American English How to Pronounce the W consonant

The W consonant sound. To make this sound,
ww, ww, the lips form a tight circle like

the ‘oo’ as in ‘boo’ vowel. Also like that
vowel, the back of the tongue reaches up high

in the back. The front part of the tongue
remains forward, lightly touching behind the

bottom front teeth, or just a little further
back than that, ww, ww. What makes this different

from the ‘oo’ as in ‘boo’ vowel is a little
closing off here in the throat, ww, ww, ww.

That gives it that W consonant quality. Well,
ww, ww, welcome. Here is the W consonant sound

on the right compared with the mouth at rest
on the left. The lips are very rounded, which

means the center part of the lips come
away from the face. Here, parts of the mouth

are drawn in. The soft palate is raised in
this sound, and the tongue stretches up towards

it in the back, but it does not touch the
soft palate. The tip of the tongue is low,

touching where the bottom front teeth meet
the soft tissue. The W sound. Sample words:

whisper, wish, wine. Words that start with
a W-H can be pronounced with a light H sound

before the W: whisper, whisper. I find this
a little dated and formal, and I never use

it. I always simply use the W sound. Whisper.
Sample sentence: When would you want to see

the flower show? The W is a glide consonant,
considered a semi-vowel. In the word flower,

written with a W, in IPA there is no W. However,
you will glide through a W sound between the

‘ow’ as in ‘now’ diphthong and the schwa,
flower. The word ‘show’, also written with

a W. But that is the ‘oh’ as in ‘no’ diphthong.
You’ll see that the lips do not form the tight

circle that the W has. Now you will see this
sentence up close and in slow motion, both

straight on and from an angle, so you can
really study how the mouth moves when making

this sound. This sound is easy to see. The
lips make the tight circle. When, ‘eh’ as

in ‘bed’, tongue tip up for the N. Again the
tight circle, would you

want, again the tight circle for the W. Tongue

tip up for the N and T. To see, lips pull
wide for the ‘ee’ as in ‘she’. Tongue tip

through the teeth for the, and the bottom
lip up to make the F, flower, spelled with

a W but it is the ‘ow’ as in ‘now’ diphthong,
show, unofficially making the W, between the

diphthong and the schwa. Show, with the ‘oh’
as in ‘no’ diphthong. And from the angle.

Lips form the tight circle for the W. When,
the ‘eh’ as in ‘bed’, tongue tip up for the

N. Would, again, the lips almost closed. You
want, very tight circle. To see, corners pull

wide for the ‘ee’ as in ‘she’. The, tongue
tip through the teeth and the bottom lip up

for the F. Flow-. Again, no W in the IPA,
but gliding through the W between the ‘ow’

as in ‘now’ and the schwa. Show, spelled with
a W, but here it is the ‘oh’ as in ‘no’ diphthong.

You can see the lips didn’t make quite the
tight circle that they do with the W. That’s

it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s

W 辅音。 为了发出这个声音,

“boo”元音中的“oo”一样。 也像那个

。 舌头的前部


与 ‘boo’ 元音中的 ‘oo’ 不同的是
,它的喉咙有点封闭,ww, ww, ww。

这使它具有 W 辅音质量。 嗯,
ww,ww,欢迎。 这是右侧的 W 辅音

。 嘴唇非常圆润,这

远离脸部。 在这里,嘴巴的一部分


软腭。 舌尖低,

与软组织相接的地方。 W音。 例句:

以 W-H 开头的单词可以在 W 之前用轻 H 音发音

:耳语,耳语。 我觉得这

它。 我总是简单地使用 W 声音。 耳语。

看花展? W是滑音辅音,
被认为是半元音。 在花这个词中,

用 W 书写,在国际音标中没有 W。但是,

“ow”(如“now”双元音)和 schwa(
花)之间滑过 W 音。 “show”这个词,也写了


形成 W 所具有的紧密圆圈。 现在你会


。 这种声音很容易看到。

当“床”中的“嗯”时,舌尖向上表示 N。再次

想要吗,再次紧圈表示 W。

舌尖向上表示 N 和 T。看,嘴唇
张开 对于 ‘ee’,就像在 ‘she’ 中一样。 舌尖

下唇向上构成 F,花,拼写

为 W,但它是 ‘ow’,如 ‘now’ 双元音,
显示,非正式地使 W,在

双元音和 the 施瓦。 显示,用 ‘oh
' 和 ‘no’ 双元音一样。 而且从角度。

嘴唇为 W 形成了一个紧密的圆圈。

N。再次,嘴唇几乎闭合。 你
想要的,很紧的圈子。 看,角落拉

宽了 ‘ee’ 就像在 ‘she’ 中一样。

为F. Flow-。 同样,IPA 中没有 W,
而是在 W 之间滑过,

如“now”和 schwa 中的“ow”。 Show,拼写
为 W,但这里是 ‘oh’,如 ‘no’ 双元音。

他们用 W 那样形成紧密的圆圈。就是

这样,非常感谢你使用 Rachel 的