How to Pronounce the Numbers 1 10 American English

today I’m going over how to pronounce

numbers one through ten actually no zero

through ten

to begin zero zero starts with the

voiced Z sound where the teeth come

together it then opens into the e as in

she vowel sound Z so the jaw drops just

a little bit and the corners of the lips

pull back Z zero

it then has the R consonant sound Z R so

the tongue has to move up into that

position zero and it ends with the Oh as

in no diphthong zero one one begins with

the W consonant sound so the lips form

that very tight circle whoa it opens

into the UH as in butter sound with a

very relaxed drop of the jaw whoa mmm

the tongue then moves up into the end

position 1 1 this is pronounced the

exact same way as the word 1 as in we

won the game

two two starts with the T sound where

the teeth are together the tongue is

behind them and pulls back to release

air to it then has the e as in boo vowel

sound - and if you notice the lips begin

to take that position even before the T

sound - - and this is pronounced the

exact same way as the word - t oo as in

I want to go to or to tio as in he is

going to the store although to be honest

that word is often reduced to two he is

going to the store three this begins

with the unvoiced th sound

make sure your tongue comes through

those teeth it’s the only way to make

the sound fur it then pulls back into

the our position fur so your tongue will

move from through the teeth to being

further up and back

fur then the EE as in she vowel sound

three three four begins with the F sound

so the bottom lip must move up to the

top teeth for it then opens into the Oh

as in no diphthong for before moving

into the R consonant sound four four

five this word begins and ends with this

position of the lip coming up and

touching the top teeth hmm

it begins with the F sound and ends with

vivvy sound hmm so the first is unvoiced

and the second is voiced it has the AI

as in buy diphthong in between five five

five notice that the V consonant sound

at the end is very short five six six

begins and ends with the S consonant

sound unvoiced six the vowel sound is

the as in sit say we then have the K

consonant sound sick sick where the

tongue comes up here and pulls away to

release air sick six and then finally

the S consonant sound again to end six

seven also begins with the S consonant

sound and opens into the air as in

bed vowel sound say say it then has the

V consonant sound sev where the lip

moves up and touches the teeth sev and

the final syllable is the schwa followed

by the end sound mmm mmm so the tongue

which is down pulls up to lightly touch

the roof of the mouth um to make the n

sound seven-seven eight-eight has the ay

as in say diphthong followed by the T

sound were you released to air through

the teeth by pulling the tongue away

eight this is pronounced the exact same

way as the word a te as in I ate that

yesterday 9 9 begins and ends with the

end consonant sound mm-hmm

where the front part of the tongue is up

against the roof of the mouth 9 and in

between those two end sounds is the AI

as in buy diphthong 9 9 and 10 10 has

the air as in bed vowel sound after the

T sound Ted Ted 10 10 you can see the

tongue then has to move up to touch the

roof of the mouth to make the N 10








向后拉 Z 零

,然后有 R 辅音 ZR,


零位置,它以 Oh 结束,

因为没有双元音零 一一

以 W 辅音开始 声音,所以嘴唇形成


到 UH 就像在黄油声音



位置 1 1 这

与单词的发音方式完全相同 1 就像我们


2 2 以 T 音开始



空气,然后有 e,如 boo

元音 - 如果你注意到嘴唇

开始 甚至在 T 之前采取那个位置

所以 und - - 这

与单词 - o 的发音方式

完全相同 商店三 以清音开始


穿过牙齿 这是唯一的方法

使声音 毛皮 然后

拉回我们的位置 毛皮 这样你的舌头就会


更远的地方 back

fur 然后 EE 就像她的元音

三三四以 F 音开始,


上牙,然后打开到 Oh,


进入 R 辅音四四

5 这个词开始和结束


接触到上牙 嗯

它以 F 音开始并以

活泼的声音结束 嗯所以第一个是清音的


是浊音的 在五五

五通知之间 结尾的 V

辅音很短 5 6 6

以 S

辅音 清音 6 开头

和结尾 away to

release air 恶心 6 然后

最后 S 辅音再次结束 6

7 也以 S



V 辅音 sev 嘴唇

向上移动 并且碰齿 sev

并且最后一个音节是 schwa 后面

是尾音 mmm mmm 所以


轻触上颚 um 发出 n

音 7-7 8-8 有 ay

比如双元音后跟 T


8 这

与单词 a te 的发音方式完全相同,就像我昨天吃了

9 9 以结尾辅音开头和结尾一样


m 舌头的前部

顶着上颚 9 并且

在这两个末端声音之间是 AI,

如购买双元音 9 9 和 10 10

在 T 音 Ted Ted 之后有空气,如床元音

10 10 你可以看到


到上颚才能使 N 10