English How to Pronounce F and V consonants American Accent

The F and V consonant sounds. These two sounds
are paired together because they take the

same mouth position. FF is unvoiced, meaning
only air passes through the mouth, and vv

is voiced, meaning, uh, uh, vv, you’re making
a sound with the vocal cords. To make this

sound, the bottom lip raises and touches the
very bottom of the top front teeth. Ff, vv.

You don’t want to see your bottom lip disappear
like that. It’s actually the back side of

the lip that’s making contact with the teeth,
ff, vv. Here is a photo of the F and V consonant

sounds on the right compared with the mouth
at rest. Here parts of the mouth are drawn

in. The soft palate is raised for these consonant
sounds. The bottom lip simply raises to touch

the top teeth. The tongue touches lightly
behind the bottom teeth. Sample words. Fan/van,

fault/vault, photo/vote. Sample sentence:
They served a very fresh oven-baked flounder

fillet. Now you’ll see this sentence up close
and in slow motion, both straight on and

from an angle, so you can really study how
the mouth moves when making this sound. They,

tongue comes through the teeth for the TH
sound. Served, here is the R consonant sound,

and now watch the bottom move up for the V.
A very, again, the V sound, bottom lip up.

Fresh. The bottom lip once again makes the F sound,
and the SH lip position. Oven, with the V

sound. Baked, lips together for the B.
Flounder, bottom lip up for the F. And fillet.

Again, the bottom lip up for the F position.

The ‘ay’ as in ‘say’ diphthong. They, tongue
through the teeth for the TH sound, and the

‘ay’ as in ‘say’ diphthong. Served, R position
and then the bottom lip moves up for the V. A very,

bottom lip up for the V. Fresh, bottom lip
up to make the F sound, Fresh. Mouth takes

the SH position. Oven, bottom lip up to make
the V sound. Lips together for the B in baked.

Back of the tongue up to make the kk sound.
Flounder, bottom lip up for the F sound.

The ‘ow’ as in ‘now’ diphthong. And again the
bottom lip up to make the F in fillet. Fillet

with the ‘ay’ as in ‘say’ diphthong.

That’s it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s

F 和 V 辅音发声。 这两个声音

嘴巴位置相同。 FF 是清音的,意思是
只有空气通过嘴,而 vv

用声带发出声音。 为了发出这种

上前牙的最底部。 ff,vv。

。 实际上

ff,vv。 这是右侧的 F 和 V

。 在这里,嘴巴的一部分被

。 下唇只是抬起来

接触上牙。 舌头轻轻地接触
到下齿的后面。 示例词。 风扇/货车,

故障/保险库,照片/投票。 例句:

片。 现在你会近距离

研究嘴巴在发出这个声音时是如何移动的。 他们,

舌头从牙齿发出 TH
声音。 发球,这里是 R 辅音

V。A 非常,再次,V 声,下唇向上。

新鲜的。 下唇再次发出 F 音,
以及 SH 唇位置。 烤箱,带V

音。 烘烤,双唇合拢为 B.
比目鱼,下唇向上为 F. 和鱼片。

再次,下唇向上为 F 位置。

‘ay’ 和 ‘say’ 双元音一样。 他们用
舌头吐出 TH 音,而

‘ay’ 就像 ‘say’ 双元音。 发球时,R 位置
,然后下唇向上移动为 V。A 非常,

下唇向上为 V。Fresh,下唇
向上发出 F 音,Fresh。 嘴

处于 SH 位置。 烤箱,下唇向上
发出V音。 嘴唇合在一起为B 烤。

舌后向上发 kk 音。
比目鱼,下唇向上发 F 音。

‘ow’ 和’now' 双元音一样。 再次将
下唇向上制成鱼片中的 F。


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