American English How to pronounce the Word ARE

I’ve gotten a few questions recently about
the word ‘are’. Specifically someone recently

asked if they were hearing correctly “What
you doing?” instead of “What are you doing?”

That is not grammatically correct, and a native
speaker would not say “What you doing?”

However, a native speaker may reduce the word
‘are’ so much that a non-native speaker

would have problems hearing it. The word ‘are’
can be reduced simply to the schwa/R sound,

er, er, er. So in this sentence, What are
you doing?, you may very well hear whater,

whater, whater you doing? Whater you doing?
With the er very low in pitch and very fast.

What are you doing? What are, what are, it
sounds like the word ‘butter’. Butter,

what are, what are you doing? Now that you
know what you’re listening for, see if you

can hear it in this sentence: What are you
doing, what are you doing, what are you doing?

The word ‘are’ is often shortened in writing
as well, as a contraction with ‘you’,

‘we’, or ‘they’. They’re, for example.
But it doesn’t have to be written as a contraction

for it to be pronounced with this short ‘er’
sound. Let’s look at a few more sentences

where the word ‘are’ can be reduced. My
cousins are coming tomorrow. My cousins are,

my cousins are, My cousins are coming tomorrow.
My cousins are coming tomorrow. The cookies

are good. The cookies are, are, the cookies
are good. Where are the girls? Now here the

word before ends in the schwa/R sound, er,
where er the girls? I would explain it as

a re-emphasizing of the er sound: Where er
the girls? But in fast speech, it actually

all blends together. Where are the girls?
Where are the girls? So it sounds like the

word R is being dropped. Where are the girls?
And someone else asked about the word ‘are’

and the word ‘were’ – about them sounding
the same when they’re both reduced. The

word ‘were’ will always have that W sound
at the beginning, so there is a difference

in the pronunciation of these words. Let’s
look at an example sentence. The kids are

there. The kids er, er, er, just the R sound,
the kids are there. The kids were there. The

kids ww, ww, were, were, the kids were there.
The second one has that W sound in it. The

kids are there, the kids were there. The kids
are there, the kids were there. Can you hear

the difference? Now that you know this concept
of the reduced word ‘are’, try it out

in your speech. And listen for it when you’re
listening to native speakers. That’s it,

and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English.

“是”这个词的问题。 特别是最近有人

你在做什么?” 而不是“你在做什么?”



在听到它时会遇到问题。 “are”这个词
可以简单地简化为 schwa/R 音,

er, er, er。 所以在这句话中,What are
you doing?,你很可能会听到 whater,

whater,whater you doing? 你在做什么?
随着 er 的音调非常低并且非常快。

你在做什么? 什么是,什么是,
听起来像“黄油”这个词。 黄油,

什么,你在做什么? 现在你



“我们”或“他们”的缩写。 例如,他们是。

音发音。 让我们再看几个

可以减少“are”这个词的句子。 我的
表兄弟明天要来。 我的堂兄弟,


饼干很好。 饼干是,是,
饼干很好。 到哪里都是女孩? 现在这里

之前的单词以 schwa/R 音结尾,呃,
女孩们在哪里? 我会将其解释

为重新强调 er 的声音:女孩在哪里
? 但在快速演讲中,它们

实际上融合在一起。 到哪里都是女孩?
到哪里都是女孩? 所以听起来

R这个词正在被删除。 到哪里都是女孩?



这些词的发音是有区别的。 我们
来看一个例句。 孩子们在

那里。 孩子们,呃,呃,只是R的声音
,孩子们在那里。 孩子们在那里。

孩子们 ww,ww,曾经,曾经,孩子们在那里。

孩子们在那里,孩子们在那里。 孩子
们在那里,孩子们在那里。 你能听

出区别吗? 既然您已经了解

在您的演讲中尝试一下。 当您在听母语人士时,请仔细
聆听。 就是

这样,非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。