English Pronunciation Idiom On Fire American Accent

Today I’m going to go over the idiom ‘on fire’.
This means to be doing something very well.

For example, you’re at a basketball game,
and there’s a guy who keeps hitting 3-pointer

after 3-pointer after 3-pointer, and making
them. You might say, man that guy’s on fire.

It can also apply to a social situation. For
example, let’s say you go to a party with

a friend. And your friend is talking to everyone,
making everyone laugh, everyone wants to be

around him. You can say, ‘Man, you were on
fire at that party.’ On can be pronounced

with the ‘aw’ as in ‘law’ vowel, or the ‘ah’
as in ‘father’ vowel. I pronounce it with

the ‘aw’ as in ‘law’. It’s a little further
back in the face than the ‘ah’ as in ‘father’,

which is a little further forward. On, the
N consonant sound, so the tongue will raise

into that position. On, ff, fire begins with
the F consonant sound, so you’ll raise the

bottom lip, ff, to the top teeth and let air
come through. On ff, on fi-, the ‘ai’ as in

‘buy’ diphthong, on fi-re. And finally, the
schwa and R sound, er, er. On fire, on fire.



。 你可能会说,伙计,那家伙着火了。


。 你的朋友正在和每个人交谈,

他在一起。 你可以说,‘伙计,你
在那场派对上着火了。 On 可以

用 ‘aw’ 发音,如 ‘law’ 元音,或 ‘ah’ 发音,
如 ‘father’ 元音。 我

在“法律”中用“aw”发音。 它

一点,后者稍微靠前一点。 开,
N 辅音,所以舌头会抬起

到那个位置。 开,ff,fire
以 F 辅音开始,所以你将

下唇 ff 抬到上牙,让
空气通过。 在 ff 上,在 fi- 上,‘ai’ 就像在

‘buy’ 双元音上,在 fi-re 上。 最后,
schwa 和 R 的声音,呃,呃。 着火了,着火了。