageous. It was a big move. So because of this,  

his name is synonymous now with a signature. Sign 
your John Hancock, put your John Hancock here. We  

don’t always use this instead of signature, but 
you will definitely hear this. And it’s steeped  

in American history and now you can use it too.
Now we have two fun American idioms. One is if I  

said to you, “You shouldn’t buy a new car. If you 
buy a used car, you get more bang for your buck.”  

This expression, bang for your buck, kind of 
includes two American concepts. One is buck,  

which is slang for dollars. And the other one, 
bang, doesn’t necessarily relate to guns, but  

I know guns are kind of culturally linked to the 
US. So we get this idea that you can get a great  

value for your money if you buy a used car. So 
you might say, “Yeah, you should get a used car.  

It’s more bang for your buck. Don’t get a new 
car. It’s better to get a used car.” This is a  

great expression, more bang for your buck.
When I was growing up, before we left for  

school almost every morning, it was pretty 
common for my sister and I to fight over  

who said, “Shotgun,” first. Why were we trying 
to beat each other to say shotgun? What’s that  

mean? Does that mean we want to carry a shotgun? 
Does that mean we were going hunting or shooting?  

No. Instead, shotgun is the passenger seat. And 
for some reason, this is the most desirable seat  

in the car when you’re not the driver. So kids, 
I guess, not too young, but high schoolers or  

older kids always want to call shotgun. And 
we use that expression, “I call shotgun,”  

or just saying shotgun. And that means that’s 
my seat. I claim it. And this is really common,  

especially with siblings, even with friends, 
too, that before you get in the car, if you’re  

not the driver, you’d say, “I call shotgun.” 
Well, maybe now you can call shotgun too. 

Have you ever eaten the most tasty bonfire treat 
in the entire world? This is something I look  

forward to every time we have a bonfire. It is 
s’mores. S’mores. This is something I didn’t  

realize was very American until I was talking 
to some international friends. And they said,  

“What? We just toast marshmallows. What do 
you put with them?” So let me explain to you  

a delicacy, something amazing that 
has a special place in my heart. 

First, you have a graham cracker. This is a 
special type of cookie, even though it’s called  

cracker, it’s quite sweet. And then we have a 
piece of chocolate. So we often buy some Hershey’s  

chocolate, break off a piece, put it on the graham 
cracker. And when you’re having a bonfire, you set  

that close to the fire, not too close, but close 
enough that the chocolate gets a little soft. And  

then you take a stick and two marshmallows, you 
could do one, but two is better, and you toast  

them over the fire, very carefully to make sure 
that they don’t explode into flames. Some people  

like that. Personally, I like them to be perfectly 
toasted and it is an art form. Let me tell you. 

So you toast them. And then when they’re toasted, 
you put them on the chocolate and you take another  

piece of a graham cracker and you slide the 
marshmallows off and there you have the perfect  

s’more. Toasty, warm, melty, gooey. So perfect. 
So the next time that you are at a bonfire,  

maybe you can introduce this idea to your 
friends, or if you’re at a bonfire in the US,  

you will definitely see people eating s’mores. 
Please try it for my sake. I hope you’ll love it. 

All right. Now it’s time for the song 
you have been waiting for. It is …  

Do you know this song? This song is Take Me Out 
to the Ball Game. And I included this here because  

there’s a funny little story I wanted to share 
with you. One of my friends, you might follow his  

YouTube channel. His name’s Jack. He has a YouTube 
channel called To Fluency and he’s from the UK,  

but he’s married to an American. And he told me 
that one time they were playing a game with some  

Americans. And the game was that you had to hum 
a song and your partner had to guess what it was. 

So his wife drew a card and it said, hum 
Take Me Out to the Ball Game. And she’s like,  

“All right, this is a good song. It’s easy. He’ll 
understand it immediately.” So she started to hum.  

And he just looked at her like, “What? I’ve never 
heard that in my life.” So obviously that was not  

a good moment in their game for them, maybe a 
little funny, but because of this, I realized,  

“Oh, maybe this song isn’t quite so well known 
internationally, but it is a staple of American  

culture because baseball is extremely common. 
And this song is sung before every baseball game. 

So if you’ve ever been to any kind of big baseball 
game in the US, you’ve definitely heard this song.  

And if you memorize the lyrics, you’ll be 
able to sing along and cheer with everyone.  

It’s a great moment to kind of have that group 
feeling of excitement before a game. So make  

sure you check out Take Me Out to the Ball Game. 
You can search on YouTube and see some clips of  

crowds of people at baseball games, singing 
this song, quite fun and very American. 

Take me out to the ballgame. Take me out to the 
crowd. Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks.  

