How to Pronounce the Word SOMETHING American English

This video is by request, from one of my Facebook
fans, Renata. The subject: how to pronounce

the word ‘something’.

This word is mispronounced by a lot of non-native
speakers. One of the things that makes it

tough is the TH sound. So in this video, we’re
going to break it down step by step, first

talking about the sounds, then talking about

The first sound is the S consonant sound.
Teeth are together, ss, ss, ss, to make that

unvoiced sound. Then the first vowel is the
‘uh’ as in ‘butter’ sound, so there’s a very

relaxed drop of the jaw, so-, so-, so-, and
the tongue remains very relaxed. Some– then

the lips have to come together to make the
M sound. Some. If your lips don’t come together,

you’re probably making the NG sound, a common
substitution. Sung, sung. So make sure they

do come together to get the M. Some, some,

Next is the tough part: the TH sound. It’s
unvoiced. Someth–. So the lips part, and

just the very tip of the tongue comes out.
Th, th, th. And we let air pass through there,

with no voice underneath it. The next sound
is the IH as in SIT vowel. Now, when this

sound is followed by the NG consonant, it
does tend to go a little bit more towards

the EE as in SHE vowel. Somethi–. So the
tongue tip is now down, but the front part

of the tongue is raising towards the roof
of the mouth. Something. And finally, the

NG consonant, where the back part of the tongue
will reach up and touch the soft palate here.

Something, something.

So now, stress. If you’ve noticed, something,
stress is on the first syllable. Something,

-thing, -thing. So, the second syllable, -thing,
-thing, will be flatter, lower in pitch, and

a little quieter. The first syllable will
have more shape to it. Something, something.

Ok, so now you understand how to pronounce
the word. How to integrate it into conversation?

Well, just the knowledge is never going to
be enough. You have to drill it repetitiously

to bring it into your habit. So, start out
slowly. Never do it so fast that you’re no

longer doing it the correct way. Something.
Take your time to make sure that your tongue

is coming through the teeth for that unvoiced
TH sound. Something. Eventually, when you’re

comfortable with that, you can speed it up,
slowly, until you get it to a normal conversational

pace. I can’t stress enough the importance
of repetition. It’s the only way to make it

habit. That’s it, and thanks so much for using
Rachel’s English.

该视频是我的一位 Facebook 粉丝 Renata 应要求提供的
。 主题:如何发音


母语人士误读。 使其变得

困难的一件事是 TH 声音。 所以在这个视频中,我们



发出清音。 然后第一个元音是
‘uh’,就像在 ‘butter’ 音中一样,所以

,舌头保持非常放松。 有些——

M 音。 一些。 如果你的嘴唇没有合拢,

你可能会发出 NG 声音,这是一种常见的
替代。 唱,唱。 因此,请确保他们

确实走到一起来获得 M。一些,一些,

接下来是困难的部分:TH 声音。 是
无声的。 某事——。 所以嘴唇张开,

日,日,日。 我们让空气从那里通过,

下面没有声音。 下一个声音
是 SIT 元音中的 IH。 现在,当这个

声音后面跟着 NG 辅音时,它

EE,就像在 SHE 元音中一样。 某事——。 所以

的。 某物。 最后是

NG 辅音,舌头后部


所以现在,压力。 如果你注意到了,
重音在第一个音节上。 东西,

东西,东西。 所以,第二个音节,-thing,

更安静一些。 第一个音节将
有更多的形状。 某事,某事。

这个词了。 如何将其融入对话中?

永远不够的。 您必须反复练习

才能将其养成习惯。 所以,慢慢开始吧
。 永远不要做得太快以至于你

不再以正确的方式做。 某物。

发出清音。 某物。 最终,当您


速度。 我怎么强调重复的重要性都不
为过。 这是养成习惯的唯一方法

。 就是这样,非常感谢您使用
Rachel 的英语。