How to Pronounce Popular Female Names American English

these are the top ten baby names chosen

for baby girls born in 2007 this is

different from the most common female

names in America because name trends

change there is only one name that is on

this list that is also one of the top 10

most common names in America that is

Elizabeth but let’s start with the

number one most popular baby name given

to girl in 2007

Emily Emily starts with the air as in

bed am the middle syllable emily is a

schwa and the last syllable has the EE

as in she sound

Emily Emily the second most popular name

Isabella Isabella starts with the e as

in sit vowel sound the next vowel sound

is the schwa is ax is ax then you have

Bell the air as in bed vowel sound with

a dark L Bell and finally a schwa

Isabella Isabella the third most popular

name Emma Emma starts with the air as in

bed and ends in the schwa Emma Emma Ava

Ava begins with the ay as in say

diphthong and it ends in the schwa it

does have a voiced v sound in between

Ava Ava Madison the first syllable is

accented and it has the ad as in bat

sound the second syllable is unaccented

though it does retain a very quick e as

in sit matter matter the final syllable

Tsun Tsun goes directly from the

unvoiced into the end sound hmm Madison

Madison Sophia the first syllable has

the Oh as in no diphthong Sophia the pH

is of course pronounced as a F sound and

the middle syllable has the e as in

sheet it is the accented syllable Sophia

the word then ends in a schwa Sophia

Olivia this name begins with the Oh as

in no diphthong Olivia the second

syllable is the accented syllable and it

has the e as in sit

sound the next I is an e as in chi sound


however it goes quickly into the schwa

as it is not the accented syllable

Olivia and do be careful of the voiced v

sound which can be difficult for some

speakers Olivia

Abigail it begins with the ad as in that

sound the second syllable is unaccented

but it does retain the as in sit it’s

just very short Abba Abba Gail has the

ay as in say diphthong this syllable

ends in an L which means it is a dark L

so it has the extra sound between the a

as in say and the full sound

jo o for the dark L Abigail Hannah the

first syllable has the AH as in bat

sound the second syllable has the schwa

Hannah Hannah note that the first H is

pronounced the second one is silent

Hannah and finally Elizabeth which has

been explained in the other blog entry

the most common female names in the

United States these were the ten most

popular baby names given to girls in


这些是为 2007 年出生的女婴选择的前十个婴儿名字




也是最常见的 10 个

名字之一 在美国是

伊丽莎白,但让我们从 2007 年


开始吧 Emily Emily 以空气开头,就像在




伊莎贝拉伊莎贝拉以 e 开头,


是 schwa 是 ax 是 ax 然后你有

Bell the air,就像在床上的元音,

带有深色 L Bell,最后是 schwa

Isabella Isabella 第三个最受欢迎的

名字 Emma Emma 以空气开头,如在

床上,以 schwa 结尾 Emma Emma Ava

Ava 以 ay 开头,如

双元音,以 schwa 结尾

,在 Ava Ava Madison 之间有一个浊 v 音

e 第一个音节



尽管它确实保留了一个非常快的 e,因为它确实保留了一个非常快的 e,因为


Tsun Tsun 直接从


麦迪逊索菲亚 第一个音节

有 Oh,因为没有双元音 Sophia pH

值当然发音为 F 音

,中间音节有 e,因为在

sheet 它是重读音节 Sophia

这个词然后以 schwa 结尾 Sophia

Olivia 这个名字开头 Oh as

in no diphthong Olivia 第二个


有 e 作为坐

音,下一个 I 是一个 e,如 chi 音


但是它很快进入 schwa,


Olivia 和 请注意浊音 v


演讲者来说可能很困难 Olivia

Abigail 它以广告开头,因为在那个


但它确实保留了 as in sit 它

只是很短 Abba Abba Gail 有

ay 就像说双元音一样,这个音节

以 L 结尾,这意味着它是一个暗 L,


在 say 中的 a 和暗 L 的完整声音

jo o 之间有额外的声音

第一个音节有 AH 就像蝙蝠的

声音第二个音节有 schwa

Hannah Hannah 注意第一个 H


Hannah 最后是 Elizabeth 这


过 美国最常见的女性名字

这些是 2007年