I don’t care if I ever get back  

for it root, root, root for the home team. 
If they don’t win it’s a shame. For it’s 1,  

2, 3 strikes you’re out at the old ball game!
Our final very American thing today also has to do  

with baseball. What if I said to you, “Your speech 
was awesome. You knocked it out of the park.”  

Did you give a speech about baseball? Are 
you playing baseball? No. This just means  

it was amazing. You did even better than 
expected. You knocked it out of the park. 

Here we have the image of someone playing 
baseball. He’s got a baseball bat,  

someone’s pitching him the ball and he hits it. 
He doesn’t just hit it into the outfield. That’s  

where someone can catch it. He hits it beyond the 
field, out of the park. And this means it’s a home  

run. No one can catch it. And it’s great for his 
team. Everyone can get to home base and they might  

get a lot of points. So here knocking it out of 
the park is a great thing in baseball and in life. 

So if you do something really awesome, better than 
expected, you can use this expression. “Oh man,  

I can’t believe it. But I talked to someone 
in English the other, and I think I knocked  

it out of the park. I explained myself exactly the 
way I wanted. I did it. And they understood me.”  

Congratulations, you knocked it out of the park.
Well, congratulations. Now you are in the loop  

to all of these American secrets, all of 
these things that most Americans know. And  

now you do too. If you are American and you’re 
watching this, let me know in the comments,  

did you know all these things? I think they’re 
pretty common in American culture, but let me  

know in the comments. And I would love to see 
what you have to say. Don’t forget to download  

the free PDF worksheet so that you can learn 
all of these American concepts. Print it out,  

put it under your pillow, sleep on it, dream about 
it. I hope it will help you to expand your English  

knowledge and be more confident as you speak.
And now I have a question for you. Have you  

ever celebrated the fourth? If you 
live in the US, maybe you’ve joined a  

4th of July celebration, but I want to 
know. Have you ever celebrated the fourth?  

Let me know. And I will see you again next Friday 
for a new lesson here on my YouTube channel. Bye. 

The next step is to download the 
free PDF worksheet for this lesson.  

With this free PDF, you will master today’s 
lesson and never forget what you have learned.  

You can be a confident English speaker. Don’t 
forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel  

for a free English lesson every Friday. Bye.

