How to Pronounce Marathon American English from the NYC race

I’m here watching the New York City Marathon,
and I wanted to show you a little bit of it.

The word ‘marathon’ begins with the M consonant
sound. This first syllable is the stressed

syllable. Mar-, it has the AA as in BAT sound,
but it goes directly into the R, and the R

takes over the vowel a bit. Mar-, mar-.
Next is an unaccented syllable, the schwa.

Mara-, mara-. So, it should be lower in pitch
and a little quieter. Mara-. mara-. Last,

the third syllable, has a secondary stress.
Marathon, -thon, -thon, so it will have a

little shape to it. It begins with the unvoiced
TH sound, where the tongue must come through

the teeth. Then the AH as in FATHER sound,
and the N consonant sound. Marathon, marathon.


“马拉松”这个词以 M 辅音开头
。 第一个音节是重读

音节。 Mar-,它有 AA 和 BAT 声音一样,
但它直接进入 R,并且 R

稍微接管了元音。 马尔-,马尔-。

马拉-,马拉-。 所以,它的音调应该更低
,更安静一些。 马拉-。 马拉-。 最后


一点形状。 它以清音
TH 开始,舌头必须

从牙齿中伸出。 然后是父亲音中的AH,
以及N辅音。 马拉松,马拉松。