How to Pronounce the TR Consonant Cluster American English

If you first started studying English in China,
there’s a good chance that you learned that

the TR consonant cluster should be pronounced
CH. Well, that’s not quite right. In this

American English pronunciation video, we’re
going to make an important adjustment to that


I made a video a while back explaining that
the T in the TR consonant cluster can sound

like a CH. You’ll hear native speakers do
this all the time: try, true. But I’ve noticed

with my Chinese students that they will pronounce
this cluster with just the CH, and no R sound

at all. But the R needs to be just as strong
as the CH in this consonant cluster.

Let’s take for example the word ‘try’. Now
if I replace that T with the CH, try, try,

I get an acceptable pronunciation. But if
I replace it with the CH and drop the R, chai,

chai, then I get a different word. Now, I
love a chai tea latte just as much as much

as the next person. But when we’re trying
to use the word ‘try’, the word ‘chai’ is

no good.

When I say the word ‘chai’, my tongue tip
is in the front of my mouth the whole time.

It’s here for the CH, cha-, down here for
the first half of the diphthong, chai. And

then the tip is still here, but the front
part reaches forward, towards the roof of

the mouth for the second half of the diphthong.
Chai, chai, chai, chai. So, we’re not getting

the R. The R involves a pull-back of the tongue.
So, in order to get an R sound, chr-, chr-,

chr-, it has to come back from that initial
forward position for the CH. Chr, chr, chry.

It will then come back forward for the diphthong
sound. Try. Try.

Another way to make sure that you’re making
an R sound is to watch your lip position.

So, the lips will need to come in to an even
tighter circle to make the R in this cluster.

Let’s take a look in up-close and slow motion.

First, try, with the R. See how much the lips
come in to make that R sound. Now, chai, without

the R. After the CH sound, the lips do not
round. So, in the top you have the R position

after the CH. And below you have just the
position for the CH. The top position is correct

to get the R sound in the TR cluster.

Now, we’ll watch from the side to try to see
the tongue position. In the word ‘chai’, the

tongue is just coming down from being up for
the CH position. No pull-back of the tongue.

In the word ‘try’, it’s harder to see that
tongue has pulled back because the lips come

into a more tightly-rounded position. But
you can see that the tongue here at the end

is coming forward for the diphthong from being
back for the R.

As you practice the TR cluster, slow it down
and hold out the R. Trrrrrrry. Make sure that

you’re feeling and seeing the correct tongue
position. Do this over and over, drill it

repetitively. Eventually, speed it up so that
you’re putting the R sound in at a normal,

conversational pace. This is how you will
turn it into habit. Other words: train, trade,

truth, trouble, trust.

I hope this video has helped.

That it, and thanks so much
for using Rachel’s English.


了解到 TR 辅音簇应该发音为
CH。 嗯,这不太对。 在这个


TR 辅音簇中的 T 听起来

像 CH。 你会一直听到母语人士这样
做:试试看,没错。 但是我

注意到我的中国学生会用 CH 来发音
这个集群,而根本没有 R

音。 但是
在这个辅音簇中,R 需要和 CH 一样强。

让我们以“尝试”这个词为例。 现在
如果我用 CH 替换那个 T,试试,试试,

我得到一个可以接受的发音。 但如果
我用 CH 替换它并去掉 R、chai、

chai,那么我会得到一个不同的词。 现在,我和下一个人

。 但是当我们



这里是 CH, cha-,这里
是双元音的前半部分, chai。


柴,柴,柴,柴。 所以,我们没有

得到 R。R 涉及到舌头的后拉。
因此,为了获得 R 音,chr-、chr-、

CH 的初始前向位置返回。 克,克,克。

元音。 尝试。 尝试。

发出 R 音的方法是观察你的嘴唇位置。

紧密的圆圈才能使 R 在这个集群中。


首先,尝试使用 R。看看有多少嘴唇
会发出 R 的声音。 现在,chai,

圆。 因此,在顶部,您

在 CH 之后有 R 位置。 在下面,您只有
CH 的位置。

在 TR 集群中获得 R 声音的顶部位置是正确的。

查看舌头的位置。 在“chai”这个词中,

从 CH 位置上移下来。 没有后退的舌头。


变得更紧圆。 但是

从返回到 R 向双元音前移

当你练习 TR 集群时,放慢速度
并按住 R。Trrrrrrrry。 确保

位置。 一遍又一遍地做这个,

反复练习。 最后,加快速度,以便
您以正常的对话速度输入 R 声音

。 这就是你
将它变成习惯的方式。 换句话说:训练、贸易、



感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。