English How to Pronounce the H consonant American Accent

The H consonant sound. This sound is simply
made, hh, by passing air through the mouth.

Hhh, if you hear a sound like that, and you
feel the soft palate bouncing against the

tongue, it’s not a correct H sound, hh. It’s
very quiet, just air coming though, hh, hh.

The rest of the mouth position depends on
the sound that comes next. For example, the

word how, how. The lips and the tongue are
both taking the position of the ‘ow’ as in

‘now’ diphthong. Hh, hh, how. Another example,
who, who. You can see the lips are already

rounding for the ‘oo’ as in ‘boo’ vowel even
before the H sound is made, who. Here we see

the H consonant sound on the right compared
with the mouth at rest. The only thing that

must happen for this sound is that the lips
be open to let the air through. The teeth

will also be slightly parted. You can see
the rest of the mouth is just as the mouth

at rest, except for the soft palate which
is raised in preparation for the vowel that

follows. The lip position will also take the
position of the vowel that follows. Sample

words: happen, have, home. Sample sentence:
He said hello to her when he got here. Now

you’ll see this sentence up close and in slow
motion, both straight on and from an angle,

so you can really study how the mouth moves
when making this sound. He, the H is made

as the mouth takes the ‘ee’ as in ‘she’ position.
Said, teeth together for the S, ‘eh’ as in

‘bed’ and the tongue up for the D. Hello,
which happens here as the mouth transitions

from the eh into the dark L. To her, H made
in the ‘ur’ as in ‘her’ vowel shape. When,

lips make the W. Tongue up for the N. He,
the H in the ‘ee’ as in ‘she’ shape. Got,

tongue up to make the T which is a stop. Here.
And the H is made in the ‘ee’ as in ‘she’

which goes quickly into the R consonant shape
position. And now from an angle. He, the H

is made in the ‘ee’ as in ‘she’ position.
Said, teeth together for the S. Hello, the

H is made as the ‘eh’ as in ‘bed’ mouth [position]
transitions into the dark L. The ‘oh’ as in

‘no’ diphthong. Tongue tip up for the T. To
her, H happens in the ‘ur’ as in ‘her’ vowel

shape. When, tongue up for the N, and the
H is made here in the ‘ee’ as in ‘she’ position.

He got. Tongue tip up here for the T which
is a stop. Here, and the H is made as the

mouth transitions into the ‘ee’ as in ‘she’
and then the R consonant sound shape. That’s

it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s

H辅音。 这个声音很



接下来的声音。 例如,

如何,如何。 嘴唇和舌头
都在 ‘ow’ 的位置,就像在

‘now’ 双元音中一样。 呵呵,怎么样。 另一个例子,
谁,谁。 你可以看到

,在发出 H 音之前,嘴唇已经像 ‘boo’ 元音中的 ‘oo’ 一样圆润
了,who。 在这里,我们看到

右侧的 H 辅音

嘴唇张开让空气通过。 牙齿

也会稍微分开。 你可以看到


。 唇位也将占据
后面元音的位置。 示例

词:发生,拥有,家。 例句:
他来的时候跟她打过招呼。 现在


在发出这个声音时是如何移动的。 He, H 是

说,S 的牙齿在一起,“床”中的“eh”

和 D 的舌头向上。你好

从 eh 过渡到黑暗的 L 时,这种情况发生在这里。对她来说,H
在 ‘ur ' 如 ‘her’ 元音形状。 什么时候,

嘴唇使 W. 舌为 N. He,
“ee”中的 H 为“she”形。 得到了,

舌头起来做一个停止的T。 这里。
并且 H 在 ‘ee’ 中发出,就像在 ‘she’

中一样,它很快进入 R 辅音形状
位置。 现在从一个角度。 He,H

是在 ‘ee’ 和在 ‘she’ 的位置。
说,S 的牙齿在一起。你好,

H 是由 ‘eh’ 组成的,就像在 ‘bed’ 嘴 [位置]
过渡到黑暗的 L。‘oh’ 在

‘no’ 双元音中。 T 的舌尖向上。对
她来说,H 出现在 ‘ur’ 和 ‘her’ 元音

形状中。 什么时候,把舌头抬起来表示N,

他有。 舌尖在这里为 T
是一个停止。 在这里,当

,然后是R辅音的声音形状。 就是

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