How to Pronounce Common Male Names American English

these are the 10 most common male names

in the United States number one James

James starts with the Jazz in jar sound

it is voiced it then has the ay as in

say diphthong James it’s one syllable so

you go straight from the mmm M sound

into the voiced Z sound James a nickname

for this is Jim or Jimmy spelled with an

i and the as in sit vowel Jim number two

John also begins with the as in jar

sound it is also one syllable with the

AH as in father vowel sound and the mmm

and sound to end John number three

Robert Robert begins with the R

consonant sound

and opens up into the ah as in father

vowel sound robert ii and unaccented

syllable has the ER as in her vowel


Robert Robert common nicknames would be

robbed or Bob or Robbie or Bobby number

four Michael and number five William

have already been explained in the top

baby names of 2007 David B vowel sound

in the first and accented syllable is

the ay as in say it then has the voiced

v sound which can be difficult make sure

you’re making sound with your vocal

cords before it goes into the unaccented

syllable which has the e as in sit vowel

david number seven Richard just like

Robert it begins with the four consonant

sound the first two vowel sound is the a

as in sit and it then has the as in char

rich richard ii and unaccented syllable

has the earth as in her vowel sound

before the d ending richard common

nicknames for this would be rich or more

commonly dick number eight

charles charles begins with the sound

which is the unvoiced version of which

begins John and James Charles the first

vowel sound is the AH as in father which

moves very quickly into the R consonant

sound char-char

Charles the second syllable is the dark

L sound all all followed by the voiced


Charles Charles common nickname would be

Charlie ending in the EE as in she sound

Joseph starts with a voiced sound

followed by the Oh as in no diphthong

Joseph the S here is unvoiced the

unaccented syllable has the e as in sit

if if Joseph Joseph a common nickname

for this would be Joe or Joey number ten

Thomas th pronounced as a sound the

first vowel sound is the AH as in father

tah-tah Thomas the second and unaccented


miss miss has a schwa sound between the

mm m and the unvoiced s thomas a common

nickname would be Tom or Tommy

这些都是在美国数量的10个最常见的男性名字一个詹姆斯詹姆斯在罐子的声音爵士它是浊则有AY在说元音开始詹姆斯这一个音节让你从MMM中号声直行进入 语音ž声詹姆斯这个绰号是吉姆或者吉米拼写与我和在坐元音吉姆二号约翰还与开始在罐子的声音它也是一个音节与AH作为父亲元音和MMM

和声音结束约翰第三罗伯特·罗伯特开始了R辅音,开辟了进去啊作为父亲元音罗伯特二世和重音音节有ER在她元音罗伯特·罗伯特共同的绰号就会被人抢走或鲍勃或罗比 或者博比排名第四的迈克尔和排名第五的威廉已经在2007年第一和重音音节大卫乙元音上宝宝的名字解释为AY在说那么它可以是difficul浊音v声

•请确保你正在做的声音,你的声带它进入具有电子在坐元音大卫七位数理查德就像罗伯特它与四个辅音前两个元音开头的重音音节之前是作为一个 在坐着它再有,如焦炭丰富的理查二世和重音音节地球在结束理查德共同的昵称,这将是富有或更常见的家伙排名第八查尔斯查尔斯d之前她元音开始,这是声音

其中清音版本开始,约翰和詹姆斯·查尔斯第一元音是AH作为父亲该动作非常迅速转换为R辅音炭炭查尔斯在第二个音节是暗大号声一切的一切,随后有声音查尔斯·查尔斯 共同的绰号是查理在EE结束在她的声音开始约瑟夫用浊音其次是哦,如无元音约瑟夫这里S被清音的重音syllab

乐有E作为静坐如果要是约瑟夫·约瑟夫一个常见的昵称是乔或乔伊十号托马斯日宣布作为一个健全的第一元音是AH作为父亲TAH-TAH托马斯第二和重音音节王小姐 具有毫米m和清音汤姆斯一个共同的绰号是汤姆或托米之间的元音声音