How to Pronounce the word BECAUSE American English

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to discuss how to pronounce the

word ‘because’ in everyday conversation.

The word ‘because’ has a couple of different
pronunciations. It can either have the AW

vowel or the UH vowel in the second syllable.
But let’s start at the beginning. The first

syllable is unstressed: be-, be- because.
It begins with the B consonant sound, then

the ‘ih’ as in ‘sit’ vowel. The second syllable,
stressed, which will be higher in pitch and

longer than the first, begins with the K consonant
sound. Then either the AW or the UH vowel,

and finally, the Z sound. Now this is important,
it’s written with an S, so some people tend

to pronounce it as an ‘S’. But it is a Z sound,
so it does need to be voiced: because, zz,

zz, zz. It will be a very quick final consonant,
but it does have to have the vocal cords engaged.

Because is a conjunction, which makes it a
function word. And function words are generally

the words that will be unstressed in a sentence.
Sometimes unstressed words will be reduced.

And the word ‘because’ can reduce to simply
‘cuz, ‘cuz. So the unstressed syllable will

get dropped altogether, and the vowel will
most likely change to simply the schwa. Cuz,

cuz, cuz. In my opinion, it’s not appropriate
in written communication to write ‘because’

as ‘cuz’. But in spoken English, it’s certainly
acceptable to reduce the word ‘because’ to

‘cuz’ in everyday conversation.

As always, when you reduce a word, make sure
that you link it to the words that come around

it. So, with the word ‘because’, if we reduce
it to ‘cuz’, ‘cuz’, we want to make sure to

take that final Z sound and link it up to
the next word. Let’s look at some examples.

I missed the train because I overslept. Because
I, because I, because I overslept. Or, I missed

the train ‘cuz I overslept. cuz_I, cuz_I,
‘cuz I overslept. Why are you leaving? Because

I’m tired. Because, because, because I’m tired.
Or, ‘cuz I’m tired, cuz_I, cuz_I, ‘cuz I’m

tired. I can’t go because my mom’s in town.
Because, because, I can’t go because my mom’s

in town. Or, I can’t go ‘cuz my mom’s in town,
cuz_my, cuz_my, cuz_my, I can’t go ‘cuz my

mom’s in town. I made chicken because I know
you hate fish. Because I, because I. Or, I

made chicken ‘cuz I know you hate fish. Cuz_I,
cuz_I. My assignment is late because my computer

crashed. Because, because. My assignment is
late because my computer crashed. Or, my assignment

is late ‘cuz my computer crashed, cuz_my,
cuz_my, cuz_my, ‘cuz my computer crashed.

So, don’t be afraid to reduce because to ‘cuz,
‘cuz. Just make sure you link it to the next word.

That’s it, and thanks so much
for using Rachel’s English.

I’d like to take moment for a quick plug for
a new course I’m developing. It’s going to

be an 8-week conversation course that runs
in April and May of 2012. It will bring together

videos, audio clips, and exercise PDFs that
I’ve made for my private students. So, I’ll

be pulling in the topics that I find I work
on the most with my students. Each week is

structured with certain topics. There will
be a lot of drilling practice, and also opportunity

for you to record yourself and upload it for
my comment. There will also be group projects,

where you’ll be engaging in conversation with
one another. Because this is my first time

running such a course, I am offering it at
a discount, and I’m also limiting the number

of students to 30. So visit my website for
more information, and do consider signing

up. I really think it will take you a long
way in your pronunciation practice.



发音。 它可以

在第二个音节中有 AW 元音或 UH 元音。
但让我们从头开始。 第一个

音节不重读:be-, be- because。
它以 B 辅音开始,然后

是 ‘ih’,就像在 ‘sit’ 元音中一样。 第二个音节,

。 然后是 AW 或 UH 元音

,最后是 Z 音。 现在这很重要,
它是用 S 写的,所以有些人倾向于

将其发音为“S”。 但它是 Z 音,

zz,zz。 这将是一个非常快速的最终辅音,

虚词。 虚词一般


“cuz”,“cuz”。 因此,未重读的音节将

很可能会变成简单的 schwa。 因为,

因为,因为。 在我看来,

写成“cuz”是不合适的。 但是在英语口语中,在日常对话



。 因此,对于“因为”这个词,如果我们将

采用最后的 Z 音并将其链接
到下一个词。 让我们看一些例子。

我错过了火车,因为我睡过头了。 因为
我,因为我,因为我睡过头了。 或者,我错过

了火车,因为我睡过头了。 cuz_I, cuz_I,
‘因为我睡过头了。 你为什么要离开?

因为我累了。 因为,因为,因为我累了。

累了。 我不能去,因为我妈妈在城里。

在城里。 或者,我不能去,因为我妈妈在城里,

妈妈在城里。 我做鸡肉是因为我知道
你讨厌鱼。 因为我,因为我。或者,我

做了鸡肉,因为我知道你讨厌鱼。 Cuz_I,
Cuz_I。 我的作业迟到了,因为我的电脑

死机了。 因为,因为。 我的作业
迟到了,因为我的电脑死机了。 或者,我的


‘cuz。 只要确保将其链接到下一个单词即可。

感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。

我正在开发的一门新课程。 这将

是一个为期 8 周的对话课程,
在 2012 年 4 月和 5 月运行。它将汇集

我为我的私人学生制作的视频、音频剪辑和练习 PDF。 所以,我



我评论。 还将有小组项目

。 因为这是我第一次


学生人数限制在 30 人以内。所以请访问我的网站了解

注册。 我真的认为这会让