English How to Pronounce NG Consonant American Accent

The NG consonant sound. To make this sound,
the back part of the tongue reaches up and

touches the soft palate, which remains down
in this sound, ng, ng. The front part of the

tongue is lightly touching behind the bottom
front teeth. The teeth are parted and the

lips as well, ng, ng, while the vocal cords
make sound, ng, ng. Here we see the NG sound

on the right compared with the mouth at rest.
You can see that the mouth is open and the

jaw is dropped. Here, parts of the mouth are
drawn in. The tip of the tongue is down behind

the bottom front teeth, while the back of
the tongue stretches up and touches the soft

palate, which is not raised in this sound.
It is in the relaxed position. This is one

of the few sounds in American English where
the soft palate is down and relaxed. This

allows air to pass up and over it, causing
the sound to feel somewhat in the nose. It

is a nasal consonant along with M and N. Sample
words: sing, think, running. Sample sentence:

Studying English and practicing speaking is
rewarding. Now you will see this sentence

up close and in slow motion, both straight
on and from an angle, so you can really study

how the mouth moves when making this sound.
Studying, teeth together for the ST sounds,

opening into the ‘uh’ as in ‘butter’, tongue
up for the D, studying, and the ING with the

NG sound. You see the front part of the tongue
here coming back down. English. Tongue through

the teeth for the L. SH mouth position. And
practicing, lips together for the P.

Tongue up for the T, c-t sound, practice,

very quick ING sound, practicing. Speaking,
lips together for the P. Again you see the

front part of the tongue coming down from
the NG position. Is, teeth come together for

the Z sound and the lips form the R sound.
Rewarding. W, tongue tip up for the D and

back down. And it’s the front part of the
tongue you see coming down from being raised

at the back in the NG position. And now from
an angle. Studying, teeth together for the

S-T sounds opening into the ‘uh’ as in ‘butter’.
Tongue tip up for the D. -ing, you see the front part

of the tongue coming back down from being
raised in the back, for the ING sound. English,

tongue through the teeth here to make the
L. The SH lip position. And practicing, lips

together for the P. Tongue in the ‘aa’ as
in ‘bat’ position. Up to make the T sound.

Together for the S, and here again the tongue
is in the ING position quickly. Speaking,

lips together for the P, ING
position. Is, teeth together for the Z sound.

Rewarding, lips forming the R consonant sound,

and now the W consonant sound. Tongue tip
up to make the D. And now you see the NG position

as it is raised in the back, tip coming down
in the front. That’s it, and thanks so much

for using Rachel’s English.

NG辅音。 为了发出这个声音,

在这个声音中保持下来,ng,ng。 舌头的前部

门牙的后面。 牙齿分开,

发出声音,ng,ng。 在这里,我们看到右侧的 NG 声音


下巴下垂。 在这里,嘴巴的一部分被


它处于放松的位置。 这是

的软腭下降和放松的声音之一。 这

使声音在鼻子中有所感觉。 它

是与 M 和 N 一起的鼻辅音。示例
词:sing、think、running。 例句:

有益的。 现在你会


学习,ST 音的牙齿并拢,

D 的舌头向上,学习,

NG 的声音。 你看到这里的舌头前部
向后落下。 英语。 舌头

穿过牙齿为 L. SH 嘴的位置。 和


非常快的ING音,练习。 说话时,
双唇合拢为 P。你再次看到

从 NG 位置落下。 就是,牙齿合在一起

奖励。 W,舌尖向上为 D,

然后向下。 这是你看到的舌头的前部,

在 NG 位置从后面抬起来。 现在从
一个角度。 学习时,

S-T 的牙齿齐齐发出“uh”,就像在“butter”中一样。
舌尖向上发出 D.-ing,你会看到舌头的前

抬起而向后下降,发出 ING 的声音。 英语,

L。SH唇位置。 练习时,双唇

合拢为 P. 舌头在 ‘aa’ 和
‘bat’ 位置。 向上发出 T 音。

一起为 S,在这里,舌头再次
快速处于 ING 位置。 说话时,

位置。 是,齿合为Z音。

奖励,嘴唇形成 R 辅音

,现在是 W 辅音。 舌尖
向上做 D。现在你看到 NG 位置,

在前面下降。 就是这样,非常

感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。