How to Pronounce Common Last Names American English

today I’m going to go over the 20 most

common last names in America the number

one most common last name is Smith Smith

begins and ends with unvoiced consonants

and in-between the M into the e as in

sit myth Smith I’ve noticed for people

whose native language is Spanish and

probably for other languages as well

it’s difficult to say any word that

begins with an S without saying a vowel

in front of it for example instead of

Smith I sometimes hear is Smith now the

S is unvoiced at the beginning of Smith

which means with the vocal cords no

sound is being made so if you start with

an S you’re starting with a vowel which

means you’re making sound with your

vocal cords so if you think of trying to

start without making any sound

whatsoever hmm then with that M sound

letting your vocal chords work that

might help the second name Johnson jus

going into the AH as in father even

though it is spelled with an O H ja ja

Johnson Johnson the last syllable which

is unaccented Tsun Tsun is basically an

S straight into the N sin soon there is

a little bit of a schwa thrown in there

in the middle

Johnson Johnson number three Williams

Williams starts with the W which is

difficult sometimes for people whose

native language is not English Siri lips

have to start in that really small

position Williams Williams

Liam’s so the first eye is an it as in

sit and the second is an E as in she


Jones Jones like Johnson starts with

this sound Jones it then has the Oh as

in no diphthong and notice that the S at

the end is voiced Jones Jones number


brown brown has the ow as in now

diphthong brown brown brown number six

Davis Davis has a second syllable this

that begins with the V sound

now when an unaccented syllable is

starting with this sound in particular

it’s difficult I think for non-native

speakers to hear Davis Davis do here hmm

there’s not really a sharp mmm sound in

there Davis but if you watch my lip you

will see that it does come up to make

that position it’s just a quick little

flick Davis and my vocal cords are

continuing to make sound but it’s really

more of that than a mmm Davis that has

the ay as in say Dave this with a schwa

in the second syllable Davis Miller the

first syllable has an e as in sit no and

it ends in an L and when it ends in an L

that is considered a dark L which means

we kind of slide through an a sound

before we finish it off with the L

nil-nil and the second unaccented

syllable is simply a a Miller

Miller number 8 Wilson now again the

first syllable here ends with an L so we

start with the way but then we have to

go into a before we close it off to the

OL will will will Wilson and the

unaccented syllable sin sin again almost

without a vowel Wilson number 9 more now

this is spelled n oo r e but it has the

same pronunciation as the word more as

in more and less more it has the Oh as

in no diphthong more more number 10

Taylor Taylor has the ay as in say

diphthong and the second syllable ler

ler again without a real pure vowel

sound in there Taylor Taylor Taylor the

second half of these 20 names will come

in another blog entry soon


美国最常见的 20 个姓氏 第

一个最常见的姓氏是 Smith Smith


在 M 和 e 之间,就像

我注意到的坐神话 Smith 对于




以 S 开头的单词而不


Smith 我有时听到的是 Smith,现在

S 是清音的 史密斯的开头,



如果你以 S 开头,你就会以元音开始,这




无论如何,嗯,然后用那个 M 声音


可能有助于第二个名字 Johnson

像父亲一样进入 AH,

即使它的拼写是 OH ja ja

Johnson Johnson 最后一个音节

是无重音的 Ts un Tsun 基本上是一个

S 直接进入 N 罪 很快中间

有一点 schwa 扔在那里

Johnson Johnson 第三号 Williams

Williams 以 W 开头,这


Siri 嘴唇


位置开始 Williams Williams

Liam’s 所以第一只眼睛是 it as in

sit 而第二只眼睛是 E 就像她



S 是浊音 Jones Jones number


brown brown has the ow 就像现在的

双元音 brown brown 棕色六号

Davis Davis 有第二个音节

this 以 V 音开头


以这个音开头 特别是





会发现它确实如此 让我来做






第一个音节有一个 e,就像在 sat no 中一样,

它以 L 结尾,当它以 L 结尾时,它

被认为是一个暗 L,这意味着

我们在用 L nil-nil 结束它之前会滑过一个声音


音节只是 a Miller

Miller number 8 Wilson 现在

这里的第一个音节再次以 L 结尾,所以我们


在我们关闭它之前我们必须进入 a,然后将它关闭到

OL will will will Wilson and

无重音音节 sin sin again 几乎

没有元音 Wilson number 9 more

现在拼写为 n oo re 但它


相同 more 和 more 越来越少 它有

Oh 没有双元音 more more 10

泰勒 泰勒有 ay 就像在说

diphtho ng 和第二个音节 ler

ler 再次没有真正纯元音的

声音 Taylor Taylor Taylor

这 20 个名字的后半部分将
