English How to Pronounce EW ju Diphthong American Accent

The ‘ew’ as in ‘few’ diphthong. The first
sound of this diphthong is the Y consonant.

Diphthongs are normally made up of two vowel
sounds, but in this diphthong, the Y consonant

is acting as a vowel. To make this sound,
the front part of the tongue will push behind

the bottom front teeth, yy, yy, while the
mid/front part of the tongue will raise and

actually make contact with the roof of the
mouth. YY, yy, yyuu. Also, there’s a sort

of pinching off here in the throat that gives
the Y sound that quality. Yyuu, yyuu. The

second half of the diphthong is the ‘oo’ as
in ‘boo’ vowel, yyuu. You may find that the

lips start to form that tight circle of the
vowel oo, even as you’re making the Y consonant

sound, yyuu, yyuu. In the ‘oo’ as in ‘boo’
vowel, the back part of the tongue stretches

up towards the back of the roof of the mouth
and soft palate area. So the tongue goes from

being raised in the front, touching the front
part of the roof of the mouth, to pulling

up and stretching towards the back of the
roof of the mouth. The tip of the tongue still

remains forward in the ‘oo’ as in ‘boo’ vowel,
jjuu, here behind the bottom front teeth,

or slightly lower, in the soft tissue. Yyuu,
few. Here you can see both sounds of the ‘ew’

as in ‘few’ diphthong. You can see that though
in the first sound the lips are rounded, in

the second sound they are much more rounded
and closed. Here are both sounds in profile.

Again, note that the circle of the lips in
the second sound is tighter. Here parts of

the mouth are drawn in. You can see that in
the first sound, the Y consonant sound, the

tongue stretches up and forward. Here I have
not drawn the tongue pressing all the way

to the roof of the mouth because the center
part of the tongue is actually leaving room

for the air to pass through. So the sides
of the top of the tongue are pressing the

sides of the roof of the mouth, leaving a
small passageway down the center. In the second

sound the tongue stretches up and back. Ew.
So the tongue has to make this movement from

being forward and raised to being back and
raised in this diphthong. Sample words: view,

use, music. Sample sentence: You are one of
few pupils writing beautiful poetry. Now you

will see this sentence up close and in slow
motion, both straight on and from an angle,

so you can really study how the mouth moves
when making this sound. You, you can see the

lips round, but they come in tighter towards
the end of the diphthong. And the tongue moves

back as you can see the space between the
teeth getting darker. Are, tongue moves into

the R consonant position. One, lips come small,
tongue goes up to make the N. Of, the lip

to the teeth to make the V sound. Few, another
‘ew’ as in ‘few’ diphthong: lips start bigger

and then come in to the tighter circle. Lips
together for the P, pupils, another ‘ew’ as in ‘few’ diphthong.

Writing, lips form a tight R position, and
then open into the ‘ai’ as in ‘buy’ diphthong.

And the tongue moves up into the T position.
Beautiful, another ‘ew’ as in ‘few’ diphthong

here. Tongue tip up to make the T and the
lip up to make the F. Poetry, the ‘oh’

as in ‘no’ diphthong. The T, then the lips
make the R position, and the lips pull back

into the ‘ee’ as in ‘she’. And now from an
angle. You, the lips form and you see the

tongue begin to pull back as the lips tighten
into a tighter circle. Are, you see the tongue

back there making the R consonant sound. One.
Tongue up to make the N. Of, lip up to make

the V sound, few, the lips up to make the F, and another
‘ew’ as in ‘few’ diphthong, you see the tongue moving back.

Pupils, another ‘ew’ as in ‘few’ diphthong.
And again the lips tighten into a tight circle

as the lips move back. Writing, the tongue
up to touch the roof of the mouth for the

T, beautiful, another ‘ew’ as in ‘few’ diphthong.
The tongue up to touch the roof of the mouth

for the T. Poetry, ‘oh’ as in ‘no’ diphthong.
There’s the R consonant sound. And then the

corners of the lips pull back into the ‘ee’
as in ‘she’ sound. That’s it, and thanks so

much for using Rachel’s English.

‘ew’ 与’few' 双元音一样。 这个双元音的第一个


辅音充当元音。 为了发出这种声音,


上颚。 哟哟哟哟哟哟哟哟哟哟哟哟哟哟哟哟哟哟哟哟哟哟被 此外,

使 Y 声音具有这种品质。 悠悠,悠悠。

如“boo”元音yyuu。 您可能会发现

元音 oo 的紧密圆圈,即使您正在发出 Y

辅音,yyuu,yyuu。 在 ‘oo’ 和 ‘boo’

和软腭区域的后部。 因此,舌头


上颚的后部。 舌尖仍然


,或者在软组织中略低一些。 优,
少数。 在这里,您可以看到“少数”双元音中的“ew”两种声音

。 你可以看到,虽然

和闭合。 这是配置文件中的两种声音。


在第一个声音,Y 辅音中,

舌头向上和向前伸展。 在这里,我


为空气留出了空间。 所以

小通道。 在第二个

声音中,舌头向上和向后伸展。 嗯。

抬起。 示例词:查看、

使用、音乐。 例句:你是
少数写优美诗歌的学生之一。 现在你


在发出这个声音时是如何移动的。 你,你可以看到

双元音的末端变得更紧。 舌头向后移动

越来越黑。 是,舌头移动

到 R 辅音位置。 一、嘴唇变小,

音。的,嘴唇到牙齿发V音。 Few,另一个


写作时,嘴唇形成一个紧的 R 位置,
然后像 ‘buy’ 双元音一样张开成 ‘ai’。

舌头向上移动到 T 位置。
美丽,另一个 ‘ew’ 就像这里的 ‘few’ 双

元音。 舌尖向上发出T,

如“不”双元音。 T,然后嘴唇
成为 R 位置,嘴唇

拉回 ‘ee’ 就像在 ‘she’ 中一样。 现在从一个
角度。 你,嘴唇形成,你看到

成更紧的圆圈。 是吗,你看到后面的舌头

发出 R 辅音。 一。
舌头向上发出 N. Of,嘴唇向上

发出 V 音,很少,嘴唇向上发出 F,另一个
‘ew’ 如 ‘few’ 双元音,你看到舌头向后移动。


。 写作时,

T,优美,另一个 ‘ew’ 如 ‘few’ 双元音。 T. Poetry 中

,‘oh’ 如在’no' 双元音中。
有R辅音。 然后

就像’she’的声音一样。 就是这样,

非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。