English Pronunciation Reduction the word FOR American English

Today I’m going to talk about one particular
word in terms of reduction. Reduction is when

a sound is dropped or changed in a word, and
this happens quite frequently in unaccented

syllables. The word today is the word ‘for’.
The word ‘for’ reduces to fer, fer. Very quick:

F, and then the schwa/R sound. Fer, fer. It
will then link to the word that follows. Fer,

for, fer. Example: I got it for you. I got
it for you, fer, fer, fer you. I got it for

you. More examples: Can I have this cake?
No, it’s for tonight. Fer, fer, it’s for tonight.

I bike for transportation, not for fitness.
Fer, fer. One more time: I bike for transportation,

not for fitness. Let’s eat out, just for fun.
For fun, for fun, let’s eat out just for fun.

This medicine is for headaches. For headaches.
This medicine is for headaches. These flowers

are for the wedding. Notice here the word
‘are’, before ‘for’, is also reduced. Rr fer,

rr fer, these flowers are for the wedding.
You can use these folders for organizing.

For organizing. You can use these folders
for organizing. This is for my parents' anniversary.

For my, for my. This is for my parents' anniversary.
That cabinet is for linens. For linens, fer,

fer, that cabinet is for linens. The software
is for accounting. The software is for accounting,
0:02:07.979, 0:02:18.120,0
fer accounting. Thanks so much for using Rachel’s
English. Fer, fer, fer using, fer using. That’s

it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s

词。 减


音节中经常发生。 今天这个词是“为”这个词。
‘for’这个词简化为fer,fer。 很快:

F,然后是 schwa/R 声音。 费尔,费尔。
然后它将链接到后面的单词。 费尔,

为了,费尔。 例:我给你买的。
我给你拿了,费,费,费你。 我给

你了。 更多示例:我可以吃这个蛋糕吗?
不,是今晚的。 费尔,费尔,这是今晚的。

费尔,费尔。 还有一次:我骑自行车是为了交通,

而不是为了健身。 我们出去吃饭,只是为了好玩。

这种药是治疗头痛的。 对于头痛。
这种药是治疗头痛的。 这些花

是为婚礼准备的。 注意这里的单词
‘are’,在’for’之前,也被减少了。 Rr fer,

rr fer,这些花是为婚礼准备的。

用于组织。 您可以使用这些文件夹
进行组织。 这是我父母的周年纪念日。

为我,为我。 这是我父母的周年纪念日。
那个柜子是用来放床单的。 对于亚麻布,fer,

fer,那个柜子是用来放亚麻布的。 该
软件用于会计。 该软件用于会计,
0:02:07.979, 0:02:18.120,0 用于
会计。 非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的
英语。 费,费,费使用,费使用。 就是

这样,非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的