How to Pronounce QUESTION American English Pronunciation

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to go over the pronunciation

of the word ‘question’.

This is a tough word, and I’ve gotten lots
of requests for it. Thanks for putting in

your request, I’m glad to finally do it
for you.

This is a two-syllable word with stress on
the first syllable. Question, DA-da. The first

syllable is longer than the second syllable.
Long-short, DA-da. Question. The first syllable

needs the intonation, the shape of a stressed
syllable. A little curve up, then down. Uhh,

Que-. Ques-tion.

This word begins with the KW consonant cluster,
kw. To make the K, the back part of the tongue

lifts and touches the soft palate. The lip
position doesn’t matter, so they’re going

to start rounding already for the W. Kw, que-.
For the W, the back part of the tongue is

lifted, so when it pulls away from the soft
palate to release the K, it doesn’t have

far to go. Then we have the EH vowel. Que-.
This is where we’ll have the curve down

in the voice. Que-. For the EH vowel, the
jaw drops and the tongue tip is forward and

down, lightly touching the back of the bottom
front teeth. The middle/front part of the

tongue lifts towards the roof of the mouth.
Make the middle of the tongue wider as it

lifts. Que-.

The rest of the sounds happen as the voice
drops off in pitch. Question. First comes

the S, the teeth come together, ss. Usually
when I make the S, I leave the tongue tip

down. But here, since it needs to be up for
the next sound, I actually point the tongue

tip up, ss, ss. Now, the CH sound. It’s
the letter T, but it’s making the CH sound.

The tongue tip touches the roof of the mouth
and releases and the lips flare, ch, ch. Then

we have the schwa and the N. The N is a syllabic
consonant. It overtakes the schwa – don’t

try to make a separate schwa sound. So after
the CH sound, go directly into the N. You

do need to release the tongue from the roof
of the mouth, that’s part of the CH that

you can’t skip. But then, you put the tongue
immediately right back up for the N, -tion,

-tion. And relax the lips. So the tongue will
move like this in the last syllable: -tion,

-tion. Remember, all of these sounds happen
as the voice falls in pitch. Question [3x],

–tion, -tion. There’s not a lot of energy
in the voice here.

Let’s see this word up close and in slow

See the lips come into a tight circle for
the W. The space in the mouth is dark as the

tongue lifts in the back. Now it opens into
the EH vowel, and you can see a lot more of

the tongue as the middle/front part lifts.
The teeth come together for the S and CH and

the tongue goes to the roof of the mouth.
The lips flare for the CH, then relax for

the N.

Let’s watch one more time.

See the lips come into a tight circle for
the W. The space in the mouth is dark as the

tongue lifts in the back. Now it opens into
the EH vowel, and you can see a lot more of

the tongue as the middle/front part lifts.
The teeth come together for the S and CH and

the tongue goes to the roof of the mouth.
The lips flare for the CH, then relax for

the N.

Question, question. If there’s a word or
phrase you’d like help pronouncing, put

it in the comments below.

Also, I’m very excited to tell you that
my book is now on sale. If you liked this

video, there’s a lot more to learn about
American English pronunciation, and my book

will help you step by step. You can get it
by clicking here, or in the description below.

That’s it, and thanks so much for using
Rachel’s English.



很多要求。 感谢


在第一个音节上。 问题,达达。 第一个

多空,DA-da。 问题。 第一个音节

。 一点曲线向上,然后向下。 呃,

阙-。 问题。

这个词以 KW 辅音簇
kw 开头。 为了发出 K,舌头的后部

抬起并接触软腭。 嘴唇的

已经开始四舍五入了 W. Kw, que-。
对于 W,舌头的后部被

以释放 K 时,它并没有

走太远。 然后我们有 EH 元音。 阙-。

的地方。 阙-。 对于 EH 元音,

。 舌头的中部/前

部向口腔顶部抬起。 抬起

。 阙-。

的音调下降而发生。 问题。 首先

是S,牙齿齐齐,ss。 通常
当我做 S 时,我会把舌尖

朝下。 但是在这里,由于它需要

舌尖向上,ss,ss。 现在,CH 声音。 它
是字母 T,但它使 CH 发音。


然后是 schwa 和 N。N 是音节
辅音。 它超过了 schwa - 不要

试图发出单独的 schwa 声音。 所以
在 CH 音之后,直接进入 N。

,这是 CH 的一部分,

你不能跳过。 但是然后,你马上把舌头
放回 N,-tion,

-tion。 并放松双唇。 所以舌头会

-tion。 请记住,所有这些声音都会
随着声音的音调下降而发生。 问题 [3x],-

tion,-tion。 这里的声音没有太多能量


看到嘴唇为 W 形成一个紧密的圆圈。

舌头在后面抬起时,嘴里的空间是黑暗的。 现在它打开
到 EH 元音,

S 和 CH 的牙齿合

对于 CH,嘴唇张开,然后

为 N 放松。


看到嘴唇为 W 形成一个紧密的圆圈。

舌头在后面抬起时,嘴里的空间是黑暗的。 现在它打开
到 EH 元音,

S 和 CH 的牙齿合

对于 CH,嘴唇张开,然后

为 N 放松。



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