How to pronounce CAN American English

I can get that for you. Do you notice how
the word ‘can’ is pronounced in that sentence?

I can get that for you. In this video, we’ll
go over how to pronounce the word ‘can’ in

everyday speech.

The word ‘can’ can be a noun,
as in, “It’s a trash can,” or, “The beans

are from a can, they’re not fresh.” In this
case, ‘can’ is pronounced with the ‘aa’ as

in ‘bat’ vowel. So it begins with the K consonant
sound, then the AA vowel, ca-, ca-, and finally

the N consonant sound. Can, can. You may notice,
the AA vowel does change somewhat in the word

‘can’. This is because it’s followed by an
N, and anytime this AA vowel is followed by

a nasal consonant, that would be N, M, or
NG, it, ca–, uh, uh, has an uh vowel that

sort of takes over the AA vowel before the N, even
though this uh sound is not written in IPA.

So, can, can. So, the word ‘can’ as a noun
is a content word. Therefore, it is generally

not reduced in a sentence. But the word ‘can’
as a verb is generally an auxiliary verb,

or, a helping verb. And these are function
words, and they will reduce. So when is the

verb ‘can’ a helping verb? Let’s look at two
examples, answering the question, “Who can

do this?” If I simply say, “I can,” can is
the only verb, so it won’t reduce: can, with

the AA sound. I can. But if I want to say
“I can do it,” the word ‘can’ now becomes

kn, kn. I can do it. And that’s because it’s
an auxiliary verb to the main verb “do”. I

can, I can do it. Can, kn, kn. When it reduces,
the word ‘can’ is pronounced with the schwa

sound. It is very fast, it is lower in pitch,
kn, kn, kn, kn. The K consonant sound, schwa,

N. Kn, kn. I can do it. When you reduce the
word ‘can,’ you want to make sure that it

links to the words around it. You don’t want
gaps before or after ‘can’ when it’s pronounced

kn. I – kn – do it. We don’t want that.
I can do it. I can do it. We want it very

linked to the words around it. Let’s look
at a few more examples. I can bring food.

I can, I can, I can. Linked up to the word
“I”. I can bring food. We can stay the whole

time. We can stay, we can stay. All linked
together. We can stay the whole time. They

can have it, kn, kn, they can. They can have
it. She can come with us. She kn, she kn,

she can come with us. You can have my ticket.
Kn, kn, you can, you can, you can have my

ticket. Mary can do it herself. Kn, kn, Mary
can, Mary can, Mary can do it herself. Put

it in the garbage can. Do you notice, the
word ‘can’ doesn’t reduce here. I snuck in

a case where the ‘can’ is a noun. So it’s
a content word, it won’t reduce. Put it in

the garbage can. John can, John can, John
can pick us up. ‘Can’ is often an auxiliary

verb within a sentence. In these cases, make
sure it does reduce. That’s it, and thanks

so much for using Rachel’s English.

我可以给你。 你注意到

我可以给你。 在本视频中,我们将学习


豆子来自罐头,它们不新鲜”。 在这种
情况下,‘can’ 与’aa' 一起发音,就像

在’bat' 元音中一样。 所以它从 K 辅音开始
,然后是 AA 元音、ca-、ca-,最后

是 N 辅音。 可以可以。 您可能会注意到,“can”
一词中的 AA 元音确实发生了一些变化

。 这是因为它后面跟着一个
N,只要这个 AA 元音后面跟着

一个鼻辅音,那就是 N、M 或
NG,它,ca–,uh,uh,有一个 uh 元音

取代 N 之前的 AA 元音,
即使这个 uh 声音不是用国际音标书写的。

所以,可以,可以。 所以,作为名词的“can”这个词
是一个实词。 因此,一般

不会在句子中减少。 但是

或者是助动词。 这些是
虚词,它们会减少。 那么

动词“can”什么时候是助动词呢? 让我们看两个

做到这一点?”这个问题。 如果我简单地说,“我可以”,can

带有AA音。 我能。 但如果我想说

kn,kn。 我能做到。 那是因为它是
主要动词“do”的助动词。 我

可以,我可以做到。 可以,kn,kn。 当它减少时,
“can”这个词的发音是 schwa

声音。 它非常快,音高较低,
kn,kn,kn,kn。 K 辅音,schwa,

N. Kn,kn。 我能做到。 当你减少

当发音为 kn 时,您不希望在“can”之前或之后出现间隙

。 我——知道——去做。 我们不希望那样。
我能做到。 我能做到。 我们希望

它与周围的文字非常相关。 让我们
再看几个例子。 我可以带食物。

我可以,我可以,我可以。 与
“我”字相连。 我可以带食物。 我们可以一直

呆着。 我们可以留下来,我们可以留下来。 都联系
在一起。 我们可以一直呆着。 他们

可以拥有它,kn,kn,他们可以。 他们可以拥有
它。 她可以和我们一起去。 她知道,她知道,

她可以和我们一起去。 你可以拿我的票。

票。 玛丽可以自己做。 Kn,kn,玛丽
可以,玛丽可以,玛丽可以自己做。 把

它扔进垃圾桶。 你注意到了吗,

在“can”是名词的情况下,我偷偷摸摸。 所以它是
一个内容词,它不会减少。 把

它扔进垃圾桶。 约翰可以,约翰可以,约翰
可以接我们。 “可以”通常

是句子中的助动词。 在这些情况下,请
确保它确实减少了。 就是这样,

非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。