English How to Pronounce the Y j consonant American Accent

The Y consonant sound. To make this sound,
the mid/front part of the tongue raises and

presses against the roof of the mouth about
here. The tip of the tongue comes down and

lightly touches behind the bottom front teeth,
yy, yy, while the throat closes off to give

the Y sound that yy, yy quality. Here’s a
photo of the Y consonant sound on the right

compared with the mouth at rest. And here
parts of the mouth are drawn in. The soft

palate is raised on this sound. The tongue
stretches towards the roof of the mouth. Here

it is not shown touching the roof of the mouth
because there is a passage down the middle

of the tongue that does not touch the roof
of the mouth. This is where the sound travels.

The sides of the top of the tongue do press
against the roof of the mouth. Sample words:

yeah, yard, yield, yogurt. Sample sentence:
Did you buy the yellow kayak yesterday? Now

you will see this sentence up close and in
slow motion, both straight on and from an

angle, so you can really study how the mouth
moves when making this sound. Did, the tongue

tip up and the teeth closed for the D. And
now the tongue goes straight into the Y here,

so the tongue is pressed against the roof
of the mouth, ‘oo’ as in ‘boo’ sound, did

you. Lips together for the B, buy, with the
‘ai’ as in ‘buy’ diphthong. The, tongue through

the teeth. Yellow, mid-front part of the tongue
touching the roof of the mouth. Tongue through

the teeth for the L. Kayak, now it’s spelled
with a Y, but it’s actually the ‘ai’ as in

‘buy’ diphthong, so the tongue doesn’t raise
quite high enough to press the roof of the

mouth. Yesterday, teeth together to make the
S, the R consonant sound, day. Did. Tongue

tip up to the roof of the mouth and the teeth
closed for the D sound. You, now here the

tongue is pressing the roof of the mouth and
the lips are making the ‘oo’ as in ‘boo’.

Lips together for the B, buy, with the ‘ai’
as in ‘buy’ diphthong. The, tongue tip through

the teeth, Yellow, tongue front-mid pressing
against the roof of the mouth and the tongue

tip through for the L. Kayak, spelled with
a Y but it is the ‘ai’ as in ‘buy’ diphthong,

-yak, and the tongue raises for the Y in yesterday.
Lips form the R shape, yester-day. Tongue

tip up for the D and back down for the ‘ay’
as in ‘say’ diphthong. That’s it, and thanks

so much for using Rachel’s English.

Y辅音。 为了发出这种声音,

。 舌尖向下


yy,yy质量的Y音。 这是
右侧的 Y 辅音

与静止时的嘴巴相比的照片。 在



的通道。 这是声音传播的地方。

压在嘴巴的顶部。 示例词:

是的,院子,产量,酸奶。 例句:
你昨天买了黄色皮划艇吗? 现在


在发出这个声音时是如何移动的。 做到了,

舌尖向上,牙齿合上 D。
现在舌头在这里直接进入 Y,


吗? 唇合为 B,buy,与
‘ai’ 同为 ‘buy’ 双元音。 的,舌头

穿过牙齿。 黄色,舌头的中前部

L. Kayak 的舌头穿过牙齿,现在
拼写为 Y,但实际上它是


上颚。 昨天,牙合在一起发
S,R辅音,天。 做过。

闭合,发出 D 音。 你,现在


唇合为 B,buy,与 ‘ai’ 同
为 ‘buy’ 双元音。 The, 舌尖


顶部,L. Kayak 的舌尖穿过,拼写
为 Y,但它是“购买”双元音中的“ai”,

昨天,嘴唇形成了 R 形。

D 的舌尖向上,‘ay’ 的舌尖向下,
如 ‘say’ 双元音。 就是这样,

非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。