English How to Pronounce T and D consonants American Accent

The T and D consonant sounds. These two sounds
are paired together because they take the

same mouth position. Tt is unvoiced, meaning,
only air passes through the mouth. And dd

is voiced, meaning, uh, uh, dd, you make a
noise with the vocal cords. These consonants

are stop consonants, which means there are
two parts. First, a stop of the airflow, and

second, a release. The airflow is stopped
by the tongue position. The tongue will come

up and the front part will touch the roof
of the mouth just behind the top teeth. It

will then pull down to release the air. The
teeth are together, tt, and as the air comes

out, when the tongue releases, they part,
tt, dd. Let’s take for example the word ‘pat’.

Pat: the first part, the tongue has moved
up into position, cutting off the flow of

air. Pa-tt. And the second part, the tongue
releases, and the air comes through the closed

teeth. A note about the teeth position for
the D. As I said, the teeth are together,

tt, and part when the air is released. This
must happen for a release of the T. But the

D can actually be made without the teeth coming
all the way together: dad, dad. You can see

there the teeth are not closing all the way,
but you’re getting a D sound by the tongue

coming up into position and pulling away.
Stop consonants are sometimes pronounced without

the second part, without this release, when
they come at the end of a syllable or a word.

Let’s take for example the sentence ‘I bet
you did’. I bet, you can see the tongue has

moved up into position for the T. I bet you
did. But rather than releasing air through

the teeth, the mouth simply moves into the
next sound, which is the ‘ew’ as in ‘few’

diphthong. I bet you did. I bet you did. No
release. It’s important to note we’re not

just leaving out the sound. I bet – the tongue
is moving into position, which is cutting

off the airflow. And that stop is part of
the T. I bet you did. So even though we’re

not releasing to give the complete full T,
the idea is still there by the tongue going

into position, cutting off the airflow. So
T and D can sometimes be pronounced with the

stop and the release, and sometimes just the
stop. The T has another pronunciation, it’s

call the flap or tap T, and on my website
in the International Phonetic Alphabet, I

use the D symbol to represent this sound because
it sounds and functions, and is made just

like the D. This sound happens when the T
comes between two vowel sounds. Let’s take

for example, the word madder and matter. One
is spelled with two D’s, and one with two

T’s. But they’re pronounced the same: madder,
matter. Let’s look at them in sentences. I’m

madder than I’ve ever been. What’s the matter?
It’s the same sound. The lip position of these

sounds is influenced by the sound that comes
next. For example, dime, dime. You can see

the mouth is taking the shape of the first
sound of the ‘ai’ as in ‘buy’ diphthong, dime,

even before the D is made. Drain, drain. Again,
you can see the lips taking the position for

the R, drain, even before the D is made. Do,
do, again you can see the lips taking the

circle for the ‘oo’ as in ‘boo’ vowel. Do,
do. Here we see the T/D mouth position on

the right compared with the mouth at rest
on the left. Here, parts of the mouth are

drawn in. The soft palate is raised for these
consonant sounds. The tongue position stretches

up in the front and presses against the roof
of the mouth to make the stop before releasing

the air. The position is just behind the top
front teeth. Sample words: time/dime, tad/dad,

tote/dote. The last two word pairs ended with
T’s and D’s. Did you notice that I did not

release them? Sample sentence: Tom tasted
Dad’s dark chocolate treats. Now you will

see this sentence up close and in slow motion,
both straight on and from an angle, so you

can really study how the mouth moves making
these sounds. Tom, with the T, you see the

teeth close, the tongue raised behind them.
And there’s the release. Tom. The lips will

close for the M, and when they open you will
see the teeth are still closed for the T in

tasted. Then the ST consonant cluster, and
there there’s a quick ih vowel, there, before

the D, tasted. Dad’s. The tongue will come
up here to make the D, there will be a quick

