How to Pronounce GIRL in American English

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to go over the pronunciation

of the word ‘girl’.

This is a really tough word, and I get a lot
of requests for it. Like other difficult words,

world, and curl, for example, it’s hard
because it has an R followed by a dark L.

So let’s go sound by sound and figure out
how to say this word.

First, this is a one syllable word and it’s
a content word, so it will be stressed and

have a vocal shape like this. Uhhh. Try that,
just on ‘uh’, uhhh. In this word in particular,

because of the Dark L, focusing on the shape
of the voice will help your pronunciation.

Uh, uh.

We start with the G consonant, gg. Make the
G by lifting the back of the tongue to the

soft palate, gg, and engage the voice, gg,
gg. Girr-. Now we have the UR vowel followed

by R. Two symbols in IPA, but just one sound.
The R sound. Grr, gr. So it’s just like

a GR consonant cluster, like in ‘great’,
or ‘grow’. Grr, grr. To move from G to

R, the front and back of the tongue move at
the same time. The back of the tongue was

here and the tip was here for the G: gg. Gr.
To make the R we release the back of the tongue,

and at the same time we pull the tip of the
tongue up. It doesn’t touch anything. If

you want to focus on something, focus on the
tip of the tongue. Think of it as doing this.

So now the middle part touches the roof of
the mouth lightly, rr, rr, back here. And

you should be able to hold that sound out,

Let’s practice just those first sounds with
the right shape: grrrr. So the pitch of the

voice needs to go down. Grr. Ok, now
the Dark L. First, how does it fit into the

shape? Your voice is coming down in pitch.
The Dark L should just fit into that line.

It’s also going to come down in pitch. And,
because it’s at the end of the curve, some

of the energy of the voice is gone. Listen
to just the dark L, uhl [3x].

How to make it. The tongue can be in two different
positions. It can either come back down, so

it’s touching the back of the bottom front
teeth. Or, the tongue tip can come up to the

roof of the mouth. The middle part is no longer
touching the roof of the mouth. It’s also

down. The part that really matters is the
back of the tongue. It shifts back, uhl, uhl.

It’s still low. Uhl, uhl. Because of the
back part of the tongue, we get this strange,

dark sound, uhl. Does it feel strange? That’s
okay. If it’s new to you, it should definitely

feel strange. If you only pay attention to
the front part of the tongue, what the tip

is doing, you can never get the right sound
for the Dark L. Focus on the back.

Let’s just try transitioning from the R
to the Dark L. Rrrlll. Rrrlll. And now the

whole word, but do it slowly. And use your
hand, it can’t hurt. Girl, girl, girl.

There it is, you’ve got it. Practice it
slowly, with your hand, lots of times. Practice

it in sentences. This is a tough word, and
you’re going to get really good at it if

you practice.

Now let’s look at it up close in and slow

Can you tell that the tongue has started to
pull back and up here? It’s not forward.

For the L, I flip my tongue tip to the roof
of the mouth. And then back down at the end

of the word.
Let’s watch that again.

If there’s a word or phrase you’d like
help pronouncing, please put it in the comments


Also, I’m very excited to tell you that
my book is now on sale. If you liked this

video, there’s a lot more to learn about
American English pronunciation, and my book

will help you step by step. You can get it
by clicking here, or in the description below.

That’s it, and thanks so much for using
Rachel’s English.



很多要求。 像其他困难的单词一样,

world 和 curl,例如,它很难,
因为它有一个 R,后面跟着一个暗 L。



有这样的发音形状。 呃。 试试看,
就在“呃”上,呃。 尤其是在这个词中,

因为有暗 L,所以注重


我们从 G 辅音 gg 开始。
通过将舌后部抬到软腭 gg 来发出 G

,然后发出声音 gg,
gg。 吉尔-。 现在我们有 UR 元音

后跟 R。国际音标中有两个符号,但只有一个声音。
R 音。 格,格。 所以它就像

一个 GR 辅音簇,就像在“伟大”
或“成长”中一样。 咕噜咕噜 从 G 移动到

后部同时移动。 舌头的后部在

这里,尖端在这里是为了 G:gg。 格。
为了制作 R,我们松开舌根,

舌尖向上拉。 它没有触及任何东西。 如果

舌尖。 把它想象成这样做。

上颚,rr,rr,回到这里。 而且


形状正确的第一个声音:grrrr。 所以声音的音调

需要降低。 Grr。 好的,现在
是 Dark L。首先,它如何适应

形状? 你的声音正在下降。
Dark L 应该正好适合那条线。

它也将在球场上下降。 而且,

只听黑暗的 L,呃 [3x]。

如何制作。 舌头可以在两个不同的
位置。 它可以要么回来,所以

。 或者,舌尖可以达到

口腔顶部。 中间部分不再
接触上颚。 它也

下降了。 真正重要的部分
是舌头的后部。 它向后移动,呃,呃。

它仍然很低。 呃,呃。 由于

黑暗的声音,呃。 是不是感觉很奇怪?
没关系。 如果它对你来说是新的,那肯定会

感到奇怪。 如果你只注意

在做什么,你永远无法为 Dark L 找到正确的声音

让我们尝试从 R 过渡
到 Dark L. Rrrllll。 呸呸呸。 现在

整个词,但慢慢做。 用你的
手,它不会受伤。 女孩,女孩,女孩。


用句子练习。 这是一个很难的词,


往回拉吗? 它不向前。

对于 L,我将舌尖翻转到
上颚。 然后在词尾退回




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