English How to Pronounce OH o diphthong American Accent

The ‘oh’ as in ‘no’ diphthong. The first sound
of this diphthong does not occur on its own

as a vowel in American English, o, o, oh.
You can see the lips have a rounded position,

o, oh. The tongue raises up a bit in the back
towards the soft palate. In general, the tongue

raises some and shifts back a bit, o, o. This
means the tip of the tongue, pulled slightly

back, is not touching anything. The second
sound is the ‘uh’ as in ‘pull’ vowel sound,

though, in this diphthong, the lips will round
more for the second sound than when the ‘uh’

as in ‘pull’ occurs on its own as a vowel.
Oh, you can see that tighter circle. The back

part of the tongue will stretch even further
towards the soft palate in the second half

of this diphthong. The tip of the tongue,
usually touching behind the bottom front teeth

for the ‘uh’ as in ‘pull’ vowel, may be slightly
further back because it was further back in

the first half of the diphthong. Oh, no. Here
we see both sounds of the diphthong. In the

first sound, you can see the jaw is dropped
more. In both sounds the lips are rounded,

but they are more rounded in the second sound.
Here are the two sounds in profile. Again,

note that the jaw has dropped more for the
first sound. Here, parts of the mouth are

drawn in. In the first sound, the tongue is
pulled slightly back and up. In the second

sound, it stretches up even more towards the
soft palate. In both sounds, the tongue tip

is not quite touching the bottom front teeth.
Sample words: lonely, owner, telephone. Sample

sentence: The window of the hotel was blown
out and broken. Now you will see this sentence

up close and in slow motion, both straight
on and from an angle, so you can really study

how the mouth moves when making this sound.
The. Tongue through the teeth for the TH sound.

Window, lips make the W shape, tongue
up for the N. Teeth together for the D. And

here a quick ‘oh’ as in ‘no’ diphthong. Of,
bottom lip up for the V, the hotel, again, ‘oh’

as in ‘no’, ‘eh’ as in ‘bed’, and the tongue
up for the L. Was blown, the ‘oh’ as in ‘no’,

you can see the lips rounding more at the
end. Out, with the ‘ow’ as in ‘now’ diphthong.

And broken. Lips together for the B, R, and
here is the ‘oh’ as in ‘no’ diphthong. Broken.

And from an angle. Tongue through the teeth
for the TH. The window, lips make the W. Tongue

up for the N and D. And here is an ‘oh’ as
in ‘no’. You see the lips round more at the

end. Of the ho-, again ‘oh’ as in ‘no’, you
see the tongue move back, hotel. Lips together

for the T. ‘Eh’ as in ‘bed’ and the tongue
comes forward for the L. Was blown, lips together

for the B. Tongue up for the L and down, ‘oh’
as in ‘no’, again you see the tongue moving

back. Tongue up for the N. Out. Teeth together
for the T. And broken, lips together for the

B, again an ‘oh’ as in ‘no’ diphthong, forming
a tight circle at the end. Broken. Tongue

tip up to make the N. That’s it, and thanks
so much for using Rachel’s English.

‘oh’ 和’no' 双元音一样。 这个双元音的第一个声音

在美式英语中不会作为元音单独出现,o, o, oh。

o,oh。 舌头在后面
朝软腭抬起一点。 一般来说,舌头

会抬起一些并向后移动一点,o,o。 这

向后拉,没有碰到任何东西。 第二个


哦,你可以看到那个更紧密的圆圈。 在这个双元音的


。 舌尖,


在双元音的前半部分更靠后。 不好了。 在这里,
我们看到了双元音的两种声音。 在

更加下垂。 在这两个声音中,嘴唇都是圆润的,

这是配置文件中的两个声音。 再次

第一个声音时下降得更多。 在这里,嘴巴的一部分

稍微向后和向上拉。 在第二个

软腭延伸。 在这两种声音中,舌尖


被炸坏了。 现在你会


这。 舌尖发出 TH 音。

窗户,嘴唇形成 W 形,舌头
向上代表 N。牙齿并拢代表 D。

这里是一个快速的“哦”,如“没有”双元音。 其中,
下唇向上代表 V,酒店,再次,“哦

向上代表 L。被吹了,“哦”在“ 不,

。 Out,用 ‘ow’ 和 ‘now’ 双元音一样。

而破碎。 B、R 的双唇合在一起,
这里是 ‘o’ 中的’no' 双元音。 破碎的。

而且从一个角度。 舌穿牙齿
为 TH。 窗户,嘴唇

构成了 W。N 和 D 的舌头。这里是一个“哦”,
就像“不”一样。 你看到最后的嘴唇更圆

了。 嗬-,又是“哦”,就像在“不”中一样,你

T. ‘Eh’ 的双唇合拢,就像在’bed' 中一样,
L. 的时候舌头向前伸出。被吹过,

B. 的双唇合拢。L 的舌头向上和向下,‘oh’
就像在’no' 中一样 你看到舌头

向后移动。 为 N. Out 竖起大拇指。
T 的牙齿并拢。B 的时候嘴唇合拢

一个紧密的圆圈。 破碎的。

舌尖向上发出 N。就是这样,
非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。