Z before the D in dark, and you can see the
lips already starting to take the form of

the R even before the teeth release. Chocolate,
tongue through the teeth for the L, and then

up to make the T which is a stop here. Treats,
and again you see the lips forming the R even

before the teeth release the T. And the TS
sound at the end. Tom, you see the tongue

tip up behind the closed teeth, releasing
into the ‘ah’ as in ‘father’. Lips close for

the M. Tasted, tongue up to make the T, quick
ih sound and then the D, tasted, Dad’s. Tongue

up again to make the final D. Dad’s. Dark,
lips taking the form of the R. Chocolate,

tongue up for the L and then to the roof of
the mouth to make the stop of the T. And treats,

where the lips form the R shape around the
closed teeth. And tongue tip up to make the

final T, and S sound. Treats. That’s it, and
thanks so much for using Rachel’s English.

T 和 D 辅音发声。 这两个声音

嘴巴位置相同。 Tt 是清音的,意思是
只有空气通过嘴。 dd

用声带发出声音。 这些辅音

两个部分。 首先,气流停止,

其次,释放。 气流
被舌头位置阻止。 舌头会



tt,dd。 让我们以“pat”这个词为例。


。 帕特。 第二部分,舌头

牙齿进入。 关于 D 的牙齿位置的注释

tt 和分开的。 这
必须发生在 T 的发行版中。但

实际上可以在没有牙齿的情况下制作 D
:爸爸,爸爸。 你可以看到


上来就位并拉开时会发出 D 音。


你做到了”这个句子为例。 我敢打赌,你可以看到舌头已经

移到了 T 的位置。我敢打赌你
做到了。 但嘴不是通过牙齿释放空气,而是


双元音。 我敢打赌你做到了。 我敢打赌你做到了。 没有
释放。 重要的是要注意我们不

只是忽略声音。 我敢打赌——舌头

切断气流。 那个停止
是T的一部分。我打赌你做到了。 因此,即使我们

没有释放完整的 T,

进入位置,切断气流。 所以
T 和 D 有时可以用

停止。 T 有另一个发音,它

叫做拍打 T,在我

用 D 符号来表示这个声音,因为

就像 D 一样。这个声音发生 当 T
出现在两个元音之间时。 让我们

一个拼写有两个 D,一个拼写有两个

T。 但它们的发音相同:madder,
matter。 让我们用句子来看看它们。

我比以往任何时候都更疯狂。 怎么了?
是一样的声音。 这些声音的唇

。 例如,一毛钱,一毛钱。 你可以


甚至在发出D之前。 排水,排水。 再一次,
你可以看到嘴唇占据了 R 的位置

,排水管,甚至在 D 完成之前。 做,

渡渡鸟。 在这里,我们看到右侧的 T/D 嘴位置

。 在这里,嘴巴的一部分被

。 舌头位置


。 该位置就在
上前牙的后面。 示例词:time/dime、tad/dad、

tote/dote。 最后两个单词对以
T 和 D 结尾。 你注意到我没有

释放它们吗? 例句:汤姆尝了
爸爸的黑巧克力。 现在你会


这些声音的。 汤姆,用 T,你看到

还有发布。 汤姆。 嘴唇会

为 M 闭合,当它们张开时,你会
看到牙齿仍然闭合,因为 T

尝到了味道。 然后是 ST 辅音簇
,在 D 之前有一个快速的 ih 元音

。 爸爸的。 舌头
会上来做 D,

在黑暗中在 D 之前会有一个快速的 Z,你可以看到

甚至在牙齿释放之前就已经开始呈现 R 的形式。 巧克力,

向上做T,这里就停了。 对待
,你再次看到嘴唇形成 R 甚至

在牙齿释放 T 之前。最后是 TS
声音。 汤姆,你看到舌头


M. Tasted 的嘴唇闭合,舌头向上发出 T,快速的
ih 声音,然后是 D,味道,Dad’s。

再次伸出舌头来做最后的 D. Dad’s。 深色,
嘴唇呈 R 形。巧克力形,

舌头向上代表 L,然后
到上颚,使 T 形停止。和零食

,嘴唇在闭合的牙齿周围形成 R 形
。 舌尖向上发出

最后的 T 和 S 音。 款待。 就是这样,
非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。