How to Pronounce er Endings American English

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to go over how to pronounce the

-er ending of words.

Today we’re talking about word stress and
-er ending words that are two or more syllables.

The -er ending will always be unstressed.
So it will be lower in pitch and quicker than

the stressed syllable in the word. For example,
‘father’. Fath-er, fath-er. I’m sure you can

hear the BIG-small contrast. So the stressed
syllable will have shape in it, but the unstressed

-er,-er, will be very flat, -er, and low in
pitch. Father. This ending is written in IPA

with the schwa and American R symbols. But
you definitely don’t want to make a separate

schwa sound: uh-rr, uh-rr, it’s just one sound,
-er, -er. Let’s look at a few more example

words. Louder. Loud-er, louder. Further, furth-er,
furth-er. Further. Sister. Sist-er, sist-er,

sister. Computer. Compud-er, computer. Ever,
ev-er, ever. Over. Ov-er, over. Singer, sing-er,

singer. So don’t forget, when you see this
-er ending, to make it nice and short with

just the rr sound in it. No other vowel, no
shape. It’s a very flat, quick, low sound.

That’s it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s

I’d like to take moment for a quick plug for
a new course I’m developing. It’s going to

be an 8-week conversation course that runs
in April and May of 2012. It will bring together

videos, audio clips, and exercise PDFs that
I’ve made for my private students. So, I’ll

be pulling in the topics that I find I work
on the most with my students. Each week is

structured with certain topics. There will
be a lot of drilling practice, and also opportunity

for you to record yourself and upload it for
my comment. There will also be group projects,

where you’ll be engaging in conversation with
one another. Because this is my first time

running such a course, I am offering it at
a discount, and I’m also limiting the number

of students to 30. So visit my website for
more information, and do consider signing

up. I really think it will take you a long
way in your pronunciation practice.


单词的 -er 结尾。

的是两个或多个音节的单词重音和 -er 结尾词。

-er 结尾总是不重读。

单词中的重读音节更低,更快。 例如,
“父亲”。 父亲,父亲。 我相信你能

听到大-小的对比。 因此,重读

-er,-er 将非常平坦,-er,并且音高低
。 父亲。 这个结尾是用国际音标书写的,

带有 schwa 和美式 R 符号。 但是

schwa 声音:uh-rr,uh-rr,它只是一个声音,
-er,-er。 让我们再看几个

例句。 大声点。 更大声,更大声。 更进一步,更进一步,
更进一步。 更远。 姐姐。 姐姐,姐姐,

姐姐。 计算机。 计算机,计算机。 永远
,永远,永远。 超过。 过,过。 歌手,歌手,

歌手。 所以不要忘记,当你看到这个
-er 结尾时,让它变得漂亮和简短,

只包含 rr 声音。 没有其他元音,没有
形状。 这是一种非常平坦、快速、低沉的声音。

就是这样,非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的

我正在开发的一门新课程。 这将

是一个为期 8 周的对话课程,
在 2012 年 4 月和 5 月运行。它将汇集

我为我的私人学生制作的视频、音频剪辑和练习 PDF。 所以,我



我评论。 还将有小组项目

。 因为这是我第一次


学生人数限制在 30 人以内。所以请访问我的网站了解

注册。 我真的认为这会让