How to Pronounce Plural Nouns American English

Today I’m going to go over how to pronounce
plural nouns. A noun is made plural when an

S or an ES is added to the end of the word. For
example, cat, cats. Church, churches. The

The way this ending is pronounced depends on
the last sound of the noun in singular form.

In determining how to pronounce the S or ES of
a noun, there are three different cases. First,

when the last sound of the noun in singular
form is voiced, second, when it is unvoiced,

and third, both voiced and unvoiced, special
cases. When the last sound of the noun in

singular form is voiced, then the ‘’s’ is
pronounced as a [z], as in, beds, zz, zz,

zz. What would be a voiced sound? First, any
vowel or diphthong. So let’s take for example

the word ‘tree’. This noun ends in the ‘ee’
as in ‘she’ vowel sound. It is voiced. So,

the ’s' in the word ‘trees’, zz, zz, is
pronounced as a [z]. Zz. Example with a diphthong:

the word ‘cafe’ ends in the ‘ay’ as in ‘say’
diphthong. As a diphthong, it is voiced. Therefore,

the ’s' will be pronounced as a [z]. Cafes,
zz, zz, zz, cafes. Also, a consonant can be

voiced. But not every voiced consonant is
in that category. That is because some are

in the third category for special cases. The
ending consonants in this category, where

the plural will be pronounced as a Z, are:

An example, the word ‘apple’. ‘Apple’ ends

in the L consonant sound, which is one of
the ending voiced consonant sounds in this

category. Therefore, it will be pronounced
as a [z] when it is in plural form. Apples,

zz, zz, apples. When the final sound of the
noun in singular form is unvoiced, then the

S will also be unvoiced, pronounced as an
[s], ss. For example, the word ‘ship’. P is

an unvoiced consonant sound, therefore, ships,
ss, ss, ss, the plural will be an unvoiced

sound as well, the S. Ships. The unvoiced
consonants in this category, where the ’s'

is pronounced as an [s], are:

In the third category,
the plural is made not simply by

adding an -S, but by adding an -ES. Therefore
it is pronounced with the ‘ih’ as in ‘sit’

vowel followed by the Z consonant sound: -es,
-es,-es. There are six ending sounds that make

up this category.

Because this category adds a vowel sound and a
consonant sound, the IH and the ZZ sound, words

in this category will have an extra syllable
added on when they are made plural. In the

other two categories, we were simply adding
one sound, and it did not change the number

of syllables in the word. Let’s take an example.
The word ‘wish’. It ends with sh, which is

one of the sounds in this third category.
Therefore, the plural will be spelled with

an -ES, and it will be pronounced ‘wishes’,
zz, with the ‘ih’ sound followed by the Z

sound. Wishes. So, ‘wish’, one syllable, ‘wishes’,
two syllables. The extra syllable added by

the plural will always be unstressed. So it
will be lower in pitch than the stressed syllable

in the word. Wishes. Now, let’s look at some
example nouns and determine how the plural

will be pronounced. Age. It ends with the
‘dj’ sound. This is in the third category.

Therefore it is pronounced ‘ages’. Two syllables,
with the ‘ih’ as in ‘sit’ vowel followed by

the Z consonant sound. Ages. Time. It ends
with the mm M consonant sound. It’s voiced,

it’s not a special case, therefore, the S
is pronounced as a [z]. Times, times, zz.

Box. The final sound in this word is the
’s' sound. ‘S’ falls in the third category.

Therefore, we make it plural by adding an
‘e’ and an ’s'. And it is pronounced with

the ‘ih’ as in ‘sit’ and the, zz, Z consonant
sound. Boxes, boxes. Dog. Dog. It ends with

the G sound. That’s a voiced sound. It is
not in the third category, therefore, the

’s' is pronounces as a [z]. Dogs, dogs. Cat.
The final sound here is the T, which is unvoiced.

It is not a special case, so the plural S
will be pronounced simply as an [s]. Cats,

cats. I hope this video has made how to pronounce
a plural noun more clear. That’s it, and thanks

so much for using Rachel’s English.

复数名词。 当

在词尾添加 S 或 ES 时,名词变为复数形式。
例如,猫,猫。 教堂,教堂。


在确定如何发音名词的 S 或 ES
时,有三种不同的情况。 第一


情况。 当单数形式的名词的最后一个声音

发音为 [z],例如,beds, zz, zz,

zz。 什么是浊音? 首先,任何
元音或双元音。 因此,让我们以

“树”这个词为例。 这个名词以’ee’结尾,
就像’she’元音一样。 它是有声的。 因此,

发音为 [z]。 Z Z。 双元音的例子:

双元音一样。 作为双元音,它是浊音。 因此

,’s' 将发音为 [z]。 咖啡馆,
zz,zz,zz,咖啡馆。 此外,可以

发出辅音。 但并不是每个浊辅音都
属于这一类。 那是因为有些


,复数将发音为 Z 的结尾辅音是

: 例如,单词“apple”。 “Apple”

以 L 辅音结尾,这是该类别中

。 因此,
当它是复数形式时,它会发音为 [z]。 苹果,

zz,zz,苹果。 当单数名词的最后一个声音

S 也将是清音的,发音为
[s], ss。 例如,“船”这个词。 P

ss, ss, ss,复数也将是清音

,即 S. Ships。
此类中的清辅音,其中 ’s

' 发音为 [s],是:


添加 -S,而是通过添加 -ES。 因此,

-es,-es。 有六种结束音





单词的音节数。 让我们举个例子。
“愿望”二字。 它以 sh 结尾,这是



音。 愿望。 所以,‘wish’,一个音节,‘wishs’,
两个音节。 由复数添加的额外

音节将始终不重读。 所以它

中的重读音节。 愿望。 现在,让我们看一些

的发音方式。 年龄。 它以
“dj”的声音结束。 这属于第三类。

因此发音为’ages’。 两个音节,
在 ‘sit’ 元音中的 ‘ih’

后跟 Z 辅音。 年龄。 时间。 它
以 mm M 辅音结尾。 它是浊音

S 发音为 [z]。 时代,时代,zz。

盒子。 这个词的最后一个音是
’s’音。 “S”属于第三类。

“e”和“s”使其成为复数。 它

与 ‘sit’ 中的 ‘ih’ 和 zz, Z 辅音一起
发音。 盒子,盒子。 狗。 狗。 它

以 G 音结束。 那是有声的声音。 它

’s' 发音为 [z]。 狗,狗。 猫。
这里的最后一个声音是 T,它是清音的。

这不是特殊情况,所以复数 S
将简单地发音为 [s]。 猫,

猫。 我希望这个视频能让
复数名词的发音更清楚。 就是这样,

非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。