How to Pronounce AS and WAS American English Pronunciation

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to go over the reduction of

the words WAS and AS.

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Many words in English reduce in sentences.
WAS and AS are two examples of this. When

a word reduces, that means a sound is changed
or dropped.

As. By itself, the word is pronounced with
the AA as in BAT vowel and the Z sound. As.

Most of the time, in a sentence, we reduce
the vowel to the schwa: uhz. As, uhz. Why

do we do that? It doesn’t sound clear. That’s
ok. In American English we have established

this as a reduction. Even if it’s really
fast, a native speaker will pick up on it.

In fact, we want it to be really fast so that
the stressed syllables, the longer syllables,

pop out of the sentence even more, are even
more clear. It’s the contrast of long vs.

short that’s important in American English,
so make your short really short. Reducing

the vowel to the schwa makes it easier to
say it quickly. As, uhz. To make the schwa

sound, the jaw doesn’t really need to drop,
uhz, uhz. It’s just a quick, quick vowel

before the Z sound. To make the Z, the tongue
tip is forward and down, zz, teeth are together,

and buzz the vocal cords. Uhz, uhz, uhz. Let’s
practice with some sentences.

“As long as she says it’s ok, it’s ok
with me.” As long as, as long as. Uhz [3x].

“It’s not as if I didn’t already know
that.” As if, as if. Uhz, uhz, uhz. As if.

“I’m not as tall as her.” As tall as,
as tall as. Uhz, uhz.

WAS makes the same reduction. On its own it’s
pronounced ‘was’, with the UH as in BUTTER

vowel. But in a sentence, we often reduce
it to the schwa, making it very fast. Wuz,

wuz. Just start with the lips in a rounded
position to make the W consonant, wuz. The

rest is just like ‘as’. Let’s practice
with some sentences.

“I was on the phone.” Wuz, wuz. Was on
the phone.

“She was already gone.” Wuz, wuz. Was

“It was really good.” Wuz, wuz.

“He was there.” Wuz, wuz.

These words are not reduced all the time.
I’m thinking of the movie Clueless where

one of the characters says “AS IF!” There
will always be cases where native speakers

will choose to stress and not reduce these
words. But most of the time, reduce, reduce,

reduce. If you work on integrating these reductions
into your speech, they will help to smooth

out your speech, help your words connect better,
and give your speech greater contrast between

important and less important words. You’ll
sound more natural, relaxed, and American.

If there’s a word or phrase you’d like
help pronouncing, please put it in the comments

below. Don’t forget to sign up for my mailing
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WAS 和 AS 单词的减少。

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WAS 和 AS 就是这方面的两个例子。 当


作为。 就其本身而言,该词
与 BAT 元音中的 AA 和 Z 音一样发音。 作为。

将元音简化为 schwa:uhz。 作为,呃。

我们为什么要这样做? 听起来不太清楚。
没关系。 在美式英语中,我们将其

确定为简化。 即使它真的




将元音减少到 schwa 可以更容易
快速地说出来。 作为,呃。 为了发出 schwa 的

uhz,uhz。 它只是 Z 音之前的一个快速、快速的元音

。 做Z,

,嗡嗡声带。 呃,呃,呃。 让我们

,我就可以。” 只要,只要。 赫兹 [3x]。

的。” 仿佛,仿佛。 呃,呃,呃。 仿佛。

“我没有她高。” 一样高,
一样高。 嗯,嗯。

WAS 进行了同样的缩减。 就其本身而言,它
发音为“was”,UH 与 BUTTER

元音一样。 但是在一个句子中,我们经常将
其简化为 schwa,使其非常快。 呜呜

呜呜 刚开始时嘴唇呈
圆形,使 W 辅音 wuz。

其余的就像’as'。 让我们

“我在打电话。” 呜呜呜呜 正在

“她已经走了。” 呜呜呜呜

“真的很好。” 呜呜呜呜

“他在那儿。” 呜呜呜呜

我在想电影 Clueless,其中

一个角色说“好像!” 在

词。 但大多数时候,减少,减少,

减少。 如果你努力将这些缩减整合


重要和不太重要的词之间有更大的对比。 你会


中。 不要忘记


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