嗨。 我是

来自 的 Vanessa。 你知道
这些非常美国的东西吗? 让我们来谈谈它。

你知道这首歌吗? 大多数美国人会

我的歌声很差。 您可以

是美国文化的共同特征。 所以今天我
想帮助你学习 10 个常见的东西。

其中一些是表达式。 其中一些是
活动。 其中一些


背景的人。 所以这可能并不适用于所有人。

美国的人。 但这些在美国都是众所周知的事情,

。 所以让我们从第一个开始。


我为今天的课程制作的免费 PDF 工作表。 它包括我在本课中谈到的


此外,您会看到 Vanessa 的挑战

使用您所学的知识。 您可以
使用说明中的链接下载该 PDF。

好的。 让我们从

。 如果我问你,“你在

您可能会查看日历并说:“11 月
4 日?12 月 4 日?” 不会。当有人问你

总是指 7 月 4 日。 那是因为

7 月 4 日是美国独立日。



我们经常将独立日或 7 月 4 日缩短
到第四天。 现在你也知道了。


嗯? 你会认为我在街上发现了一个叫本杰明的人

也许他是我失散多年的朋友。 不。 如果我说我
在街上发现了一个本杰明,那意味着一张 100 美元的

钞票。 那是因为本杰明富兰克林是
100 美元钞票上的那个人。 所以如果你说,


落后了。” 这意味着你需要赚
几百美元。 这只是一百

美元的俚语。 所以我希望你
有一天能在街上找到一个本杰明。 这将是惊人的。

吃完最后一块蛋糕了吗?” 我可能会说,

“我为第五个辩护。” 这里发生了什么?
我是在告诉他我有罪吗? 还是我告诉

他我无罪? 我没有这样做。 好吧,


。 这是一种非常合法的声明。



他知道,是的,Vanessa 吃了,


直接告诉他们“是”而感到尴尬。 你可以说,“啊,

我为第五个辩护。” 很棒的表达。
2004年,我是一名大四学生。 这是否意味着我

在 2004 年已经老了? 如果我也告诉你,在 2008 年,
我也是一名大四学生。 嗯? 如果你在美国,

在 2004 年上高中,而我在 2008 年上大学。

高中的最后一年或大学的最后一年。 因此,在美国,

高中和大学一年级、二年级、三年级和四年级的学期。 因此,如果

您上九年级,那么您就是大一新生。 如果
您在 10 年级,那么您是大二学生。 请注意,

这个词中间的 O 是无声的,
二年级。 如果您在 11 年级,那么您

就是大三学生。 我们可以说,“我在大三。
我是大三。” 如果你在两个 12 年级,那么




你认为自己比大一好很多是很常见的。 “哦,


你年轻的人年轻得多。 “我大一的时候可不是这样的

。” 但实际上,你
是。 所以这种类型的系统

在美国很常见。 现在你也知道了。

需要填写签证表格。 在
签证的底部,您需要在您的 John Hancock 上签名。

你的名字是约翰汉考克吗? 好吧,

你的签名。 这背后有一点美国


在《独立宣言》上大大签名的人。 因此,


这是一个相当大的声明。 也许涉及一些
叛国罪。 所以说


在那份文件上签了个大字。 所以这是大胆而
勇敢的。 这是一个很大的举动。 因此,

他的名字现在与签名同义。 签上
你的约翰汉考克,把你的约翰汉考克放在这里。 我们

你肯定会听到这个。 它深受

现在我们有两个有趣的美国习语。 一个是如果我


包含了两个美国概念。 一种是 buck,

这是美元的俚语。 另一个,

。 因此,我们认为

如果您购买二手车,您可以物有所值。 所以

新车。最好买辆二手车。” 这是一个



谁先说“猎枪”而吵架是很常见的。 为什么我们

那是什么意思? 这是否意味着我们要携带霰弹枪?

不,相反,霰弹枪是乘客座位。 而且,

当您不是司机时,这是车内最理想的座位。 所以孩子们,


或者只是说猎枪。 这意味着那是
我的座位。 我声称它。 这真的很常见,



吗? 这是我

每次有篝火时都期待的事情。 这是
s’mores。 羊肚菌。

化的。 他们说,

你放了什么?” 因此,让我向您解释


首先,你有一个全麦饼干。 这是一种

饼干,但还是挺甜的。 然后我们有
一块巧克力。 所以我们经常买一些好时

饼干上。 当你有篝火的时候,你把



确保它们不会爆炸成火焰。 有些人

喜欢这样。 就个人而言,我喜欢它们被完美地
烘烤,这是一种艺术形式。 让我告诉你。

所以你为他们干杯。 然后当它们烤好后


s’more。 烤的,温暖的,融化的,粘糊糊的。 非常完美。


为了我,请尝试一下。 我希望你会喜欢它。

好的。 现在是时候播放
您一直在等待的歌曲了。 它是……

你知道这首歌吗? 这首歌是带我
去看球赛。 我把它放在这里是因为

。 我的一位朋友,您可能会关注他的

YouTube 频道。 他叫杰克。 他有一个
名为 To Fluency 的 YouTube 频道,他来自英国,

但他嫁给了一个美国人。 他告诉我

。 游戏是你必须哼

带我去看球赛。 她就像,

会立刻明白的。” 于是她开始哼哼。

辈子从没听说过。” 所以很明显,这



文化的主要内容 因为棒球非常普遍。


。如果你记住歌词,你 将


你可以在 YouTube 上搜索并查看



我不在乎我有没有 回来

如果他们没有获胜,那就太可惜了 . 因为它是 1,

2, 3 好球,你在旧球赛中出局了!

与棒球有关。 如果我对你说:“你的演讲

你在打棒球吗? 不,这只是意味着

它太棒了。 你做得比
预期的还要好。 你把它赶出了公园。

。 他有一个棒球棒,

他不只是将球打到外场。 这

就是有人可以抓住它的地方。 他将球击出
球场,走出公园。 这意味着这是一个

本垒打。 没有人能抓住它。 这对他的团队来说很棒
。 每个人都可以到达大本营,他们可能会

获得很多积分。 因此,

预期的要好,你可以使用这个表达。 “哦,伙计,


按照我想要的方式解释了自己。我做到了。他们理解我。 "

嗯,恭喜。 现在您


现在你也这样做了。 如果你是美国人并且正在

你知道所有这些吗? 我认为它们

在评论中告诉我。 我很想
看看你要说什么。 不要忘记

下载免费的 PDF 工作表,以便了解
所有这些美国概念。 打印出来,

做梦。 我希望它能帮助您扩展您的英语

现在我有一个问题要问你。 你有

没有庆祝过第四个? 如果你

7 月 4 日的庆祝活动,但我想
知道。 你有没有庆祝过第四个?

让我知道。 下周五我会
在我的 YouTube 频道上再次见到你,上一堂新课。 再见。

下载本课的免费 PDF 工作表。

有了这个免费的 PDF,您将掌握今天的

别忘了订阅我的 YouTube

频道,每周五都有免费的英语课。 再见。