How to Pronounce SEVENTY American English

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to go over the pronunciation

of the word seventy.

This week’s Word of the Week is seventy.
This is a three-syllable word with stress

on the first syllable. Seventy. DA-da-da.
It begins with the S consonant sound, ss,

ss, teeth are together and tongue tip is down
here, corners of the lips may pull wide. Sssse-.

Then we have the EH as in BED vowel. And you
can see the jaw does need to drop for that

sound. Se-. Vv. Then the V consonant sound,
where the bottom lip comes up and touches

the bottom of the top front teeth. Sev-, sev-.
Seventy. Next we have the schwa-N sound. Don’t

worry about making a separate schwa sound,
seven-, seven-, just go straight into the

N sound, where the front part of your tongue
will lift, and the flat, top part will touch

the roof of the mouth.

Next we have the T. The T in clusters is usually
a True T. But sometimes, when it follows an

N, we leave it out altogether. In this particular
word, we have an exception. It’s a Flap

T. Seventy, seventy. Seven-ty. So the tongue
is already in position for the N, all you

have to do is pull it away to make the flap
T sound. Seventy, seventy.

Then we go straight into the EE as in SHE
vowel, where the tongue tip is down, and the

front part of the tongue is stretching up
towards the roof of the mouth. Seventy, seventy.

Tomorrow, my grandma’s turning 70.

That’s it, your Word of the Week. If there’s
a word you’d like to suggest for the Word

of the Week, put it in the comments below.

That’s it, and thanks so much for using
Rachel’s English.


单词 70 的发音。


在第一个音节上。 七十。 哒哒哒。

向下,唇角可能会张开。 SSSE-。

然后我们有床元音中的 EH。 你

。 硒。 Vv。 然后是 V 辅音

上前牙的底部。 严重-,严重-。
七十。 接下来我们有 schwa-N 声音。 不用

担心发出单独的 schwa 音,

N 音,你的舌头前部


接下来是 T。簇中的 T 通常
是 True T。但有时,当它跟在

N 之后时,我们会完全忽略它。 在这个特定的
词中,我们有一个例外。 这是 Flap

T。七十,七十。 七十。 所以
舌头已经在 N 的位置上,你

T 音。 七十,七十。

然后我们像 SHE 元音一样直接进入 EE

延伸到上颚。 七十,七十。

明天,我奶奶就 70 岁了。

就是这样,你的本周词汇。 如果


Rachel 的英语。