How to Pronounce Schedule American English

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to go over the pronunciation of

the word ‘schedule’.

This week’s Word of the Week is ‘schedule’.
‘Schedule’ can be three syllables or two syllables.

The first syllable is stressed: sche-, sche-.
So it can either be ‘schedule’ (sche-du-le)

or simply ‘schedule’ (sche-dule). ‘Schedule’
begins with simply the SK consonant cluster.

So for the S, the tongue tip is here, and
for the K, the back part of the tongue reaches

up and touches the soft palate, then pulls
away. Sk, sk. Some people make their S’s with

the tongue tip up, I make mine with the tongue
tip down. Sch-, sche-. The next sound is the

EH as in BED vowel, and your jaw does need
to drop for that. Sche-, sche-. The next sound

is the JJ as in JAR sound. If you’re going
to make it three syllables, it will be with

the OO vowel: schedu-, schedu-. Schedule,
schedule. The last syllable is the schwa and

Dark L. -le, -le, schedule. Or, simply, schedule.

So, for the final sound, the Dark L, the back
part of the tongue will pull back a little

bit, while the tip stays forward, -le, -le,
-le, making that dark sound.

What’s the schedule for today?

That’s it, your Word of the Week.  Try
it out yourself.  Make up a sentence with

the word, record it, and post it as a video
response to this video on YouTube.  I can’t

wait to watch it.

That’s it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s




第一个音节重读:sche-, sche-。
所以它可以是’schedule' (sche-du-le)

或简单的’schedule' (sche-dule)。 ‘Schedule’
以简单的 SK 辅音簇开头。

所以对于 S,舌尖在这里,
对于 K,舌头的后部

拉开。 斯克,斯克。 有些人用舌尖向上做他们的S

。 施-,施-。 下一个声音

是 BED 元音中的 EH,你的下巴确实需要
为此而下降。 舍-,舍-。 下一个声音

是 JJ,就像 JAR 声音一样。 如果你

带有 OO 元音:schedu-, schedu-。 日程,
日程。 最后一个音节是 schwa 和

Dark L. -le, -le, schedule。 或者,简单地说,安排。

所以,对于最后的声音,Dark L,



自己尝试一下。 用这个词组成一个句子

回复发布到 YouTube 上。 我


就是这样,非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的