American English Reading for Beginners American English Maintenance Notice at the Station

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bell and if you enjoyed this video give

it a thumbs up for more you are on a

platform at a train station where you

stumble across a notice what does this

notice mean

what does this notice mean

the notice reads this platform will be

closed for maintenance between 11:00

p.m. and 5:00 a.m.



不要错过新视频 点击小

铃铛 如果您喜欢这个视频 给

它一个大拇指 更多你

在火车站的平台上 你

偶然发现一个通知 这个


什么意思 这个通知是什么

意思 通知显示此平台将

在晚上 11:00 之间关闭进行维护

和凌晨 5:00
