English How to Pronounce R Consonant American Accent

The R consonant sound. This is truly one of
the hardest sounds in American English. Before

I go into how to make it, I want to talk about
two ways not to make it: some common mistakes

that I see in my students. First, is to make
a D-like sound, ruh, ruh, where there the

tongue flips. If you can’t hold out the sound,
rrrrrr, then it’s not a proper R sound. Also,

some of my students are able to get a pretty
good R sound by, incorrectly, curling the

tongue backwards, rrrr. Though you can hold
this out, and it does make an ok, R sound,

it’s sort of a hollow sound and doesn’t quite
have the tight quality of a correct R sound.

How to make the R sound correctly? Rr. To
make this sound, the tongue will pull back

somewhat. It will fatten and raise in the
middle, rr, rr, about here. Because it is

raising, the tongue will actually be touching
the insides and bottom of the top teeth, rr,

rr, on either side of the mouth, rr, rr. Because
the tongue has pulled back a bit and fattened,

the front part of the tongue does come down,
but it’s not touching anything inside the

mouth, rr, rr, rr. And you can see that the
corners of the lips come in, bringing the

lips away from the face, rr, rr. If the R
comes at the beginning of a word, like in my

name, Rachel, the lips may take a very tight
circle, Rachel. If it comes at the end of

a word or a syllable, it may be more relaxed,
like in the word father, father, rr, rr. You

can see the lips are not as rounded as in
Rachel. Here we see a photo of 3 different

words with the R sound. The first is my name,
Rachel, so that’s a beginning R, an R that

begins a word. The second is the word proud,
so the R is not the initial sound, but it

is towards the beginning of the syllable, before
the vowel. And the third is the word whatever,

where the R sound comes at the end. Notice
on all three of these sounds that the corners

of the mouth come in a little bit, causing
the lips to round somewhat. Here we see a

photo of the first R sound in the word cracker
on the right compared with the mouth at rest

on the left. Notice that the corners of the
lips are pushed forward and in a little bit.

Here, parts of the mouth are drawn in. The
soft palate is raised on this sound. In the

middle of the mouth the tongue fattens up
and raises, pressing against the insides of

the top teeth. This draws the tip of the tongue
back so that it is not touching anything Here

we see this same R sound, the first R in cracker,
but now it’s on the left, on the right we

see the R in the word ‘whatever’, the R sound
that comes at the end of a word. You can see

that the tongue position is a little bit different
in that the tongue is slightly further back

in the final R sound. Because of this further
back position, R sounds at the beginning of

syllables feel more forward in the face, whereas
R sounds at the end of syllables feel further

back in the mouth. Sample words: run, relax,
father. Sample sentence: Whenever Rebecca

drives her car around New York, she really
worries about parking it on the street. Now

you’ll see this sentence up close and in slow
motion, both straight on and from an angle,

so you can really study how the mouth moves
when making this sound. Whenever, lips form

the tight circle for the W, ‘eh’ as in ‘bed’
and the tongue tip up to make the N. Bottom

lip up for the V and here’s an unaccented
‘ur’ syllable. Rebecca, lips together for

the B. Back of the tongue up for the KK sound.
Drives, lip position for the R. Bottom lip

up to make the V sound. Her, R lip position,
car, R lip position, and you can see the tongue

moving up in the back to make the R, car. To New
York, tight circle for the ‘oo’ as in ‘boo’,

York. The R is at the end of the syllable
here, so the lips are more relaxed. She, lips

form the SH position. Really, this is a beginning
R, and now look at how tight that lip circle

is for the R in really. Really, tongue makes
the L. Worries, lips form a tight circle for

the W, worries. About, lips together for the
B. Parking, again you see the tongue move

up in the back for the R. Parking it on, tongue
up to make the N. The, tongue through the

teeth for the TH. Street. Again, lip position
for the R. Street, corners of the lips pull

back for the ‘ee’ as in ‘she’.

Whenever, lips begin in the tight circle for
the W. Whe-, tongue tip up to make the N,

-ever, bottom lip up to make the V. And then
a quick RR sound, Rebecca. Tongue up in the

back for the kk sound. Drives, lips form that
R position. Bottom lip up to make the V. Her,

again, note the lip position for the R, also
on car. Now here you can see how far back

the tongue is. This is the front part of the
tongue coming back down from where the middle

is up, pressing against the insides of the
top teeth. To, tongue tip up to make the T.

