English Pronunciation T after R like in PARTY American English

This is yet another video on the letter T.
I’ve already done a few videos on it, but

it’s such a big subject, I can’t quite seem
to get away from it. Today we’re going to

talk about this case: party, party. Do you
hear how the T is being pronounced here? Party.

If you’ve already seen my video on T pronunciations,
then you know when the letter T or double T comes

between two vowel sounds, that it is often
pronounced in everyday speech by native speakers

as a D sound. For example, butter, water.
But I got an email from someone recently saying

that he’s noticed when the letter T comes
after the R and before a vowel, that in this

case too, it is sometimes pronounced as a
D. And I admit, I’ve noticed this myself.

Now, I’m not saying that new English speakers
should try to do this. But I am saying I’ve

noticed that native speakers to it, so let’s
point it out, let’s talk about it, so you

know what’s happening when you hear it. The
R consonant sound. When it is not at the beginning

of a syllable, whether by itself or in a cluster,
it sounds just like the ‘ur’ as in ‘her’ vowel.

For example, in the word alert, alert. Here
it is the R consonant sound, but it’s just

like the ur vowel sound, rr, rr. So when the
R comes after the vowel or diphthong in a

syllable, it functions much like the ‘ur’
vowel sound. For example in the word alert,

alert alert, there is no change in sound there
from the ‘ur’ as in ‘her’ vowel symbol to

the R consonant symbol. Ur, it’s all just
one sound. And this R consonant as a vowel

sound occurs any time the R consonant comes
after the vowel or diphthong in a syllable.

For example in the word ‘father’, er, er.
It’s that same sound, even in a syllable where

there is a distinct, separate vowel sound
before the R consonant. For example, in the

word ‘part’. Ah, rr. Part, part, part. It
may be a little quicker here, but it’s that

same R consonant as vowel sound. This is why
native speakers might pronounce it as a D

when it comes after this sound and before
a vowel sound. It’s that same rule, when it

comes between two vowel sounds, even though
it would be written in IPA with the R consonant

sound. The R consonant sound in these cases
is just like the ‘ur’ as in ‘her’ vowel sound.

Let’s look at some examples. Alerted, alerted.
I’ve alerted the staff. Article, article.

I read that article. Charter, charter. They’ll
sign the charter tomorrow. Mortified, mortified.

I was mortified. Sorted, sorted. We sorted
it out. Vertical, vertical. Please draw a

vertical line. You may find that you hear
this not only within a word, but in a phrase.

When a word ends with -rt, and the next word
begins with a vowel. Let’s look at some examples

of that. Part of, part of. It’s part of the
problem. Sort of, sort of, it sort of got

out of hand. Expert in, expert in. He’s an
expert in pronunciation. Airport on, airport

on. I want to get to the airport on time.
As I said, if you’re not comfortable with

integrating this into your speech, that’s
ok. But you probably will hear native speakers

do it. Part of, part of, part of, part of.
When the T gets changed to a D sound, it does

smooth out the line somewhat. Part of, part
of, part of. And linking and smoothing things

out is a big part of American English. That’s
it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English

这是关于字母 T 的另一个视频。

无法摆脱它。 今天我们

要讲的就是这个案子:party,party。 你
听到这里的 T 是如何发音的吗? 派对。

如果你已经看过我关于 T 发音的视频,
那么你就会知道当字母 T 或双 T 出现


为 D 音。 例如,黄油、水。

,他说他注意到字母 T 出现
在 R 之后和元音之前,在这种


应该尝试这样做。 但我是说我已经


R 辅音。 当它不在


这里是 R 辅音,但它

就像 ur 元音,rr,rr。 因此,当
R 在音节中的元音或双元音之后出现时

,它的功能很像 ‘ur’
元音。 例如,在单词 alert,

alert alert 中,
从 ‘her’ 元音符号中的 ‘ur’

到 R 辅音符号的声音没有变化。 呃,这只是
一种声音。 并且这个 R 辅音作为

元音出现在任何时候 R 辅音出现


,在 R 辅音之前有一个独特的、单独的元音
。 例如,在

“部分”这个词中。 啊,rr。 部分,部分,部分。

与元音相同的 R 辅音。 这就是为什么说

元音之前可能会将它发音为 D。 这是相同的规则,当它

它用 IPA 写成带有 R

辅音。 在这些情况下,R 辅音
就像在 ‘her’ 元音中的 ‘ur’。

让我们看一些例子。 警觉,警觉。
我已经通知了工作人员。 文章,文章。

我读了那篇文章。 宪章,宪章。 他们明天将
签署章程。 受辱,受辱。

我被羞辱了。 排序,排序。 我们整理
好了。 垂直的,垂直的。 请画一条

垂直线。 您可能会发现您

当一个单词以 -rt 结尾,而下一个单词
以元音开头时。 让我们看一些

例子。 一部分,一部分。 这是问题的一部分
。 有点,有点,有点

失控了。 专家,专家。他
是发音专家。 机场开,机场

开。 我想准时到机场。

没关系。 但是您可能会听到母语人士

这样做。 一部分,一部分,一部分,一部分。
当 T 变为 D 音时,它确实会

稍微平滑线条。 一部分,
一部分,一部分。 连接和平滑

事物是美式英语的重要组成部分。 就是
这样,非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语