How to Pronounce Numbers 11 19 American English

eleven I pronounce it with a schwa in

the first bubble but some people do

pronounce it with the e as in she vowel

sound so that would be either 11 or 11

in any case it’s the middle syllable

that is stressed 11 the middle syllable

begins with the L sound leg opens into

the air as in bed laughs 11 it then has

the V sound so the bottom lip comes up

mm-hmm to touch the top teeth elem and

it then has the schwa and the n sound 11

or 11 12 12 begins with the T sound and

then goes into the tight circle for the

W 2 to 12 n opens wide into the air as

in bed vowel sound to a

but then has the dark L all where you

make that all sound before the tip of

the tongue comes up 12 12 and finally

the V consonant sound to end 1212 a note

on the teen words if you were to hear

someone counting 11 12 13 14 15 16 you

would hear the stress on the 13-14 on

the first syllable however that is only

when you’re counting to differentiate it

from all the other teens if you were

gonna say a sentence like I’m 18 then

the stress comes on the word teen and

this is how it normally goes in

conversation if you wanted to stress the

age for example we all got cars when we

were 17 she got one when she was 16 then

you would stress the first syllable but

in general you will stress the teen when

you’re saying one of the teen numbers 13

13 begins with the unvoiced th sound so

the tongue must come through the teeth

sir it then has the ER as in her vowel

sound sir so the tongue pulls back

fattens up and raises some fur it then

has the T sound so the tip of the tongue

comes back forward to touch behind the

clothes teeth and pulls away to release

the air 13 it then has the EE as in she

vowel sound corners of the lips pulled

wide and then the N consonant sound 13

14 14 has the word for in it and just

like the word for it has the F consonant

sound the Oh as a no fo a and the R

consonant sound 14 however here it is

the unstressed syllable in the word 14

14 so all of the sounds are there and

they’re all pronounced the same but they

might be a little lower in pitch to

contrast with the word teen 14 15 15

begins with the F consonant sound it

then has the as in fit fit fit and then

once again the F consonant sound v so

the bottom lip has to start come down

and go back up into that position

v followed by the syllable teen 15 16 16

has again 6 just like 4 followed by teen

and it is pronounced the same way the S

consonant sound

the air as in sit sit the K consonant

sound sick the S consonant sound sick 6

16 17 17 again is the word 7 followed by

teen 17 so you have the S consonant

sound into the air as in bed vowel sound

say the V consonant sound the schwa and

the N consonant sound

7 7 17 18 again it’s the word 8 followed

by teen although here there is only one

T sound it is not eight teen it’s simply

the ay as in say diphthong a teen into

teen 18 19 again the word nine followed

by teen nine with the N consonant sound

and the AI as in buy diphthong Nye Nye

hmm followed by the N consonant sound

and teen 19 19

11 我在第一个气泡中用 schwa 发音,


确实用 e 发音,就像在她元音中一样,

所以无论如何都是 11 或


它是重读的中间音节 11 中间音节

以 the 开头 L 音腿

向空中张开,如在床上笑 11 然后它

有 V 音,所以下唇向上

mm-hmm 触摸上牙 elem

然后它有 schwa 和 n 音 11

或 11 12 12 以 T 音,


W 2 到 12 n



空气敞开 12 12 最后

是 V 辅音以结束 1212


有人数数 11 12 13 14 15 16,你

在第一个音节上听到 13-14 的重音,但只有

当你 ‘如果你要说一个发送,我正在计算以将它


比如我 18 岁,




,例如,我们 17 岁时都有车,她 16 岁时有车,


你会 强调第一个音节,


你说一个青少年数字 13

13 以清音 th 开头时,你会强调青少年,


先生,然后有 ER,就像她的元音一样,

先生 所以舌头

往后拉 发胖 并抬起一些皮毛 然后

发出 T 音 所以


衣服牙齿后面 拉开以

释放空气 13 然后它有 EE 就像她的

元音一样 唇角

张开,然后 N 辅音 13

14 14 里面有

单词 for 就像它的单词一样有 F

辅音 Oh as a no fo a 和 R

辅音 14 但是在这里

单词 14 14 中的非重读音节,

所以所有的 声音在那里,



与 teen 14 15 15 这个词形成对比

辅音 v



v 后面跟着音节 teen 15 16

16 再次有 6 就像 4 后面跟着 teen

并且它的发音方式与 S


在空气中的发音相同 就像坐一样,坐,K

辅音生病,S 辅音生病 6

16 17 17 再次是单词 7,然后是

teen 17,所以你有 S


说 V 辅音发音 schwa 和

N 辅音

7 7 17 18 再次是单词 8

后跟 teen 虽然这里只有一个

T 音 它不是 8 teen 它

只是 ay 就像说双元音 a teen 变成

teen 18 19 再次是单词 9

后跟 teen 九,N辅音

,AI为i n 购买双元音 Nye Nye

hmm 后跟 N 辅音

和 teen 19 19