English Sounds L l Consonant How to make the L l Consonant

In this American English pronunciation video,

we’re going to learn how to pronounce the L consonant sound.

This sound is especially difficult.

There are actually two kinds of Ls and they’re not made the same way.

But if you look up a word in the dictionary,

there’s only one International Phonetic Alphabet symbol for both kinds of L.

In this video, you’ll learn when to make which kind of L.

First, the light L sound.

This is what most people think of when they think of an L.

The L is a Light L when it comes before the vowel or diphthong in a syllable.

For example, let’s— flake— release—

There are two different ways native speakers make this sound.

One way is to lift the tongue so the tip is touching the roof of the mouth just behind the front teeth.

This is not the same as the T, D, and N tongue positions

where the tongue lifts so the top is touching the roof of the mouth.

This is the tip.

Another way native speakers make this sound looks like the TH

with the tongue tip touching the bottom of the top front teeth.

The contact with the teeth is more firm than the TH sound

pushing up on the top teeth.

The tongue is not as loose or relaxed in the L as it is in the TH.

Let’s look at the Light L up close and in slow motion.

Here’s one way to make the L with the tongue tip coming through the teeth

to press up on the bottom of the top front teeth.

Here’s the second way to make the Light L.

The tip at the roof of the mouth just behind the teeth.

Here’s the word ‘lack’.

The tongue comes through the teeth to make the light L.

The word ‘slow’,

the Light L is made with the tongue tip at the roof of the mouth.

The second kind of L is the Dark L.

This is the sound that happens when the L comes after the vowel or diphthong

in a word or syllable like ‘real’ or ‘Google’.

This sound has two parts but many Americans leave out to the second part in most cases.

You should, too. It makes it easier to pronounce.

The first and most important part of the Dark L is the dark sound.

This defines the Dark L.

To make this sound, you don’t lift your tongue tip.

Instead, it’s down touching the back of the bottom front teeth.

The back part of the tongue pulls back towards the throat.

You can see there isn’t much jaw drop and the lips are relaxed.

Llll— you should feel the vibration in the throat and not the face. Lll—

The back part of the tongue presses down or shifts back.

This is an important part of the sound ull— ull—

Most Americans will stop there when making the Dark L.




Unless they’re linking into a word that begins with an L or a sound with a similar position like N, T, or D.

In that case, go ahead and make the second part of the Dark L.

The second part of the Dark L is the Light L.

Bring your tongue tip up to the roof of the mouth or through the teeth.

Some native speakers make the full Dark L both parts all the time.

What’s important is the dark sound.

Make it with the back of the tongue and make sure you never leave that part out.

Ull— ulll—

Again, the Dark L has two parts.

The first and most important part, the tongue pulls back or presses down in the back.

The second part, which is often left out,

either option for the Light L.

Here, the option with the tongue tip at the roof of the mouth is pictured.

Let’s look at the Dark L up close and in slow motion.

The word ‘feel’.

The tongue tip arches in the front for the EE vowel.

Watch as the tongue lowers in the back.

Now, the tongue is lowered, pulling back a little bit in the back.

It’s hard to see because of the lips but the tip of the tongue is still forward.

Notice that the lips are relaxed.

The word ‘recall’. The dark part is made with the back of the tongue as the jaw closes.

This time the Dark L does end with the second part the Light L.

The tongue tip quickly comes through the teeth.

Lips are relaxed.

The relaxation of the lips is important in the Dark L.

Many non-native speakers want to round or flare the lips which brings the sound forward and changes it.

But the dark sound is made back here.

Leave the lips relaxed so the sound can be made in the back of the mouth.

When you look at the International Phonetic Alphabet transcription for a word in a dictionary,

you’ll just see one symbol whether it’s a Light L or a Dark L.

It’s up to you to know when to make a Dark L.

when the L comes at the end of a syllable.

Remember we’re talking about sounds and not letters.

In the example, ‘Google’, you see the letter E after the L.

E is a vowel but when you look at the phonetic transcription of the word,

the last sound is the L.

So the L in ‘Google’ is a Dark L.

ull— ull— Google—

If you integrate a good Dark L into your speech, it will help you sound more American.

The Light L.



The Dark L.



Example words. Repeat with me.

Love. ull— Love.

Hello. ull— Hello.

Flat. ull— Flat.

Feel. ull— Feel.

Table. ull— Table.

People. ull— People.

This video is one of 36 in a new series, The Sounds of American English.

Videos in this set will be released here on YouTube twice a month, first and third Thursdays, in 2016 and 2017.

But the whole set can be all yours right now.

The real value of these videos is watching them as a set, as a whole,

to give your mind the time to take it all in and get the bigger picture.

Most of the materials you’ll find elsewhere just teach the sounds on their own in isolation.

It’s a mistake to learn them this way.

We learn the sounds to speak words and sentences, not just sounds.

Move closer to fluency in spoken English.

Buy the video set today!

Visit rachelsenglish.com/sounds

Available as a DVD or digital download.


我们将学习如何发音 L 辅音。




两种 L 都只有一个国际音标符号。

在这个视频中,你将学习什么时候发出哪种 L。

首先,轻 L 的声音。

这是大多数人在想到 L 时所想到的。

当 L 出现在音节中的元音或双元音之前时,L 是轻 L。

例如,let’s- flake- release-



这与舌头抬起的 T、D 和 N 舌头位置不同




舌尖接触上前牙底部的 TH。

与牙齿的接触比推顶牙齿的 TH 声音更牢固

舌头在 L 中不像在 TH 中那样松散或放松。

让我们以慢动作近距离观察 Light L。

这是制作 L 的一种方法,舌尖穿过牙齿


这是制作 Light L 的第二种方法






第二种 L 是 Dark L。

这是当 L 出现在



你也应该。 它使发音更容易。

Dark L的第一个也是最重要的部分是黑暗的声音。

这定义了 Dark L。







这是声音 ull-ull-

大多数美国人在制作 Dark L 时会停在那里。

Real- Google-


除非他们链接到一个以 L 开头的单词或类似位置的声音,例如 N、T 或 D。

在这种情况下,继续制作 Dark L 的第二部分。Dark L

的第二部分是 Light L。

将您的舌尖抬到口腔顶部或穿过牙齿 .

一些以母语为母语的人一直都在制作完整的 Dark L 两个部分。



Ull- ulll-

同样,Dark L 有两个部分。



Light L 的任一选项。


让我们近距离和慢动作看一下Dark L。







“回忆”二字。 当下巴闭合时,黑暗的部分是用舌头的后部制成的。

这一次,Dark L 确实以 Light L 的第二部分结束。



在 Dark L 中,嘴唇的放松很重要。





您只会看到一个符号,无论是浅 L 还是深 L。

由您决定何时制作深色 L。

当 L 出现时 在一个音节的末尾。


在示例“Google”中,您会在 L 之后看到字母

E。E 是元音,但是当您查看单词的音标时

,最后一个声音是 L。

因此,“Google”中的 L 是 Dark L.


如果你把一个好的 Dark L 融入到你的演讲中,它会帮助你听起来更美国化。

浅色 L.

黑色— 慢速— 深色 L.



例句。 跟我重复一遍。

爱。 呃——爱。

你好。 呃——你好。

平坦的。 ul——平。

感觉。 呃——感觉。

桌子。 ul——表。

人们。 呃——人。

该视频是新系列“美式英语之声”中的 36 个视频之一。

这套视频将在 2016 年和 2017 年每月两次在 YouTube 上发布,第一个和第三个星期四。










rachelsenglish.com/sounds 以 DVD 或数字下载的形式提供。