English How to Pronounce AI a diphthong American Accent

The ‘ai’ as in ‘buy’ diphthong. The first

sound of this diphthong does not occur on
its own as a vowel in American English. A,

a, ai. It’s similar to the ‘aa’ as in ‘bat’
in that the back of the tongue raises towards

the soft palate, but it doesn’t raise as high
as it does in the ‘aa’ as in ‘bat’ vowel,

a, a, ai. Also, you may find that the corners
of the lips pull out a little bit, and the

top lip raises a bit, exposing some of those
front teeth, a, a. The tip of the tongue remains

forward in this sound, lightly touching behind
the bottom front teeth. The second sound of

the diphthong is the ‘ih’ as in ‘sit’. In
this sound, the tip of the tongue is also

forward, touching just behind the bottom front
teeth. So that does not move in this diphthong.

However, the front/mid part of the tongue
does raise towards the roof of the mouth,

ai, ai. So as it reaches up towards the roof
of the mouth, the jaw will close somewhat,

ai, ai, buy. Here we see the two sounds of
this diphthong. You can see in the first sound,

aa, that the jaw is more dropped. On the second
sound, ‘ih’, the tongue is more forward. Here

are the two sounds in profile. Again, note
that in the first sound, the jaw is dropped

more. Here, parts of the mouth are drawn in.
you can see that the tongue position in the

first sound is drawn slightly back, which
makes it flatter. In the second sound, the

tongue is much more raised in the front. In
both sounds, the tip of the tongue does lightly

touch behind the bottom front teeth. The ‘ai’
as in ‘buy’ diphthong. Sample words: shy,

write, good-bye. Sample sentence: My sister
is bright with a nice sense of style. Now

you will see this sentence up close and in slow
motion, both straight on and from an angle,

so you can really study how the mouth moves
when making this sound. My, lips press together

for the M, jaw drops, here’s the ‘ai’ as in
‘buy’ diphthong, you could see the tongue

come up towards the end. Sister is bright,
lips come together for the B. And here it

is again, the ‘ai’ as in ‘buy’ diphthong.
Tongue down and then pushes up towards the

front. The tip goes up to make the T. Lips
come together for the W. With a nice - tongue

up for the N and drops for the ‘ai’ as in
‘buy’ diphthong. Sense of, lip comes up to

make the V sound, style. Another ‘ai’ as in
‘buy’ diphthong. Jaw drops for the first part,

tongue moves up for the second part, and the
dark L. Now from the angle. My, ‘ai’ as in

‘buy’ diphthong. Jaw drops for the first part
and then the middle-front part of the tongue

moves up for the second part. Sister is bright,
another ‘ai’ as in ‘buy’. Jaw drops, forward

part of the tongue moves up, and now here
the tip goes up to make the T. With a, tongue

tip up to make N and drops, ai, nice, sense
of, lip up to make the V sound. Style, another

‘ai’ as in ‘buy’ diphthong. Jaw drops, tongue
is down, and then the mid-front part of the

tongue raises to make the second part of the
diphthong. That’s it, and thanks so much for

using Rachel’s English.

“购买”双元音中的“ai”。 这个双元音的第一个

在美式英语中不会作为元音单独出现。 一个,

一个,一个。 它与 ‘bat’ 中的 ‘aa’ 相似,因为

它不像在 ‘bat’ 元音 a 中的 ‘aa’ 中那样抬高

, 一个,一个。 另外,你可能会发现

门牙,a,a。 舌尖

到下门牙后面。 双元音的第二个声音

是“ih”,如“sit”。 在

门牙的后面。 所以这在这个双元音中不会移动。


ai,ai。 所以当它向上伸向

ai,ai,买。 在这里,我们看到了
这个双元音的两个声音。 您可以在第一个声音

aa 中看到下巴更加下垂。 在第二个
声音“ih”上,舌头更靠前。 这

是配置文件中的两个声音。 再次注意

更多。 在这里,嘴巴的一部分被拉了进去。

使它更平坦。 在第二个声音中,

舌头在前面抬高了很多。 在

“购买”双元音中的“ai”。 示例词:害羞,

写作,再见。 例句:我的妹妹
很聪明,很有风格。 现在


在发出这个声音时是如何移动的。 我的,双唇

紧贴 M,下巴下垂,这里是

舌头朝末端抬起。 姐姐很聪明,
嘴唇凑到 B 上。


向前推。 尖端向上使 T 形
。W 的双唇合在一起。N 形的舌尖

向上,‘ai’ 下降,就像在
‘buy’ 双元音中一样。

发出V音,风格的感觉,嘴唇登场。 另一个“ai”,如
“购买”双元音。 第一部分的下巴下降,第二部分的

黑色的 L。现在从角度。 我的,‘ai’ 就像

‘buy’ 双元音。 第一部分的下巴下降

向上移动第二部分。 姐姐是亮的,
又是一个“买”里的“ai”。 下巴下降,

的尖端向上发出 T。用 a,

舌尖向上发出 N 和下降,ai,nice,sense
of,嘴唇向上发出 V 音。 风格,另一个

“ai”,如“购买”双元音。 下巴下垂,

。 就是这样,非常感谢您

使用 Rachel 的英语。