English How to Pronounce TH Consonants American Accent

The two TH consonant sounds. These sounds
are paired together because they take the

same mouth position. Th is unvoiced, meaning,
only air passes through the mouth, and th

is voiced, meaning you make a sound with the
vocal cords. To make this sound, the very

tip of the tongue comes through the teeth,
th, th, thanks, th, th, this. The rest of

the mouth remains relaxed. For the THR consonant
cluster, the lips will begin to move into

position for the R while the TH is being made.
Three, three. In some cases, these sounds

will be replaced with a similar sound, when
the tongue does not quite come through the

teeth. Instead it presses against the closed
teeth. This will happen in an unstressed word

only, when there isn’t enough time given to
the word for teeth to part and the tongue

to come through. For example, ‘What’s in the
car?’ What’s in the car? The tongue isn’t

coming all the way through the teeth. Here
we see the TH sound on the right compared

with the mouth at rest on the left. And with
parts of the mouth drawn in. The soft palate

is raised for this sound. You can see the
tongue through the teeth, just the tip comes

through. The TH consonant sounds. Sample words:
thin/this, thief/these, birthday/worthy. Sample

sentence: I thought of using these Lily of
the Valleys rather than those thorny roses.

Now you will see this sentence up close and
in slow motion, both straight on and from

an angle, so you can really study how the
mouth moves when making these sounds. I, with

the ‘ai’ as in ‘buy’ diphthong. Thought, tongue
tip through the teeth, TH, thought. ‘Aw’ as in ‘law’,

tongue up to make the T which is a D here,
thought of. Using, the ‘ew’ as in ‘few’ diphthong.

These, tongue tip through the teeth. Lily
of the Valleys, tongue up in the L position,

comes down, ‘ih’ as in ‘sit’, back up for
the second L, lily, of, bottom lip up for

the V sound, and again for the V sound of
Valleys. Tongue up for the L, that was an

L, not a TH. Rather, lips take the R consonant
shape, and the tongue comes through the teeth

again for the TH, one more time quickly for
than. Those, ‘oh’ as in ‘no’ diphthong, and

again for thorny, thorny roses, R consonant
shape, ‘oh’ as in ‘no’ diphthong. Teeth together

for the Z sound, then part slightly for the
schwa, and together again for the final

Z sound. And now from an angle. I thought,
tongue tip through the teeth, tongue up to

make the D sound, bottom lip up for the V.
Using, with the ‘ew’ as in ‘few’ diphthong.

These, tongue tip through the teeth.

Teeth together for the Z sound and tongue
up to make the L. Lily, up again for the second

L. Lily of, bottom lip up for the V. And you
don’t even seen the tongue for the TH there

because it’s so quick. Of the Valley, Valleys.
Rather, mouth takes the R consonant shape

and the tongue tip comes through for the TH.
Rather. The tongue tip comes through quickly to

make than and those, than is very short there.
‘Oh’ as in ‘no’, teeth together for the Z

sound. Thorny, tongue through the teeth for
the TH, tongue up to make the N, roses. R

consonant shape, teeth together for the Z
sound, part for the schwa, and together again

for the Z sound. That’s it, and thanks so
much for using Rachel’s English.

两个 TH 辅音。 这些

相同的嘴巴位置。 Th是清音的,意思是

声带发出声音。 为了发出这种声音,

th,th,thanks,th,th,this。 嘴的其余

部分保持放松。 对于 THR 辅音
簇,在发出 TH 时,嘴唇将开始移动到

R 的位置。
三,三。 在某些情况下,当舌头没有完全穿过牙齿时,这些声音


。 相反,它压在闭合的
牙齿上。 这只会发生在一个不重读的词


来时。 例如,“
车里有什么?” 车里有什么? 舌头不会

一直穿过牙齿。 在这里,
我们看到右侧的 TH 声音

与左侧的静止嘴巴相比。 并且

为这个声音抬起了软腭。 您可以

通过。 TH 辅音发声。 示例词:



嘴巴在发出这些声音时是如何移动的。 我,

与“购买”双元音中的“ai”。 思想,
舌尖穿过牙齿,TH,思想。 ‘Aw’ 就像在’law' 中

,想出一个在这里是D 的T 的舌头
。 使用“少数”双元音中的“ew”。

这些,舌尖穿过牙齿。 Lily
of the Valley,舌头在 L 位置向上

后退第二个 L,lily, of,下唇向上

发出 V 音,再次发出 V 音
山谷。 L,那是

L,不是TH。 相反,嘴唇采用 R 辅音
形状,而 TH 舌头再次穿过牙齿

,比 快一次
。 那些,‘oh’ 就像’no' 双元音,

还有刺玫瑰,带刺的玫瑰,R 辅音
形状,‘oh’ 就像’no' 双元音。 牙齿合在一起

发出 Z 音,然后稍微
分开发出 schwa,再合在一起发出最后的

Z 音。 现在从一个角度。 我想,

发出 D 音,下唇向上发出 V 音。
使用,与 ‘ew’ 在 ‘few’ 双元音中。


Z 音的齿合在一起,
L. Lily 向上,第二个

L. Lily of 再次向上,V 音的下唇向上。你
甚至没有看到 TH 的舌头,

因为它太快了 . 山谷,山谷。
相反,嘴采用 R 辅音形状

,舌尖通过 TH。
相当。 舌尖通过快速


音。 多刺,舌穿齿
为TH,舌向上作N,玫瑰花。 R

辅音形,齿合为 Z
音,部分为 schwa,再合

为 Z 音。 就是这样,
非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。