How to Pronounce the SHR Consonant Cluster American English

Today I’m going to talk about
the SHR consonant blend. Let’s take for example

the word ‘shrimp’ and begin by looking at
the lip position. Shrimp, shrimp. You’ll note

that the lips are flared, sh, sh, in the SH
position, shrimp. The lips then come into

a tighter circle for the R. Shr-, shr-. This
R will have the shape of a beginning R sound.

If you’ve seen my video on “Understanding
the R Consonant”, then you know that an R

at the beginning of a syllable or word has
a tighter position than the more relaxed version

that happens for an R and the end of a word
or a syllable. So in this blend, it’s the

more tight, initial R position. Shr-, shr-,
shrimp. Here we have the SH and the R sounds

compared from the side. Again you can see
the flare in the SH position. In the R the

lips form a tighter circle. So the lips go
from being flared for the SH, sh … rr, to

being in a tighter circle for the R. The teeth
and jaw: they don’t really move. The other

main part of this consonant blend is the tongue
and how the tongue moves. Now the tongue will

be more forward for the SH sound, sh, sh,
sh, the tip being just behind the closed or

almost closed teeth. The R, however, has a
pull back, shr-, shr-. And if you don’t have

the tongue pulled back for that position,
it won’t make the proper R sound. So if you

have a problem with the R sound, watch the
understanding the R sound video. Work on that

sound individually before trying to do it
with the SH sound. And now a few words in

slow motion to help you study the SH mouth
position. The first word, mushroom. There’s

the SH and the R, the vowel and the M. The
next word, shrimp. Watch the lips flare out

for the SH, and then come in tighter for the
R before opening into the vowel. Now the word

shroud. Again, the SH flared, coming in for
a very tight circle on the R before opening

into the vowel sound. And finally, shriek.
Flared lips for the SH, tight circle for the

R, opening into the ‘ee’ as in ‘she’ vowel
sound. Now a list of words on which to practice.

I’ll say it, repeat after me. Shroud, shrine,
shrink, shredder, shriek, mushroom, dishrag,

shrew, washroom, shrivel, shrub. I hope you
now better understand how to pronounce this

blend. That’s it, and thanks so much for using
Rachel’s English.

的是SHR辅音混合。 让我们以

看看嘴唇的位置。 虾,虾。 你会

注意到嘴唇是张开的,嘘,嘘,在 SH
位置,虾。 然后

,R. Shr-, shr- 的嘴唇变得更紧。 这个
R 将具有开始 R 声音的形状。

理解 R 辅音”的视频,那么你就会知道

音节或单词开头的 R
比 R 和单词结尾的更宽松版本的位置更紧

或 一个音节。 所以在这种混合中,它是

更紧密的初始 R 位置。 嘘-,嘘-,
虾。 在这里,我们从侧面比较了 SH 和 R 的声音

。 再次,您可以
在 SH 位置看到耀斑。 在 R 中,

嘴唇形成一个更紧密的圆圈。 所以嘴唇
从 SH, sh … rr 的张开,

到 R 的更紧的圆圈。牙齿

以及舌头如何移动。 现在,

对于 SH 音、sh、sh、sh,舌头会更靠前

几乎紧闭的牙齿后面。 然而,R 有一个
回调,shr-,shr-。 如果你没有

它就不会发出正确的 R 音。 因此,如果您

对 R 声音有疑问,请观看
了解 R 声音的视频。

使用 SH 声音之前单独处理该声音。 现在慢动作几句话

位置。 第一个字,蘑菇。

有 SH 和 R,元音和 M。
下一个词,虾。 观察 SH 的嘴唇

在打开元音之前收紧 R。 现在这个词

裹尸布。 再次,SH 爆发,
在 R 上进入一个非常紧凑的圆圈,然后

打开元音。 最后,尖叫。
SH 为张开的嘴唇,R 为紧密的圆形,

。 现在是要练习的单词列表。

我会说,跟着我重复。 裹尸布,神社,

泼妇,洗手间,枯萎,灌木。 我希望你

混合。 就是这样,非常感谢您使用
Rachel 的英语。