English How to Pronounce OW a diphthong American Accent

The ‘ow’ as in ‘now’ diphthong. The first
sound of this diphthong does not appear on

its own as a vowel in American English. To
make this sound, aa, ow, the back part of

the tongue stretches a bit towards the soft
palate, aa, and you can see the corners of

the lips pull a bit and the top lip pulls
up, showing a little bit more of the top teeth,

aa, aa. The second half of the diphthong is
the ‘uh’ as in ‘pull’ vowel sound. In this

vowel sound, the back of the tongue will stretch
even further up towards the soft palate, ow,

ow. And you can see the lips will come in
and round for the second part of the diphthong,

ow, now. Here we see both sounds of the diphthong.
In the first sound, you can see the jaw is

dropped more. Here are the two sounds in profile.
Here parts of the mouth are drawn in. In the

first sound on the left, the tongue is raised
and pulls back, slightly higher in the back.

In the second sound the tongue stretches up
towards the soft palate. The tip of the tongue

is touching the bottom front teeth in the
first sound, but is not quite touching in

the second sound. The ‘ow’ as in ‘now’ diphthong.
Sample words: cow, bow, sound. Sample sentence:

I found my flowers dead and brown when
I came back to town. Now you will see this

sentence up close and in slow motion, both
straight on and from an angle, so you can

really study how the mouth moves when making
this sound. I, with the ‘ai’ as in ‘buy’ diphthong.

Lip up to make the F in found, and here we
have the ‘ow’ as in ‘now’ diphthong. The space

in the mouth gets darker as the tongue is
moving back. My flowers, again, the ‘ow’ as

in ‘now’, and again, you can see the tongue
moves back as the space in the mouth gets

darker. Teeth come together for the Z in flowers,
also for the D in dead with the ‘eh’ as in

‘bed’ vowel sound. Tongue tip up for the D.
And brown, lips together for the B and again

the ‘ow’ as in ‘now’ diphthong. Tongue up
to make the N. The lips form the tight circle

for the W, when, tongue tip up for the N.
I came, lips together for the M sound. Back,

the tongue up in the back to make the K sound.
To town, with the ‘ow’ as in ‘now’ diphthong,

lips rounding at the end, tongue tip up for
the N. And now from the angle. I found, the

‘ow’ as in ‘now’ diphthong. You can see the
tongue moving back as the lips come forward

and round. My flowers, again, the ‘ow’ as
in ‘now’. The lips come in to round for the

second half of the diphthong. Teeth make the
Z position. Dead, tongue tip up for the D.

And brown, again, the ‘ow’ as in ‘now’ diphthong.
The tongue there coming forward from being

back for the R. When with the ‘eh’ as in ‘bed’,
tongue up for the N. When I came, lips together

for the M. Back, you can see the tongue moving
up in the back for the K sound. To with the

schwa, town. Again the ‘ow’ as in ‘now’ diphthong,
see the tongue moving back and the lips rounding.

Tongue tip up for the N. That’s it, and thanks
so much for using Rachel’s English.

‘ow’ 和’now' 双元音一样。 这个双元音的第一个

在美式英语中并不作为元音单独出现。 为了


向上拉,显示出更多的 上牙,

aa,aa。 双元音的后半部分
是“uh”,如“pull”元音。 在这个


哇。 现在你可以看到

圆润。 在这里,我们看到了双元音的两种声音。

下巴更加下垂。 这是配置文件中的两个声音。


伸向软腭。 舌尖


。 ‘ow’ 和’now' 双元音一样。
示例词:牛,弓,声音。 例句:

。 现在你会


。 我,与“购买”双元音中的“ai”。

抬起嘴唇以使 F in found,这里我们
有 ‘ow’ 和 ‘now’ 双元音。

。 我的花朵,再一次,“现在”中的“哇”


变暗了。 牙齿聚集在一起代表花朵中的 Z,
也代表死亡中的 D 和 ‘eh’,就像在

‘bed’ 元音中一样。 舌尖向上代表
D。棕色,双唇合拢代表 B,

再次发出 ‘ow’,如 ‘now’ 双元音。 舌尖
向上发出 N。双唇形成紧密的圆圈

发出 W,此时,舌尖向上
发出 N。I come,双唇合拢发出 M 音。 背部

到城里,用 ‘ow’ 和 ‘now’ 双元音一样,

表示 N。现在从角度。 我发现,

‘ow’ 和’now' 双元音一样。

和圆润时,您可以看到舌头向后移动。 我的花朵,又

在双元音的后半部分,嘴唇变得圆润。 牙齿使
Z 位置。 死,舌尖为

D。棕色,再次,在“现在”双元音中的 ‘ow’。
R 的舌头从

时,N 的舌头向上。当我来的时候,

M 的嘴唇合在一起。背部,你可以看到舌头
向上移动 后面为K音。 与

施瓦,镇。 再次像“现在”双元音中的“哇”,

N 的舌头向上倾斜。就是这样,
非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。