How to Pronounce Boy Names American English

these are the most popular baby names

given to boys in 2007 the first name

Jacob it starts with the as in jar where

the vocal cords are engaged it is a

voiced sound it then has the ay as in

say diphthong Jacob the second and

unaccented syllable is a schwa KUB KUB

jacob a common nickname would be jake

spelled it with the ke michael the first

vowel sound is the AI as in buy

diphthong my my the CH here if you will

notice is pronounced as the as in cap

sound Mike Mike the final and unaccented

syllable is the dark L o Oh Michael

Michael a common nickname would be Mike

which just like Jake is spelled to ke

Ethan begins with the EE as in she vowel

sound Ethan the second syllable has a

very quick schwa

before the mmm and sound Ethan the th

here is not voiced just err Ethan Joshua

like Jacob begins with this as in Jar

sound the first vowel sound is the AH as

in father though it’s spelled with an O

Josh Josh

the next syllable which is unaccented is

the who as in boo Joshua Joshua before

it changes into the schwa

Joshua a common nickname would be Josh

Daniel the first and accented syllable

has the as in bat sound the next

syllable is the Y consonant sound yeah

yeah which starts a really low down here

before it comes up yeah then there is

the dark L all all with that vowel sound

before the tongue moves up into the L o

dan y l– daniel daniel a common

nickname it would be Dan or Danny Danny

ending with the EE as in she Christopher

again the CH here is making the sound

Christopher the first syllable is

accented that has the e as in sit sound

the second syllable is a schwa Krista

Krista and the pH is of course the F

sound and then it goes into the earth as

in her vowel sound Christopher a common

nickname would be Chris Anthony this

does begin with the ad as in bat vowel

sound you can see Anthony that the mouth

takes that position however it moves

very quickly into the MM sound so you

don’t get quite the sharp ah as the pure

at vowel Anthony it is the accented

syllable the middle syllable has a schwa

sunson and the last syllable the EE as

in she Anthony Anthony a nickname for

this might be Tony Oh as in no diphthong

and again the EE as in she Tony

William Williams first vowel sound is

the e as in sit William it is the

accented syllable the last two syllables

unaccented have a very quick EE as in

she followed by a schwa then going into

the MM sound iam iam William William now

notice the mouth must start in a very

small position to make the what W sound

William a common nickname for this might

be Will or Willie or bill or Billy

Matthew the first and accented syllable

has the ad as in bat sound Matthew the

second unaccented syllable has the U as

in few diphthong Matthew a common

nickname would be Matt Andrew like

Anthony it begins with the ass as in bat

but moves very quickly into the end


Andrew the unaccented syllable has a d r

quickly into the ooh as in boo Andrew

Andrew Andrew a nickname for this might

be Andy with the e as in she or drew

这些是 2007 年给男孩最流行的婴儿名字


Jacob 它以 as in jar 开头

,声带接合的地方 它是一个

浊音 然后是 ay 就像

说双元音 Jacob 第二个和

无重音的音节是 a schwa KUB KUB

jacob 一个常见的昵称是 jake

用 ke michael 拼写 第一个

元音是 AI as in buy

diphthong my my my the CH 这里如果你会

注意到发音为 as in cap

发音 Mike Mike the final and 不重读的

音节是黑暗的 L o Oh Michael

Michael 一个常见的昵称是 Mike

,就像 Jake 拼写为 ke

Ethan 以 EE 开头,因为她的元音发

Ethan 第二个音节在 mmm 之前有一个

非常快的 schwa

,发音 Ethan the th

这里没有发声,只是 err Ethan Joshua

像 Jacob 一样以 Jar 声音开头,

第一个元音是 AH,就像

在父亲中一样,尽管它拼写为 O



是 who,如 boo Jos hua Joshua 在

它变成 schwa

Joshua 之前,一个常见的昵称是 Josh


在舌头向上移动到 L o dan y l 之前,有一个黑暗的 L all 带有元音

  • daniel daniel 一个常见的

昵称它会是 Dan 或 Danny Danny

以 EE 结尾,就像在她 Christopher 中一样,

这里的 CH 是 使声音


带有重音,有 e 就像坐的

声音 第二个音节是 schwa Krista

Krista 并且 pH 值当然是 F


就像她的元音一样 Christopher 一个常见的

昵称 将是 Chris Anthony 这

确实从广告开始,因为在 bat 元音中,

您可以看到 Anthony 嘴巴


很快移动到 MM 声音中,因此您

不会像纯 at vo 那样获得尖锐的 ah

wel Anthony 它是重读

音节 中间音节有一个 schwa

sunson 和最后一个音节 EE

就像她 Anthony Anthony 的

昵称可能是 Tony Oh 没有双元音

,再次是 EE 就像她 Tony

William Williams 第一个元音

是 e 就像坐威廉 它是

重音音节 最后两个不重音的

音节有一个非常快的 EE 就像

她跟着一个 schwa 然后

进入 MM 声音 iam iam William William 现在


小的位置开始 使 W 发音的

William 成为一个常见的昵称可能

是 Will 或 Willie 或 Bill 或 Billy

Matthew 第一个重音音节

有广告,就像蝙蝠音一样 Matthew

第二个不重音的音节有 U,就像

在几个双元音中一样 Matthew 一个常见的

昵称 会是像安东尼一样的马特安德鲁






安德鲁安德鲁a 这个昵称可能

是 Andy 和她或画中的 e