English How to Pronounce N consonant American Accent

The N consonant sound. This sound is made
by the front/top part of the tongue raising

and touching the roof of the mouth, nn, nn.
The teeth part a bit, the lips are open, nn,

nn, and the vocal cords make sound, nn, nn.
Here is the N consonant sound on the right

compared with the mouth at rest. You can see
that the lips are parted and the jaw is slightly

dropped for this sound. Here, parts of the
mouth are drawn in. The tongue raises in the

front and touches the roof of the mouth just
behind the teeth. So actually the tip of the

tongue is touching the front teeth. This is
one of the few sounds in American English

where the soft palate remains down. This allows
air to pass over the soft palate, and causes

it to feel somewhat in the nose. It is a nasal
consonant along with M and NG. Sample words:

nice, can, dinner. Sample sentence: Now I
don’t know when I can come. Now you will see

this sentence up close and in slow motion,
both straight on and from an angle, so you

can really study how the mouth moves when
making this sound. Now, jaw drops and the

tongue goes to the roof of the mouth just
behind the teeth for the N. Down for the ‘ow’

as in ‘now’ diphthong. I, with the ‘ai’ as
in ‘buy’ diphthong. Don’t, the lips are rounded

here, so you can’t really see the tongue goes
up behind the teeth and back down. Know when,

lips make the tight circle. Tongue up for
the N. I can come with the ‘uh’ as in ‘butter’

vowel sound and the lips together for the
M consonant sound. And now from the angle.

Jaw drops while the tongue goes to the roof
of the mouth just behind the teeth. Now, ‘ow’

as in ‘now’ diphthong. I don’t, tongue up
to the roof of the mouth for the N, and again

for the N in know. When, lips make the tight
circle for the W and the tongue up to the

roof of the mouth for the N. I can, tongue
raises in the back for the K sound. Come,

with the ‘uh’ as in ‘butter’ and the lips
close for the M consonant sound. That’s it,

and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English.

N 辅音。 这种声音是


这是右边的 N 辅音

与静止时的嘴相比。 您可以

下垂以发出这种声音。 在这里,

到牙齿后面的上颚。 所以实际上

舌尖接触到门牙。 这是

中为数不多的软腭保持下降的声音之一。 这允许

使它在鼻子里有一些感觉。 它
与M和NG一起是鼻辅音。 例句:

不错,可以,晚餐。 例句:现在
不知道什么时候能来。 现在你会


发出这个声音时是如何移动的。 现在,下巴掉下来,

在牙齿后面的 N. Down 用于“ow”,

如“now”双元音。 我,
与“购买”双元音中的“ai”。 不要,这里的嘴唇是圆的

在牙齿后面向上和向下。 知道什么时候,

N. I can come with ‘uh’ as in ‘butter’

M 辅音。 现在从角度来看。

。 现在,‘ow

' 和’now’ 双元音一样。 我不知道,舌头
到嘴巴的顶部为 N,再

为 N 知道。 当 W 音时,嘴唇紧缩成
圆形,N 音时舌头向上到

嘴顶。 I can,
K 音时舌头向后抬起。 来,

用 ‘butter’ 中的 ‘uh’ 和嘴唇
闭上 M 辅音。 就是

这样,非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。