How to Pronounce the Idiom Spread the Word American English

Happy New Year everyone. I hope you had a
great time spending New Year’s Eve and New

Year’s Day with friends and family. 2010 was
an awesome year. Well, it had its ups and

downs I suppose for everybody, but, it was
a great year. And I want to thank everyone

who watched my videos, who contacted me with
a question, who was involved in the community

of Rachel’s English on Facebook. And, I want
to thank everybody who told somebody else

about my website and my YouTube channel. I
know a lot of users did because they told

me. And that brings us to the idiom we are
going to go over today, spread the word. It’s

what some of my users have been doing, and
I hope that they will continue to do. And

I’m inviting everyone who uses my website
to spread the word about Rachel’s English

because in 2011 I would love to quit my job
and have Rachel’s English be what I do. Period.

The only thing I give my time to work-wise.
So let’s go over the idiom to spread the word.

It means not just to tell one person, but
to tell many people. For example, I’m having

a party tonight, spread the word. That doesn’t
mean tell John and Mary, it means tell everyone

you know. Another example sentence: Thanks
for using Rachel’s English, and thanks for

helping to spread the word. As I said a lot
of people have already told me that they’ve

done this. If they’re a teacher perhaps they’ve
used it in their classroom, told students.

A student, maybe they’ve told fellow students,
their teachers, friends and family, some people

have posted it to their friends on Facebook.
It’s all so helpful in spreading the word,

and I thank you for it. Now, how to pronounce
spread the word. It begins with the SPR consonant

cluster, and you do go through all three of
those sounds: ss, pp, rr. Spr-, spr-, spre-.

Opens into the ‘eh’ as in ‘bed’ vowel, spre-,
dd. The tongue comes up for the D: spread,

the. Voiced TH sound and the schwa, it’s an
unaccented syllable. Spread the, spread the,

word. The W consonant sound, the R vowel/consonant
sound, ww, rr, dd. And the D sound. So the

lips start very tight for the W, rr, they
open a little bit for that R vowel, wor-,

wor-, d. And the tongue, which has been back
a bit for the R, wor-d, comes up and the top

touches, dd, the roof of the mouth and pulls
down to make the D sound. So we’ve got the

W consonant, the R vowel/consonant sound,
it’s just one sound here, and the D sound.

WW, rr, dd. Word. Spread the word. That’s
it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English

祝大家新年快乐。 我希望您与朋友和家人

元旦。 2010 年
是很棒的一年。 嗯,

是伟大的一年。 我要感谢


Facebook 上 Rachel 英语社区的人。 而且,我

别人我的网站和 YouTube 频道的人。 我

我。 这将我们带到了我们
今天要复习的成语,传播这个词。 这


的人宣传 Rachel 的英语,

因为在 2011 年我很想辞掉工作
,让 Rachel 的英语成为我的工作。 时期。


而是告诉很多人。 例如,我

今晚要开派对,宣传一下。 这并不

你认识的每个人。 另一个例句:

帮助传播这个词。 正如我所说,

这样做了。 学生们告诉学生,如果他们是老师,也许他们已经


已经在 Facebook 上将其发布给了他们的朋友。

,我感谢你。 现在,如何发音
传播这个词。 它从 SPR 辅音

三个声音:ss、pp、rr。 spr-,spr-,spre-。

打开到 ‘eh’ 中,如 ‘bed’ 元音、spre-、
dd。 舌头上来为 D:传播,

the。 浊音 TH 音和 schwa,这是一个不
重音的音节。 传播,传播,

词。 W辅音,R元音/
辅音,ww,rr,dd。 和 D 音。 因此,

对于 W, rr,嘴唇开始非常紧,
对于那个 R 元音,wor-,

w-,d,它们稍微张开一点。 舌头,
在 R 字 d 的时候已经后退了一点,然后上来,顶部

接触 dd,嘴巴的顶部,然后拉
下来发出 D 的声音。 所以我们有

W 辅音,R 元音/辅音,
这里只有一个音,还有 D 音。

WW,RR,DD。 单词。 传播这个词。 就是
这样,非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语