It’s reduced here to the schwa, to, to New
York, New, the ‘oo’ as in ‘boo’. York, Y consonant

sound. She, lips form the SH sound. Really, here
again, notice how tight the circle is for

the R. Really. Worries, again, tight circle,
this time for the W. Here again you can see

that the tongue is quite far back for the
R sound. Worries. About, lips together for

the B, again together for the P, parking.
Here the ‘ah’ as in ‘father’ followed by the

R consonant sound, the R consonant sound has
a way of taking over this vowel. And you can

see that the lips are in the R position and
that the front part of the tongue has pulled

back as the middle part of the tongue has
fattened up and raised. This is the front

part of the tongue as it is dropping back
down from the roof of the mouth. Parking it.

Tongue tip up to make the T. It on the, tongue
through the teeth for the TH. And street.

ST and the R consonant sound opening into
the ‘ee’ as in ‘she’ vowel sound. That’s it,

and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English.

R 辅音。 这确实是
美式英语中最难的声音之一。 在


我在学生身上看到的一些常见错误。 首先,是
在舌头翻转的地方发出类似 D 的声音,呃,呃

。 如果你不能保持声音,
rrrrrr,那么它不是一个正确的 R 声音。 此外,

通过错误地向后卷舌 rrrr 来获得相当不错的 R 音

。 虽然你可以坚持
下去,它确实发出了不错的 R 声音,

没有正确的 R 声音的紧密质量。

如何正确发出 R 音? Rr。 为了

一些。 它会在
中间,rr,rr,大约在这里变胖和升高。 因为它是在




,rr,rr,rr。 你可以看到

嘴唇远离脸部,rr,rr。 如果 R

绕成一个圈,Rachel。 如果它出现在

就像在单词father、father、rr、rr中一样。 你

。 在这里,我们看到一张带有 R 音的 3 个不同单词的照片

。 第一个是我的名字,
Rachel,所以这是一个开头的 R,

一个以单词开头的 R。 第二个是骄傲这个词,
所以 R 不是声母,

在元音之前。 第三个是whatever这个词

,R的声音在最后。 请

导致嘴唇有点圆。 在这里,我们看到右侧

单词饼干中第一个 R 音的照片

。 请注意,

软腭因这个声音而上升。 在


在上排牙齿的内侧。 这将舌尖

我们看到同样的 R 音,饼干中的第一个 R,

看到单词 ‘whatever’ 中的 R,
词尾的 R 音。 你可以

,因为在最后的 R 音中,舌头稍微靠后一些

。 由于这个更
靠后的位置,在音节开头的 R 音

在音节结尾的 R 音在口中感觉更

靠后。 例句:跑步、放松、
父亲。 例句:每当丽贝卡

停在街上。 现在


在发出这个声音时是如何移动的。 无论何时,嘴唇

为 W 形成紧密的圆圈,“eh”就像在“bed”中一样
,舌尖向上形成 N。

下唇向上代表 V,这是一个不带重音的
“ur”音节。 Rebecca,双唇合拢

为 B。舌后向上为 KK 音。
驱动器,唇部位置为 R。下唇

向上以发出 V 音。 Her, R lip position,
car, R 唇位置,你可以看到舌头

在后面向上移动,形成 R, car。 到
纽约,在约克的 ‘boo’ 中为 ‘oo’ 紧圈

。 这里的R在音节的末尾
,所以嘴唇更放松。 她,嘴唇

形成SH位置。 真的,这是一个开始的

圈对于R来说有多紧。 真的,舌头

。 大约,双唇合拢为

在后面向上移动,为 R。停在上面,舌头
向上形成 N。The,舌头穿过

牙齿为 TH。 街道。 同样,
R. Street 的嘴唇位置,嘴唇的角

向后拉,就像在 ‘she’ 中一样。

无论何时,双唇开始在 W 的紧密圆圈
中。Whe-,舌尖向上发出 N,

-ever,下唇向上发出 V。然后
是快速的 RR 声音,Rebecca。 舌头在

后面向上发 kk 音。 驱动器,嘴唇形成那个
R位置。 下唇向上做 V。她

再次注意 R 的唇位置,也在
车上。 现在在这里你可以看到

舌头有多远。 这是舌头的前部,

上齿的内侧。 To,舌尖向上发出

T。这里简化为 schwa,to,New
York,New,‘oo’,如 ‘boo’。 约克,Y

辅音。 她,嘴唇形成SH音。 真的,在
这里,请注意 R 的圆圈有多紧

。真的。 再次担心,紧圈,
这次是 W。在这里你可以

再次看到 R 音的舌头靠得很远
。 担心。 约,双唇合

这里的 ‘ah’ 就像在 ‘father’ 中后跟

R 辅音,R 辅音有
一种接管这个元音的方式。 你可以


变胖并抬起了。 这是舌头的前

从口腔顶部向下落。 停车。

舌尖向上做T。It on the,舌尖
穿过牙齿为TH。 还有街。

ST 和 R 辅音
在 ‘ee’ 中打开,就像在 ‘she’ 元音中一样。 就是

这样,非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。